blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 20th June 2020 - Pope Francis adds three new invocations to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary --- 20 ta' Ġunju 2020 - Il-Papa Franġisku jżid tliet invokazzjonijiet ġodda fil-Litanija

Monday, June 22, 2020

20th June 2020 - Pope Francis adds three new invocations to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary --- 20 ta' Ġunju 2020 - Il-Papa Franġisku jżid tliet invokazzjonijiet ġodda fil-Litanija

20 ta' Ġunju 2020 - Il-Papa Franġisku jżid tliet invokazzjonijiet ġodda fil-Litanija

“Mater misericordiæ”, il-Latin għal “Omm tal-ħniena”; “Mater spei”, jew “Omm it-tama”; u “Solacium migrantium”, jew “Faraġ tal-migranti” huma l-invokazzjonijiet ġodda lill-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija fil-Litanija Lawretana, li spiss tingħad fi tmiem ir-Rużarju. 

Skont id-direttivi, l-invokazzjoni “Omm tal-ħniena” għandha tiddaħħal wara “Omm il-Knisja”, “Omm it-tama” wara “Omm tal-grazzja ta’ Alla”, u “Faraġ tal-migranti” wara “Kenn tal-midinbin”.

Iż-żieda li l-Papa Franġisku għadu kemm għamel lil-Litanija Lawretana ġiet ippromulgata mill-Kongregazzjoni għall-Kult Divin u d-Dixxiplina tas-Sagramenti nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Ġunju 2020, fl-istess jum tal-Festa tal-Qalb bla Tebgħa ta’ Marija.

F’ittra lill-Presidenti tal-Konferenzi tal-Isqfijiet mad-dinja kollha, il-Kardinal Robert Sarah, il-Prefett tal-Kongregazzjoni, u s-Segretarju tagħha, l-Arċisqof Arthur Roche, jgħidu li mal-medda tas-sekli, l-Insara ilhom jużaw għadd bla tarf ta’ invokazzjonijiet u titli biex bihom isejħu lill-Verġni Marija, “bħala t-triq ipprivileġġjata u żgura għal-laqgħa ma’ Kristu”.

Tweġiba għall-ħtiġijiet ta’ żmienna

Huma jgħidu li “f’rabta ma’ żminijietna, immarkati minn sentimenti ta’ inċertezza u biża’, il-Poplu ta’ Alla jirrikorri b’qima għandha, kollu mħabba u fiduċja”.

“Wara li għarbel dan is-sentimenti u laqa’ x-xewqat espressi”, spjegat il-Kongregazzjoni, “il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Franġisku jixtieq jipprovdi li fil-formularju tal-Litanija tal-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija, imsejħa l-‘Litanija Lawretana’, jiddaħħlu l-invokazzjonijiet ‘Mater misericordiæ’, ‘Mater spei’ u ‘Solacium migrantium’”.

Skont id-direttivi, l-invokazzjoni “Omm tal-ħniena” għandha tiddaħħal wara “Omm il-Knisja”, “Omm it-tama” wara “Omm tal-grazzja ta’ Alla”, u “Faraġ tal-migranti” wara “Kenn tal-midinbin”.

F’intervista, l-Arċisqof Roche spjega li dawn l-invokazzjonijiet “iwieġbu għar-realtajiet taż-żminijiet li qed ngħixu fihom”. Ħafna nies mad-dinja kollha jħossuhom imġarrba b’ħafna modi, mhux biss minħabba l-pandemija tal-Covid-19, imma anki għax imġiegħla jħallu djarhom minħabba faqar, ġlied u raġunijiet oħra, u għalhekk jersqu jitolbu f’riġlejn il-Verġni Mbierka.

L-invokazzjonijiet mhumiex ġodda

L-Arċisqof Roche qal li l-Papa ried iwieġeb għal dan il-mument billi jinkludi dawn l-invokazzjonijiet. L-Arċisqof innota li dawn l-invokazzjonijiet mhumiex ġodda għax huma parti mit-tradizzjoni tal-Knisja li tmur lura sekli sħaħ, bħalma hi t-talba-innu, “Sliem għalik, Sultana, Omm tal-ħniena, tama tagħna…”.

“Dawn l-invokazzjonijiet kollha”, qal, “tqiegħdu fil-Litanija Lawretana, li hi għal qalb tant nies mad-dinja kollha. Issa din qed twieġeb għal bżonn veru li d-dinja tagħna llum għandha tal-għajnuna tal-Verġni Mbierka”.

X’inhi l-Litanija Lawretana?

Il-Litanija Lawretana tieħu isimha mis-Santwarju Marjan ta’ Loreto fl-Italja, fejn jingħad li kienet ilha tintuża sa mill-1531. Ġiet approvata uffiċjalment fl-1587 mill-Papa Sistu V, li neħħa l-litaniji Marjani l-oħra kollha li kienu jintużaw pubblikament. Il-Litanija Lawretana hi l-unika Litanija Marjana approvata. Imma, ħafna litaniji Marjani oħra kienu u għadhom jintużaw, imma huma mmirati għad-devozzjoni privata, kif jidher, ngħidu aħna, fl-hekk imsejħa Officia Mariana.

Mal-medda tas-sekli, tal-inqas ġew miżjuda 7 invokazzjonijiet ġodda. San Ġwanni Pawlu II żied “Omm il-Knisja” fl-1980, u “Sultana tal-familji” fl-1995. Il-Papa Franġisku issa żied tlieta oħra.

Jeżistu wkoll litaniji oħra, bħal tal-Qaddisin, tal-Ismijiet ta’ Ġesù, tal-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesù, ta’ San Ġużepp (1909), tad-Demm Imqaddes u anki tal-Ħniena Divina.

Rapport għal Laikos minn Francesco Pio Attard



 20th June 2020 - Pope adds three new invocations to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

“Mater misericordiae”, the Latin for “Mother of mercy”; "Mater spei", or “Mother of hope”; and “Solacium migrantium", or “Solace of migrants” are the new invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Litany of Loreto, which is often recited at the end of the Rosary. 

According to directions, the invocation, “Mother of mercy” is to be inserted after “Mother of the Church”, "Mother of hope” after “Mother of Divine Grace” and “Solace of migrants” after “Refuge of sinners”. 

The Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompei, Italy.

By Vatican News
The addition that Pope Francis has made to the Litany of Loreto, was made public by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, on Saturday.  It was timed for the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, June 20.
In a letter to the presidents of bishops’ conferences worldwide, Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation, and its Secretary, Archbishop Arthur Roche, note that through the course of centuries, Christians have been using innumerable invocations and titles to call upon the Virgin Mary, “as the privileged and sure way to an encounter with Christ”.

Responding to the needs of our time

“Referring to the present times, marked by feelings of uncertainty and trepidation, the People of God,” they say, “devoutly recourse to her, full of affection and trust.”
“Discerning this sentiment and welcoming the desires expressed,” the Congregation explains, “the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, wishes to provide that in the formulary of the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called ‘The Litany of Loreto’, the invocations ‘Mater misericordiæ’, ‘Mater spei’ and ‘Solacium migrantium’ should be inserted.”
According to directions, the invocation, “Mother of mercy” is to be inserted after “Mother of the Church”, "Mother of hope” after “Mother of Divine Grace” and “Solace of migrants” after “Refuge of sinners”. 
In an interview, Archbishop Roche explained that these invocations “respond to the realities of the time that we are living”.  Speaking to Vatican News, he said that many people across the world who are afflicted in many ways, not only by the Covid-19 pandemic, but also forced from their homes because of poverty, conflict and other reasons, are invoking Our Lady. 

Invocations not new

Archbishop Roche said that the Holy Father wanted to respond to this moment by including these invocations.  The archbishop pointed out that these invocations are not new because they are part of the tradition of the Church that go back many centuries, such as the prayer and hymn, “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, Hail our hope…”. 
“All these invocations,” he said, “have been put into the Litany of Loreto, which is beloved by people throughout the world.”  “It is now responding to a real need that there is in our world today for the assistance of Our Blessed Lady.”

What is the Litany of Loreto?

The Litany of Loreto takes its name from the Marian shrine of Loreto in Italy, where it is believed to have been used as far back as 1531.  It was officially approved in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V, who suppressed all other Marian litanies used publicly.  The Litany of Loreto is the only approved Marian litany.  However, many more Marian litanies were and are in use, but are designated for private devotion, as is evident, for example, in the so-called Officia Mariana
Through the centuries at least 7 new invocations to Mary were added.  Saint Pope John Paul II added “Mother of the Church” in 1980, and “Queen of families” in 1995.  Pope Francis has now added three more.
There are also other litanies such as of Saints, of the Names of Jesus, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Saint Joseph (1909), of the Precious Blood and also of Divine Mercy.


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