blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: Ġeremija poġġa t-Tinda, l-Arka u l-Altar ġewwa għar - 2 Makkabbin 2: 4-8, 17-18

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ġeremija poġġa t-Tinda, l-Arka u l-Altar ġewwa għar - 2 Makkabbin 2: 4-8, 17-18

Ġeremija poġġa t-Tinda, l-Arka u l-Altar ġewwa għar - 2 Makkabbin 2: 4-8, 17-18

(2Mak:2:4) "Barra dan, kien hemm miktub f'dan id-dokument li l-profeta, mqanqal minn rivelazzjoni, ordna li t-tinda u l-arka jmorru warajh, u li hu ħareġ għal fuq l-għolja, fejn kien tela' Mosè biex jara l-wirt ta' Alla. (2Mak:2:5) Malli wasal hemm fuq, Ġeremija sab dar għamla ta' għar, u fiha ħeba t-tinda, l-arka u l-altar ta' l-inċens u għalaq id-daħla. (2Mak:2:6) Xi wħud minn dawk li kienu miegħu ppruvaw jimmarkaw it-triq iżda ma setgħux isibuha. (2Mak:2:7) Malli sar jaf, Ġeremija ċanfarhom u qalilhom: 'Il-post ma jkun jaf bih ħadd sa ma Alla jiġbor il-poplu u jħenn għalih. (2Mak:2:8) Mbagħad il-Mulej jerġa' juri dawn il-ħwejjeġ, tidher il-glorja tal-Mulej u s-sħaba, kif kienet tidher fi żmien Mosè u bħal meta Salamun kien talab biex il-post ikun ikkonsagrat bis-solennità kollha.'
(2Mak:2:17) Alla kien li salva l-poplu kollu tiegħu, u ta lura l-wirt lil kulħadd u s-saltna u s-saċerdozju u l-konsagrazzjoni, (2Mak:2:18) bħalma wiegħed fil-Liġi. Aħna nittamaw f'Alla li mill-aktar fis għad iħenn għalina u jiġborna minn kull pajjiż taħt is-sema fil-post qaddis, għax hu ħelisna minn ħsarat kbar u naddaf it-tempju."

2 Maccabees - Chapter 2, 4-8 and 17-18
'The same document also describes how the prophet, warned by an oracle, gave orders for the tent and the ark to go with him, when he ...set out for the mountain which Moses had climbed to survey God's heritage.
On his arrival, Jeremiah found a cave-dwelling, into which he put the tent, the ark and the altar of incense, afterwards blocking up the entrance.
Some of his companions went back later to mark out the path but were unable to find it.
When Jeremiah learned this, he reproached them, "The place is to remain unknown", he said, "until God gathers his people together again and shows them his mercy.
Then the Lord will bring these things once more to light, and the glory of the Lord will be seen, and so will the cloud, as it was revealed in the time of Moses and when Solomon prayed that the holy place might be gloriously hallowed."
God, who has saved his whole people, conferring heritage, kingdom, priesthood and sanctification on all of us, as he has promised in the Law, will surely, as our hope is in him, be swift to show us mercy and gather us together from everywhere under heaven to the holy place, since he has rescued us from great evils and has purified it.
