blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 20 February - World Day of Social Justice --- & --- Let us retrace the strong pronouncements of Pope Francis on the world of work ---

Thursday, February 22, 2018

20 February - World Day of Social Justice --- & --- Let us retrace the strong pronouncements of Pope Francis on the world of work ---

20 February - World Day of Social Justice


In today's World Day of Social Justice, organized by the UN, on the theme: "Workers in movement: the search for social justice", let us retrace the strong pronouncements of Pope Francis on the world of work.


Nell'odierna Giornata mondiale della giustizia sociale, indetta dall'Onu, sul tema: “Lavoratori in movimento: la ricerca della giustizia sociale", ripercorriamo i forti pronunciamenti di Papa Francesco sul mondo del lavoro.

Giornata giustizia sociale: le parole del Papa sul lavoro 2018-02-20 - Published on Feb 20, 2018
--- Let us retrace the strong pronouncements of Pope Francis on the world of work ---
