Mary, Mother of the Church:
New Memorial from 2018 dating back to Vatican II
The statue of Our Lady, Mother of the Church at Dar tal-Kleru - the residence for elderly and sick priests - at B'kara, Malta
Sena Liturġika 2018-2019 = pg 213
u tal-Liturġija tas-Sigħat
u Aġenda Ekkleżjastika
Mill-Martiroloġju Ruman
It-titlu tal-Imqaddsa Marija Omm il-Knisja kellu l-bidu tiegħu meta twieled minnha Kristu, ir-Ras tal-Knisja, u hija saret Omm il-Knisja qabel ma’ binha miet fuq is-Salib. San Pawlu VI, Papa, ikkonferma dan it-titlu tagħha solennement fid-diskors li kien għamel lill-Isqfijiet fil-Konċilju Vatikan II fil-21 ta’ Novembru 1964 u ordna li għandha “tingħata dan il-ġieħ billi tissejjaħ b’dan l-isem ħelu li anki llum jintuża mill-poplu nisrani kollu”.
New Marian feast must be celebrated beginning this year (2018)
The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has clarified that the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, must be celebrated by everyone, beginning this year.
A “Notification” from the Church’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has clarified that the new Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, must be celebrated in the Ordinary form of the Roman Rite beginning this year.
The new feast is to be observed on the Monday following Pentecost.
New feast to be preferred
The notification, signed by Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation, notes that an exception still exists, in accordance with the rubrics in the Roman Missal: “Where the Monday or Tuesday after Pentecost are days on which the faithful are obliged or accustomed to attend Mass, the Mass of Pentecost Sunday may be repeated, or a Mass of the Holy Spirit may be said.”
Nevertheless, the document insists, “all else being equal, the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church is to be preferred.”
Because Pentecost is a movable feast, tied to the celebration of Easter, it is possible that the new Memorial could coincide with another Memorial of a Saint or Blessed; and when this happens, the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, will take precedence.
History of the feast
The new feast was inserted into the Universal Calendar for the Latin Church earlier this year by Pope Francis, in a decree dated 11 February 2018 – the 160th anniversary of the apparition of Mary at Lourdes. Previously, permission to celebrate a feast of Mary had been extended to Poland and Argentina, as well as St Peter’s Basilica, and several Religious Orders and Congregations.
The title of “Mother of the Church” was famously bestowed on the Blessed Virgin Mary by Blessed Pope Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council. The understanding of Mary’s motherhood has developed in the decades following Vatican II, especially as the Church has reflected on the Council’s teaching about Mary in chapter 8 of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen gentium).
Below, please find the full text of the Notification from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
on the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
on the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Following the inscription of the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church into the Roman Calendar, which must already be celebrated by everyone this year on the Monday after Pentecost, it seemed opportune to offer the following directions.
The rubric found in the Roman Missal after the formularies for the Mass of Pentecost, “Where the Monday or Tuesday after Pentecost are days on which the faithful are obliged or accustomed to attend Mass, the Mass of Pentecost Sunday may be repeated, or a Mass of the Holy Spirit, may be said” (Missale Romanum, p. 448), is still valid because it does not derogate precedence between liturgical days whose celebration are solely regulated by the Table of Liturgical Days (cf. Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, n. 59). Likewise, precedence is regulated by the norms on Votive Masses: “Votive Masses are in principle forbidden on the days on which there occurs an Obligatory Memorial, on a weekday of Advent up to and including 16 December, on a weekday of Christmas Time from 2 January, or on a weekday of Easter Time after the Octave of Easter. However, for pastoral reasons, as determined by the rector of the church or the Priest Celebrant himself, an appropriately corresponding Votive Mass may be used in a celebration of Mass with the people” (Missale Romanum, p.1156; cf. General Instruction of the Roman Missal, n. 376).
Nevertheless, all else being equal, the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church is to be preferred. The texts of the Memorial were attached to the Decree along with indications for the readings, which are to be held as proper because they illuminate the mystery of Spiritual Motherhood. In a future edition of the Ordo lectionum Missæ the rubric at n. 572 bis will expressly indicate that the readings are proper and, even though it is a Memorial, are to be adopted in place of the readings of the day, (cf. Lectionary, General Introduction, n. 83).
In the case where this Memorial coincides with another Memorial the principles of the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and Calendar are to be followed (cf. Table of Liturgical Days, n. 60). Given that the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church is linked to Pentecost, as the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary is similarly linked to the celebration of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, then, in the case where it coincides with another Memorial of a Saint or Blessed, and following the liturgical tradition of pre-eminence amongst persons, the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary is to prevail.
From the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 24 March 2018.
Pope institutes new celebration of Mary, Mother of Church
Pope Francis inserts the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, into the Roman Calendar on the Monday following Pentecost Sunday.
Cardinal Sarah: ‘New Marian memorial aid to Christian life’
The newly-instituted Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, will help Christians plant their lives on the Cross, the Eucharist, and the Mother of God, according to Cardinal Robert Sarah.

Jn 19:25-34 -- "Behold your son. Behold your mother - Hawn hu Ibnek, hemm hi ommok."
Il-Festa ta’ Marija Omm il-Knisja
Hawn hu Ibnek, hemm hi ommok.
Ġw 19, 25-34
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
F’dak iż-żmien [Ġw:19:25] kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib ta' Ġesù ommu, oħt ommu, Marija ta' Kleofa, u Marija ta' Magdala. [Ġw:19:26] Mela kif Ġesù lemaħ lil ommu u lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb wieqaf ħdejha, qal lil ommu: "Mara, hawn hu ibnek."
[Ġw:19:27] Imbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Hawn hi ommok." U minn dak il-ħin id-dixxiplu ħadha għandu. [Ġw:19:28] Wara dan, Ġesù, billi issa kien jaf li kollox kien mitmum, biex isseħħ l-Iskrittura qal: "Għandi l-għatx!" [Ġw:19:29] Kien hemm bieqja mimlija bil-ħall; huma xarrbu sponża bil-ħall, waħħluha ma' qasba ta' l-issopu, u ressquhielu lejn ħalqu. [Ġw:19:30] Kif Ġesù ħa l-ħall, qal: "Kollox hu mitmum!" Mbagħad mejjel rasu u radd ruħu. [Ġw:19:31] Billi kien Jum it-Tħejjija ta' l-Għid, il-Lhud ma ridux li f'jum is-Sibt l-iġsma jibqgħu fuq is-salib, għax dak is-Sibt kien jum solenni għalihom. Talbu mela lil Pilatu biex jiksrulhom riġlejhom u jneħħu l-iġsma. [Ġw:19:32] Għalhekk ġew is-suldati u kisru r-riġlejn ta' l-ewwel u tat-tieni wieħed li kienu msallbin miegħu. [Ġw:19:33] Iżda meta waslu għal Ġesù, billi raw li kien ġa mejjet, ma kisrulux riġlejh. [Ġw:19:34] Madankollu wieħed mis-suldati nifidlu ġenbu b'lanza, u minnufih ħareġ demm u ilma.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu
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Pope Francis at Santa Marta: “Without the woman, the Church does not advance” - Published on 21 May 2018
Ġw 19, 25-34
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann
F’dak iż-żmien [Ġw:19:25] kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib ta' Ġesù ommu, oħt ommu, Marija ta' Kleofa, u Marija ta' Magdala. [Ġw:19:26] Mela kif Ġesù lemaħ lil ommu u lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb wieqaf ħdejha, qal lil ommu: "Mara, hawn hu ibnek."
[Ġw:19:27] Imbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Hawn hi ommok." U minn dak il-ħin id-dixxiplu ħadha għandu. [Ġw:19:28] Wara dan, Ġesù, billi issa kien jaf li kollox kien mitmum, biex isseħħ l-Iskrittura qal: "Għandi l-għatx!" [Ġw:19:29] Kien hemm bieqja mimlija bil-ħall; huma xarrbu sponża bil-ħall, waħħluha ma' qasba ta' l-issopu, u ressquhielu lejn ħalqu. [Ġw:19:30] Kif Ġesù ħa l-ħall, qal: "Kollox hu mitmum!" Mbagħad mejjel rasu u radd ruħu. [Ġw:19:31] Billi kien Jum it-Tħejjija ta' l-Għid, il-Lhud ma ridux li f'jum is-Sibt l-iġsma jibqgħu fuq is-salib, għax dak is-Sibt kien jum solenni għalihom. Talbu mela lil Pilatu biex jiksrulhom riġlejhom u jneħħu l-iġsma. [Ġw:19:32] Għalhekk ġew is-suldati u kisru r-riġlejn ta' l-ewwel u tat-tieni wieħed li kienu msallbin miegħu. [Ġw:19:33] Iżda meta waslu għal Ġesù, billi raw li kien ġa mejjet, ma kisrulux riġlejh. [Ġw:19:34] Madankollu wieħed mis-suldati nifidlu ġenbu b'lanza, u minnufih ħareġ demm u ilma.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu
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L-Isqof Joe Galea Curmi fuq t-Talba tal-Papa Franġisku lil Marija Omm il Knisja - mill-Enċiklika ta' Papa Franġisku - LUMEN FIDEI (ID-DAWL TAL-FIDI) Marija, Omm il-Knisja u Omm il-Fidi
Għin, ja Omm, il-fidi tagħna!
Iftħilna s-smigħ tagħna għall-Kelma, biex nagħrfu l-leħen ta’ Alla u s-sejħa tiegħu.
Qajjem fina x-xewqa li nimxu warajh, aħna u ħerġin minn artna u nilqgħu l-wegħda tiegħu.
Għinna biex inħallu mħabbtu tmissna, biex inkunu nistgħu mmissuh bil-fidi.
Għinna nafdaw fih bis-sħiħ, nemmnu f’imħabbtu, fuq kollox fil-waqtiet tat-tribulazzjoni u s-salib, meta l-fidi tagħna tissejjaħ biex timmatura.
Iżra’ fil-fidi tagħna l-hena tal-Irxoxt.
Fakkarna li min jemmen qatt mhu waħdu.
Għallimna nħarsu b’għajnejn Ġesù, biex hu jkun dawl fil-mixja tagħna. U dan id-dawl tal-fidi ħa jikber dejjem fina, sa ma jasal dak il-jum bla tmiem, li hu l-istess Kristu, Ibnek, Sidna!
Pope Francis at Santa Marta: “Without the woman, the Church does not advance” - Published on 21 May 2018