blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: Lk 4:24-30 -- Monday, 3rd wk in Lent - Homily: Curing of Naaman ... Stronger Than Fear...

Monday, March 04, 2013

Lk 4:24-30 -- Monday, 3rd wk in Lent - Homily: Curing of Naaman ... Stronger Than Fear...

Lk 4:24-30 -- Jesus Rejected at Nazareth - In-nies ta' Nazaret ma jilqgħux lil Ġesù 

[Lq:4:24] U żied jgħidilhom: "Tassew, ngħidilkom, ebda profeta ma jilqgħuh tajjeb f'pajjiżu. [Lq:4:25] Għax, ngħidilkom is-sewwa, kien hemm bosta romol f'Iżrael fi żmien Elija meta s-sema baqa' tliet snin u sitt xhur magħluq u waqa' ġuħ kbir fil-pajjiż kollu; [Lq:4:26] madankollu għand ħadd minnhom ma ntbagħat Elija, imma għand waħda armla minn Sarefta ta' Sidon. [Lq:4:27] U kien hemm bosta lebbrużi f'Iżrael fi żmien il-profeta Eliżew, imma ħadd minnhom ma ġie mfejjaq ħlief Nagħman tas-Sirja." [Lq:4:28] Meta semgħu dan fis-sinagoga kulħadd imtela bil-korla; [Lq:4:29] qamu, u ħarġuh 'il barra mill-belt, ħaduh fuq xifer ta' rdum ta' l-għolja li fuqha kienet mibnija l-belt tagħhom, u riedu jixħtuh minn hemm fuq għal isfel. [Lq:4:30] Iżda hu għadda minn ġo nofshom u baqa' sejjer.
Fr. Elias on the curing of Naaman and how it has many of the necessary elements for the reception of the graces of faith and healing, namely charity and humility, both of which are also graces. This points to how the gentiles are included in the blessings that Israel had received, who were rigidly holding onto them in an exclusive way that lacked humility. This was dramatically demonstrated in today's Gospel in Jesus' own home town, Nazareth, where they try to throw him from the precipice.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday 3rd Week of Lent - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: 2ki 5:1-15
Resp: psa 42:2, 3, 43:3, 4
Gsp: luk 4:24-30

uCatholic Lent - Stronger Than Fear  
