The Church in Malta - Archdiocese of Malta
28 Aug 2010
The Church considers it a duty before God and a service to the nation to proclaim what it believes on many topics, including Marriage and the Family. This Pastoral Note is meant to convey the position of the Catholic Church for those who look towards the Church for direction. Through it, the Church also wants to share its outlook with Maltese Society at large.
The Church has always spoken about the beauty and importance of marriage, the basis of the family as a fundamental gift from God. This is valid for marriage as a sacrament as well as for marriage as a natural institution.
The Church bases its faith on marriage especially on the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “Have you not read that the Creator from the beginning ‘made them male and female’, and that he said ‘This is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes attached to his wife, and the two become one flesh?’ They are no longer two, therefore, but one flesh. So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide’ (Mt 19, 4-6: The New Jerusalem Bible translation).
This Christian heritage which we have received through the Catholic Church has helped most families throughout the centuries to be reared in stable marriages, even in times of poverty and emigration. Even today, in their desire to form a family, most spouses still look towards entering into a stable marriage. Thank God most spouses in Malta still live faithfully this commitment. But now, unfortunately, we are confronted with an increasing number of marriage breakdowns. Each breakdown of a marriage brings much suffering, to the spouses themselves, to their immediate relatives, but especially to children. It is a challenge which the Church and Maltese society at large have to confront.
The Church has helped couples in preparing for marriage, and has sustained them throughout. It has also offered its help when marriages break down. For decades it has provided services, and still does, for couples with problems. It has also provided shelter for children and young people, and victims of violence in the home. It is convinced that only by investing in more stable marriages will this suffering decrease. The Church promotes marriage and defends it because ultimately this will result in fewer breakdowns. How can one now expect that it will not be speaking out for preventive measures by promoting and defending the stability of marriage? This is the reason why it always produces statistics and studies which prove that society suffers both in human terms and financially from the introduction of divorce.
The Church is committed to convey these values: for its members who seek its direction, and for many others in society who would like to hear alternative views so as to be able to make a better enlightened choice as responsible citizens. In a pluralistic society there should never be just one opinion voiced and it is a disservice to democracy to try to silence other points of view! As there are those who promote divorce in a pluralistic society, the Church’s mission is to promote the stability of marriage, insisting on the moment of consent as the focal point of one’s commitment. In divorce there is a shift from this focal point towards each moment which is presented as giving the spouse a potential right to consider his/her consent and commitment thus ending one’s marriage (see Catechism of the Catholic Church nn. 1650 – 1; 2382-6).
The Church always seeks to make its members ever more aware and willing to carry also personally the responsibility of promoting Christian values in society. This includes stability in marriage. It also urges its members to choose marriage as a value: promoting and defending it. In this way they will be in conformity with what they believe in.
Each and every member of the Church is committed to fulfill the values of the Kingdom of God. They should realise that they are responsible to promote and defend the dignity of each person, justice in society, the environment. How can one reason that each member of the Church is not also responsible for the plan of God on marriage and the family?
Every Christian is accountable before the Lord for his/her every action. We as Bishops have spoken on many occasions about the accountability of every person even in this matter. It should be a great privilege for every committed member of the Church to say before the Lord that he/she has done his part in promoting and defending these values that Jesus insisted so much upon in His teachings.
We urge committed members of the Church, both on a personal level, according to one’s state in life and responsibility in society, and in ecclesial groups, to contribute and to contribute positively to this debate. They will be doing a service not only to the Church but to the whole of Maltese society. We ask everybody who contributes to this debate not to distort the love for each person ingrained in the Christian message by embarking on some kind of crusade, even in the case of clear signs of provocation. A ‘crusade’ implies seeking a victory over the other person of different belief and opinion, by whatever means. Spreading the Good News must never be just a reaction. It implies respecting even those who do not agree with us to a point that one wants in love and humility to share one’s convictions with them without fear, but in convincing love.
Pope Benedict has given us a mission to perform. At the welcoming ceremony, on his arrival to Malta, he told us: “Your nation should continue to stand up for the indissolubility of marriage as a natural institution as well as a sacramental one, and for the true nature of the family, just as it does for the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, and for the proper respect owed to religious freedom in ways that bring authentic integral development to individuals and society.” May his words encourage us to carry out this mission for our Maltese society!
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them [the Words of God] not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.... Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. - Proverbs 4:20-21, 23
[Prov:4:20] Ibni,
agħti widen għal kliemi,
iftaħ widnejk għal dak li ngħid jien.
Tħallihomx iwarrbu minn quddiemu għajnejk,
żommhom fil-qiegħ ta' qalbek.
[Prov:4:23] Ħares
lil qalbek bir-reqqa kollha,
għax minnha ġejja l-ħajja.
So many people walk around saying things like, "Well, I'm just so tired...I'm so weak...Things are looking so bad." Then suddenly, they think they're going to jerk their faith out from under the table and raise the dead with it. Well, they're not going to do it because spiritual things don't work that way. Faith needs to be taken out from under the table, all right, but not to just use it to get out of a jam and then toss it aside again. Keep it in action every day so it can grow. According to Proverbs 4, God says you must keep His Word constantly in your ears and in your heart. He says to guard your heart diligently. To be diligent means to be "hard-working, industrious, persevering." Why do you have to be so diligent with the Word? Because the devil is diligent with his junk. He's constantly throwing fiery darts at you. He works diligently to make sure the world is surrounding you with fear and sickness and poverty and every other kind of garbage he can use to destroy you. But you can protect your spirit from those things by conditioning yourself to respond to every one of them with the Word of God. Change your routine, and make a decision right now to begin that spiritual conditioning. Start today and make speaking the Word part of your daily life. by Kenneth Copeland Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:1-7, 23
[Prov:15:1] Tweġiba ħelwa ttaffi l-korla,
kelma iebsa tqajjem l-għadab.
[Prov:15:2] Lsien l-għorrief ixerred it-tagħlim;
fomm il-boloh iferragħ il-bluha.
[Prov:15:3] Kullimkien iħarsu għajnejn il-Mulej,
jgħassu fuq il-ħżiena u fuq it-tajbin.
[Prov:15:4] Lsien ħelu bħal siġra tal-ħajja,
imma lsien ħażin imewwet il-qalb.
[Prov:15:5] L-iblah jistmell tagħlim missieru;
bil-għaqal hu min jaf jilqa' t-twiddib.
[Prov:15:6] F'dar il-ġust hemm ġid kbir,
imma qligħ l-inġust iġib l-għawġ.
[Prov:15:7] Xufftejn għorrief ixerrdu t-tagħlim;
minn qalb il-boloh joħroġ il-qerq.
[Prov:15:23] Jifraħ
min jaf jagħti tweġiba tajba;
kelma f'waqtha, kemm hi sabiħa!
Pursuit of His Presence -- Daily Devotional August 16, 2010
In every need let me come to You with humble trust, saying: Jesus, help me! In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations: Jesus, help me! In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials: Jesus, help me! In the failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrows: Jesus, help me! When others fail me, and Your Grace alone can assist me: Jesus, help me! When I throw myself on Your tender Love as a Father and Saviour: Jesus, help me! When my heart is cast down by failure, at seeing no good come from my efforts: Jesus, help me! When I feel impatient, and my cross irritates me: Jesus help me! When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely: Jesus, help me! Always, always, in spite of weakness, falls, and shortcomings of every kind: Jesus, help me and never forsake me.
Ma' Gesù qatt ma jien wahdi...WITH JESUS I AM NEVER ALONE
The Month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The physical
heart of Mary is venerated (and not adored as the Sacred Heart of Jesus is)
because it is united to her person and is the seat of her love (especially for
her divine Son), virtue, and inner life. Such devotion is an incentive to a
similar love and virtue.
O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially ...(special intention).
We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help all of us, Holy Mother, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever.
Aug 2 - The Feast of Portiuncula
At the foot of the mountain on which Assisi is situated, hermits from Palestine had built an oratory in the first centuries of the Christian era. This oratory together with a small plot of land was given to St. Benedict in the 6th century. The name Portiuncula, that is, Little Portion, is supposed to have been derived from the transfer of this small piece of property. The little church was called St. Mary of the Angels, and the inhabitants of Assisi went there frequently to pray. When St. Francis forsook the world, it was his first pious act to restore this sanctuary of the Queen of heaven, which had become somewhat dilapidated. Many extraordinary favors were granted to him in this little church. The Queen of heaven designated this place as the cradle of his order. Here, likewise, she implored for him the great indulgence by which the Portiuncula chapel became famous throughout Christendom. A special impulse led St. Francis on a certain night to go to the chapel. There he saw our Lord and His holy Mother surrounded by a great host of angels. Filled with astonishment and reverence, the saint prostrated himself upon the ground and adored the Divine Majesty. Then he heard the voice of our Lord urging him with ineffable tenderness to ask some special favor. Nothing was so near to the heart of Francis as the salvation of souls, and so, after a few moments of reflection, he asked for the grace of a full pardon for all who, being contrite and having confessed their sins, would visit this little sanctuary. Mary cast herself upon her knees before her Divine Son, and repeated the petition of her faithful servant. Thereupon the Lord said to Francis: "It is a great favor that you request, nevertheless it shall be granted to you. Go to my Vicar on earth, to whom I have given the power to bind and to loose, and ask him in My name to grant this indulgence." Forthwith Francis presented himself to Pope Honorius III, who, after having assured himself of the truth of the vision, granted his request, but with the restriction that the indulgence could be gained on one day of the year. The 2nd of August was the designated day, that being the anniversary of the little church's dedication. At the command of the pope and in the presence of 7 bishops, St. Francis preached the extraordinary indulgence at the Portiuncula before a great concourse of people. From that time the Portiuncula was annually the goal of innumerable pilgrims. Subsequently the indulgence was extended to every day of the year. A large basilica was built over the chapel, and so the little sanctuary of the Portiuncula has been preserved in its original condition. By virtue of their apostolic power the popes have extended this indulgence to all Franciscan churches, and under special conditions even to some other churches. They have also granted that the indulgence can be gained not only once, but as often as anyone, who has been to confession and to holy Communion, visits the appointed church on Portiuncula day and prays 6 Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glorys for the intention of the Holy Father. Besides, the indulgence can be applied to the holy souls in purgatory. ON THE PORTIUNCULA INDULGENCE It cannot be denied that this indulgence is one of the most precious favors that comes to us from the treasury of the divine mercy. Not only the Vicar of Christ but Christ Himself granted it at the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of Mercy. It is recorded that when the pope first granted his approval St. Francis departed without having obtained a written document as a testimonial. When his attention was drawn to the fact, St. Francis remarked: "God Himself will testify to this indulgence." Was that not actually verified by the great confidence of all Christians? One may well say of this indulgence what was said of the gracious condescension of our Lord in the Incarnation: "Through the heart of the mercy of our God, the Orient from on High has visited us unto the remission of sins." (Luke 1:78) Who would not use this day of grace well?
Consider how extraordinary are the graces of the Portiuncula indulgence. If we have contritely confessed our sins and gone to holy Communion, we can gain this indulgence as often as we visit the designated church and pray the 6 Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glorys for the intention of the pope. If we have gained the indulgence and leave the church, we can re-enter and gain it again. In the event that we have really gained the plenary indulgence so that there remains no further punishment to be remitted, we can help the holy souls each succeeding time if we apply the indulgence to them. How many souls may be waiting for this day, to be aided by your charity and mercy. Shall their trust in you be in vain? Consider that the effects of the Portiuncula indulgence depend on the disposition of him who sets out to gain it. It was the spirit of penance and of trust in God that made St. Francis worthy of obtaining this indulgence. His entire life was one continuous act of penance, and when this great grace was granted to him, our Lord and His Blessed Mother, and a great number of angels appeared to him: this increased his confidence still more. With a similar disposition of mind and heart you will assuredly share the benefit of the indulgence. Awaken in yourself the true spirit of penance and of great confidence, so that our Lord may also say to you: "Go, and as you have believed, so be it done to you." (Matt 8:13) PRAYER OF THE CHURCH O GOD, WHO DOST PERMIT US ANNUALLY TO CELEBRATE ANEW THE DEDICATION DAY OF THY TEMPLE, AND DOST GRANT THAT WE MAY ATTEND THE SACRED MYSTERIES IN GOOD HEALTH, HEAR THE PRAYERS OF THY PEOPLE AND GRANT THAT EVERYONE WHO ENTERS THIS CHURCH TO ASK GRACES FOR HIMSELF, MAY REJOICE IN THE COMPLETE ANSWER TO HIS PRAYERS. THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD. AMEN.
from THE FRANCISCAN BOOK OF SAINTS edited by Marion Habig, ofm Copyright 1959 Franciscan Herald Press Used with written permission from the publisher
PORTIUNCULA INDULGENCE “THE PARDON OF ASSISI” The Portiuncula Indulgence is also called the "Pardon of Assisi." It commemorates the indulgence obtained by Francis on the occasion of the official approval of his Rule from Pope Honorius III. The Holy Father approved the plenaryPortiuncula Indulgence for all pilgrims who would go and pray for the souls in Purgatory and recite an Our Father, the Apostles Creed, and another prayer such as the Hail Mary for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff.
The stipulation was that they had to kneel in the small stone chapel known asPortiuncula inside the cavernous Saint Mary of the Angels Basilica at the base of the hill below Assisi. There they would receive a Plenary Indulgence if performed between midday of August 1 through August 2. Needless to say, countless pilgrims swarm into Assisi during this day and a half period to merit theindulgence. Partly because of that, the Church has since extended thisindulgence to those who pray in other Franciscan churches and parish churches.
The indulgence is good once each day with the conditions being that the penitent must be in the state of grace after having made a good Confession and receive Holy Communion within a day and a half of visiting the eligible church or chapel. On the first of May in 1939 Pope Pius XII extended the privilege to any pastor, with his bishop's permission and approval, to apply to the Sacred Penitentiary to allow the Portiuncula Indulgence in their parish. Many have responded where today there are countless churches and chapels where one can receive this plenary indulgence.
(sources: Assisi Art and History in the Centuries, Edizioni Plurigraf;Catholic Almanac, Our Sunday Visitor, Publisher; Catholic Encyclopedia, Thomas Nelson Publishers).
The Portiuncula (small portion) refers to the land in Assisi, Italy, that belonged to the Benedictines.
On this land was an old church dedicated to the Virgin Mother of God but abandoned.
The great St. Francis had great devotion to the queen of the world and when he saw that the church was deserted, he began to live there constantly and repair it. He heard that the angels often visited it, so that it was called St. Mary of the Angels.
The Benedictines wanted to give Francis the church but in order to remain faithful to Lady Poverty, Francis rented it from them with the annual compensation of a basket of fish from the Tescio river. Here is where Francis began his service to Christ and His Church. Here Francis founded his Order, received Clare as his spiritual daughter, and where he died commending this spot above all others to the friars.
St. Francis had great love and compassion for everyone.
On a night of July, 1216, Francis was praying in the little church of the Portiuncula devoured by love for God and a thirst to save souls. He prayed for the forgiveness of sins of mankind. Suddenly a brilliant light shone all around. In great splendor Jesus and Mary appeared in the midst of a dazzling cloud surrounded by a multitude of radiant angels.
Out of fear and reverence, St. Francis adored Our Lord prostrate upon the ground.
Then Jesus said to him: “Francis you are very zealous for the good of souls. Ask me what you want for their salvation.” St. Francis was rapt in ecstasy before Jesus.
When he regained his courage he said:
"Lord, I a miserable sinner beg You to concede an indulgence to all those who enter this church, who are truly contrite and have confessed their sins. And I beg Blessed Mary, your Mother, intercessor of man, that she intercede on behalf of this grace."
Our Lady at once began to beseech her son on behalf of Francis. Jesus answered:
"It is a very great thing that which you ask Me; but you are worthy of even greater things, Friar Francis, and greater things you will have. So I accept your request, but I want you to go to my Vicar, to whom I have given the power to bind and loose in Heaven and on earth, to ask him on my behalf for this indulgence."
With one of his companions, Francis hastened to Pope Honorius III and prostrate implored him to proclaim that every one visiting the church and confessing their sins with a contrite heart would be as pure from all sin and punishments as he was immediately after baptism. The Pope granted this petition. This indulgence has been extended to all parish churches throughout the world.
The date was set from vespers of the first of August until sundown on the second of August, the
Feast of Our Lady of the Angels. It is said that St. Francis was given this day by Our Lord because the Feast of the Chains of St. Peter celebrated on August first is the day Peter was released from prison and his chains removed. This is an extraordinary demonstration of God’s mercy in removing the chains of sin from those who devoutly and faithfully seek to gain the indulgence by completing its requirements.
The conditions to obtain the Plenary Indulgence of the Forgiveness of Assisi is (for oneself or for a departed soul) as follows:
-- Sacramental Confession to be in God’s grace (during eight days before or after.)
-- Participation in the Holy Mass and Eucharist
-- Recitation of The Apostles Creed, Our Father and a prayer for the Pope’s Intention.
The Portiuncula Indulgence is a grace not to miss not only for yourself but for the many suffering souls in Purgatory.
Mark your calendar for the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels beginning on the First of August to August 2.
Tell everyone of the magnitude of this gift. Once again, we see the unfathomable Divine Mercy of God.
In the words of St. Francis: O my Brothers and Sisters, I want you all to go to Heaven!
THE PORTIUNCULA INDULGENCE: Our Lady Queen of the Angels by Diana Serra Cary
The origin of the Portiuncula Indulgence has been lost in the haze of centuries just as the origin of the chapel itself.
The first written document we have regarding this indulgence is dated October 31, 1277, some sixty years after the indulgence is said to have been granted. As a result, many different accounts have come down to us purporting to relate the vision of St. Francis and the way in which the Pope consented to grant this indulgence. Each author seems to relate a different version that St. Francis beheld. However, although the accounts differ in details, in substance they are the same. The one we present here is the one accepted by Jorgensen in his Life of St. Francis.
One time when Francis was kneeling in prayer before the image of Our Lady, he seemed to behold men and women from every corner of the world converging upon this obscure little chapel in the Umbrian forest. He had been praying for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind when suddenly the dark interior seemed illumined by the light of a million candles. Jesus and Mary appeared in the midst of a dazzling cloud of angels, and he heard a voice that fell like music on his soul, "What do you wish me to do to help poor sinners?" Francis hardly knew how to answer, but suddenly the words came tumbling out and he asked the Lord to grant a full pardon to all who came to visit the church of Portiuncula and made a good confession. It then seemed that Jesus was in favor of this. He turned smilingly to His Mother and she, in turn, nodded to St. Francis and smiled.
Typical of the saint's impetuosity and generosity of soul, he marched off to see the Pope and beg from him the coveted indulgence. The reigning Holy Father, Honorius III, was literally dumbfounded at the request to grant such a generous indulgence. At that time, the summer of 1216, plenary indulgences were rarely granted by the Church. The plenary indulgences that had been granted were given to those fighting men who took up the cross and the sword and went as crusaders to the Holy Land. Later, this hard won indulgence was extended to those who remained at home but helped the Crusaders in supplying men and alms.
Francis, however, was not to be refused. The Lord Himself had promised him, and the Roman Curia was bound to relent! The Pope finally yielded and left it to the astonished cardinals to limit the application of the new indulgence. The date set was from vespers of the first of August until sundown on the second. It is said that Francis chose this date because the feast of the Chains of St. Peter (his release from prison) is celebrated on the first of August, and Francis felt that sinners should also be freed from the chains of their sins on the day following this great feast. Furthermore, this date was the anniversary of the consecration of the Portiuncula chapel.
As Francis took his leave of the Holy Father, after obtaining the unprecedented privilege, the Pope is said to have asked if he did not wish some document to prove that his request had been officially granted. With characteristic Franciscan lightheartedness came the saint's reply: "I need nothing more than your word. Our Lady is the parchment, Christ the notary, and the angels our witnesses!"
When the first great August first arrived, seven bishops gathered in the little chapel of Our Lady of the Angels to dedicate it as "Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula." And St. Francis, overjoyed, cried out to the crowd that overflowed the narrow building, "I want to make all of you go to heaven!"
But at the time there seemed something almost scandalous in this indulgence, and conservative prelates did little to make it known. In St. Francis' own lifetime the Portiuncula Indulgence was enjoyed by comparatively few Christians. Travel and communications were slow, and not even such good news as a plenary indulgence could travel swiftly over the mud-choked trails that passed for roads in thirteenth-century Europe. Later, of course, the indulgence was extended to all Franciscan churches on August first and second.
This chapel was the saint's favorite spot on earth. It was here he heard the Gospel that caused him to establish his First Order, following the command of Christ to go into the world and preach and baptize all men, taking neither gold nor script nor an extra cloak for the journey. Here Francis received his first Brothers, and from here he sent them into the world. In this chapel, St. Clare knelt before the image of Our Lady of the Angels, and on the floor her golden tresses fell beneath the scissors plied by Francis himself. Indeed, Francis placed such a high value on this chapel, which he had rebuilt with his own hands, that he wrote a special rule just for "Portiuncula."
The "Portiuncula" of Our Lady of the Angels inside the Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels in Assisi, Italy
Assisi, city of forgiveness Pope Francis visited the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Pardon of Assisi. - Published on Aug 4, 2016
"Day With Mary" - 2 August 2014 - St Mary of the Angels: Our Mediatrix
Museo della Porziuncola
August 02 - Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula Reading: Galatians 4:3-7 The Magnificat Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 AUGUST 2 - PROPER GOSPEL on the Franciscan Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula Evanġelju "Sliem għalik, mimlija bil-grazzja, il-Mulej miegħek" Lq 1, 26-38 Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa [Lq:1:26] Fis-sitt xahar Alla bagħat l-anġlu Gabrijel f'belt tal-Galilija. jisimha Nazaret, [Lq:1:27] għand xebba, mgħarrsa ma' raġel jismu Ġużeppi mid-dar ta' David. Dix-xebba kien jisimha Marija. [Lq:1:28] L-anġlu daħal għandha u qalilha: "Sliem għalik, mimlija bil-grazzja, il-Mulej miegħek." [Lq:1:29] Hi tħawwdet ħafna għal dan il-kliem, u bdiet taħseb bejnha u bejn ruħha x'setgħet qatt tfisser din it-tislima. [Lq:1:30] Iżda l-anġlu qalilha: "Tibżax, Marija, għax inti sibt grazzja quddiem Alla. [Lq:1:31] Ara, inti se tnissel fil-ġuf u jkollok iben u ssemmih Ġesù. [Lq:1:32] Hu jkun kbir, u jkun jissejjaħ Bin l-Għoli. Il-Mulej Alla jagħtih it-tron ta' David missieru [Lq:1:33] u jsaltan għal dejjem fuq dar Ġakobb, u ma jkunx hemm tmiem għas-saltna tiegħu." [Lq:1:34] Iżda Marija qalet lill-anġlu: "Kif ikun dan, ladarba ma nagħrafx raġel?" [Lq:1:35] Wieġeb l-anġlu u qalilha: "L-Ispirtu s-Santu jiġi fuqek, u l-qawwa ta' l-Għoli tixħet id-dell tagħha fuqek. U għalhekk dak li jitwieled minnek ikun qaddis, u jissejjaħ Bin Alla. [Lq:1:36] Ara, il-qariba tiegħek Eliżabetta, fi xjuħitha, hi wkoll nisslet iben fil-ġuf, u ġa għandha sitt xhur dik li għaliha kienu jgħidu li ma jistax ikollha tfal, [Lq:1:37] għax għal Alla ma hemm xejn li ma jistax isir." [Lq:1:38] Imbagħad qalet Marija: "Ara, jiena l-qaddejja tal-Mulej: ħa jsir minni skond kelmtek!" U l-anġlu telaq minn quddiemha.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu
On this feast we pray August Queen of Heaven, sovereign queen of Angels, you who at the beginning received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we beseech you humbly, send your holy legions so that, on your orders and by your power, they will track down demons, fight them everywhere, curb their audacity and plunge them into the hell. Who can be compared to God? Oh good and tender Mother, you will always be our love and our hope. Oh divine Mother, send the Holy Angels and Archangels to defend me and to keep the cruel enemy far from me. Holy Angels and Archangels defend us, protect us. Amen.
Fit-2 ta' Awissu - Indulgenza Plenarja: Kull min jgħid tal-inqas, il-Missierna u l-Kredu u skond il-fehma tal-Papa, fi kwalunkwe Parroċċa, b'mod specjali fi knisja Franġiskana; ikun qerr minn ġimgħa qabel jew sa ġimgħa wara l-festa; u jitqarben.
from Facebook page - Parroċċa Marija Addolorata San Pawl il-Baħar
2 ta’ Awwissu, Festa Franġiskana ta’ Santa Marija tal-Anġli tal-Porziuncola.
Infakkru li matul dan il-jum hemm marbut r-rebħ tal-Indulġenza Plenarja għal kull min iżur xi Knisja Parrokkjali jew Knisja tal-Franġiskani. Biex wieħed jirbaħ din l-indulġenza jrid jgħid il-Kredu u l-Missierna u jkun qerr, tqarben u talab għall-Papa. Nawguraw il-Festa t' tajba lil Franġiskani kollha f dan il-jum hekk għażiż b'mod speċjali lil komunita' tal-Patrijiet tal-Parroċċa tagħna.
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Frangisku u l-Porziuncola
San Frangisk t'Assisi u l-Porziuncola
kitba ta' Sr. Marie Carmel Saliba OSC
Il-Porziuncola hija l-kappella ckejkna u antika li tinsab f'nofs il-Bazilika rinaxximentali ta' Santa Marija ta' l-Angli fil-pjanura ta' Assisi. Il-festa li ssir fit-2 ta' Awissu fil-Porziuncola hija maghrufa wkoll bhala l-festa tal-Mahfra ta' Assisi. Din taf il-bidu taghha lill-esperjenza personali ta' l-imhabba u l-hniena ta' Alla li San Frangisk garrab fil-Porziuncola. Darba minnhom, fil-bidu tal-konverzjoni tieghu, Frangisku mimli soghba ghal htijietu ta' l-imghoddi u mqanqal mill-hniena ta' Alla, ghadda l-hin tat-talb tieghu jirrepeti bosta drabi: "O Alla, ikollok hniena minni, midneb". U ftit ftit beda jhoss il-fond ta' qalbu toghdos go ferh li ma jitfissirx u fi hlewwa bla qjies. U ghalhekk hassu cert li kien qed jghix fl-istat tal-grazzja, mahfur minn kull htija.
Il-fatt li tkun mahfur u allura li tghix f'ghaqda u fi hbiberija ma' Alla huma doni li jnisslu paci interjuri u ferh perfett. Frangisku ried jaqsam dan il-gid spiritwali ma' kulhadd, u ghalhekk fl-1216 talab u qala' minghand il-Papa Onorju III, li kien Perugia, il-grazzja tal-Mahfra u l-Indulgenza Plenarja ghal kull min niedem minn htijietu u rikonciljat ma' Alla, permezz tal-qrar, izur il-Porziuncola fit-2 ta' Awissu, fl-anniversarju tal-konsagrazzjoni tal-kappella. Frate Leone, is-sieheb preferit ta' Frangisku u konfessur tieghu, xehed li meta Frangisku akkwista dan il-privilegg u kien hiereg minn hdejn il-Papa, sema' vuci li tghidlu: "Kun af, Frangisku, li kif din l-Indulgenza giet moghtija lilek fuq l-art, hekk ukoll hija ratifikata fis-sema".
B'hekk twettget il-vizjoni li jirrakkonta Fra Tommaso da Celano (2 Cel, 20): "Certu fra, moghti lil Alla, qabel il-konverzjoni tieghu, kellu vizjoni fuq il-kappella ta' Santa Marija ta' l-Angli li ta' min isemmiha. Ra qtajja kbira ta' nies ghomja gharkubbtejhom madwar il-knisja u b'wicchom imdawwar lejn is-sema. Kollha kienu b'idejhom merfugha 'l fuq, jghajjtu lil Alla, u jitolbuh b'ilhna mbikkija, hniena u dawl. U hekku, nizel mis-sema ragg ta' dawl qawwi li nfirex fuq kulhadd, u ta lil kull wiehed id-dawl u l-fejqan mixtieq".
B'hekk, bl-intercessjoni ta' San Frangisk, il-kappella tal-Porziuncola saret fanal qawwi ta' dawl spiritwali u ghajn ta' grazzja u hniena ghad-dinja midinba.
Sal-gurnata tallum, fit-2 ta' Awissu, wiehed ghadu jista' jircievi l-Indulgenza Plenarja. Meta fl-1968, fi zmien il-Papa Pawlu VI, saret revizjoni ta' l-Indulgenzi, din giet estiza ghall-knejjes Frangiskani u ghall-knejjes parrokkjali mad-dinja kollha.
Il-post preferit ta' Frangisku
Il-kappella tal-Porziuncola li hemm fil-Bazilika ta' Santa Marija ta' l-Angli fil-pjanura ta' Assisi, hija post privileggjat ta' grazzji u barkiet mhux biss minhabba l-grajja li semmejna fl-ewwel parti ta' dan l-artiklu, imma wkoll ghax hija l-post fejn San Frangisk ghex il-parti l-kbira ta' l-ghoxrin sena tal-hajja evangelika singulari tieghu. San Bonaventura, bijografu tal-Qaddis, fil-Legenda Maior II, 8, jghidilna li San Frangisk habb dan il-post aktar minn kull post iehor fid-dinja. U Fra Tommaso da Celano semma kemm il-darba fil-kitbiet tieghu l-imhabba kbira li San Frangisk kellu ghall-Vergni Marija u l-venerazzjoni specjali li gab ghall-kappella tal-Porziuncola.
Fil-fatt, fil-Porziuncola, Frangisku ghex il-mumenti l-aktar importanti u decizivi ta' hajtu. Fil-bidu tal-konverzjoni tieghu, fl-1205, Frangisku obda fil-pront u wettaq litteralment il-kmand li tah il-Kurcifiss tal-knisja ta' San Damiano, li tennielu ghal tliet darbiet: "Frangisku, mur u sewwi d-dar tieghi li, kif qed tara, gieghda tiggarraf kollha" (LegM II,1). Meta temm isewwi l-knisja ta' San Damiano, Frangisku sewwa wkoll il-knisja ta' San Pietro, u mbaghad beda jirrestawra l-knisja tal-Porziuncola, li kienet mitluqa u hadd ma kien jiehu hsiebha. Imganqal minn devozzjoni mheggaa lejn Omm Kristu, is-Sultana tad-dinja u ta' l-Angli, u minhabba fil-qima li Frangisku kellu lejn l-Angli, huwa beda jghix hemm. Mis-smiegh ta' l-Evangelju fehem ahjar x'ried Alla minnu, kiteb ir-Regola u waqqaf l-Ordni tal-Patrijiet Minuri, li gie approvat oralment mill-Papa Innocent III fir-rebbiegha ta' l-1209.
Frangisku jinghata b'rigal il-Porziuncola
Fil-kapitlu 55 ta' Speculum Perfectionis, li fih Frate Leone nizzel it-tifkiriet tieghu ta' l-istorja tal-bidu ta' l-Ordni, naqraw ir-rakkont helu ta' kif il-kappella tal-Porziuncola ghaddiet f'idejn Frangisku u shabu.
"Meta ra li kienu qed jizdiedu fin-numru, Frangisku talab lill-Isqof Guido ta' Assisi biex jaghtih knisja fejn l-ahwa jkunu jistghu jitolbu l-Liturgija tas-Sighat. Imma l-Isqof ma kellu ebda knisja x'joffrilu. Frangisku ghamel l-istess talba lill-Kanonici tal-Kattidral ta' San Rufino f'Assisi, u t-twegiba kienet l-istess. Frangisku ghalhekk irrikorra ghand l-Abati Benedittin ta' Monte Subasio u dan, wara li ikkonsulta lir-rhieb, laqa' t-talba ta' Frangisku u tah il-kappella ckjekna tal-Porziuncola u qallu: 'Jekk il-Mulej ikabbar il-kongregazzjoni tieghek, nixtiequ li dan il-post isir il-knisja principali tal-knejjes taghkom'.
Frangisku kien ferm kuntent li din il-knisja fqajra u ckejkna msejha sa mill-qedem Porziuncola (jigifieri porzjon ckejken) kellha xi darba ssir il-casa madre, u l-knisja patrijarkali ta' l-Ordni tal-Patrijiet Minuri. Ghalkemm l-Abati u r-rhieb Benedittini tawhielu b'xejn bhala rigal, Frangisku, li ried jibni l-Ordni tieghu fuq il-pedament sod tal-faqar assolut, b'sinjal ta' faqar u umiltà, darba fis-sena kien jibghat lill-Abati u irhieb Benedittini goffa mimlija hut zghir, u dawn kienu jwiegbu ghal dan il-gest billi jaghtu lill-ahwa flixkun zejt".
Benniena ta' l-Ordni tas-Sorijiet ta' Santa Klara
Kien fil-Porziuncola wkoll li, fil-lejl ta' Hadd il-Palm tas-sena 1211, Frangisku u shabu laqghu lix-xbejba Klara, bint in-nobbli Favarone di Offreduccio, meta din harbet mid-dar biex thaddan il-hajja evangelika. Hawnhekk, quddiem l-altar ta' Santa Marija ta' l-Angli, halliet lill-patrijet jaqtghulha xahra dehbieni, nezghet darba ghal dejjem l-ilbies fin u jlellex li kellha fuqha, biex floku tilbes tonka goffa u fqajra, u hemm, f'idejn Frangisku, ghamlet il-weghdiet tal-konsagrazzjoni taghha lil Alla. B'hekk tat bidu ghall-Ordni tas-Sorijiet Klarissi, maghruf ukoll bhala t-Tieni Ordni Frangiskan. Fil-Leggenda ta' Santa Klara, 8, Fra Tommaso da Celano jirrimarka ferhan li "hekk deher car li kienet l-Omm tal-hniena li f'darha welldet iz-zewg Ordnijiet religjuzi".
L-Ewwel Ordni jikber b'mod ta' l-ghageb Mill-Porziuncola, Frangisku ra l-familja religjuza tieghu tikber bla heda u b'mod ta' l-ghageb. Minn hawn huwa baghat lil uliedu mad-dinja kollha jxandru l-Bxara t-Tajba u minn hawn sar jaf bil-martirju ta' Frate Bernardu u l-erba' patrijiet shabu li gara fil-Marokk fis-16 ta' Jannar 1220. Dawn il-protomartri saqqew b'demmhom il-hajja tal-bidu ta' l-Ordni Frangiskan.
Fl-1221, fil-Porziuncola ngabru madwar 5000 ahwa ghall-famuz Kapitlu tal-Hsajjar. Dawn gew minm kull parti ta' l-Ewropa biex jitolbu flimkien u jiddiskutu r-Regola l-gdida. Sejhulu Kapitlu tal-Hsajjar, ghax fin-nuqqas ta' djar u gharajjex, l-ahwa stkennew taht speci ta' soqfa maghmula mill-hsajjar.
Il-wirt ta' San Frangisk
San Frangisk miet fil-hin ta' l-ghasar tat-3 ta' Ottubru 1226. Qabel miet, huwa ried li jehduh Santa Marija tal-Porziuncola, hdejn il-knisja ta' qalbu. U hemm, fil-prezenza tal-Vigarju tieghu, Fra Elia, Frangisku irrikmanda lil hutu l-Evangelju, il-faqar imqaddes u l-kappella tal-Porziuncola, l-unika rikkezza li kellu. Qalilhom: "Nixtieq inhalli u nafda l-post ta' Santa Marija ta' l-Angli b'wirt lil huti biex iharsuh bl-akbar qima u devozzjoni".
Il-Porziuncola ghalhekk hija c-centru, il-qalb, u certament il-benniena u l-knisja-omm ta' Frangisku u ta' kull Frangiskan. Fil-fatt, hi l-uniku wirt materjali mholli lis-segwaci tieghu mill-Fqajjar ta' Assisi. U b'tifkira xierqa ta' dawn il-grajjiet Frangiskani, fl-1909 il-Papa San Piju X, fil-Bulla tieghu Omnipotens ac misericors Deus, sejjah lill-Porziuncola caput et mater, it-"ras u l-omm" ta' l-Ordni tal-Patrijiet Minuri. (Isem li il-Papa Girgor IX kien digà ta' f'Gunju 1228 dak in-nhar li tbierket u tqieghdet l-ewwel gebla tal-Bazilka ta' San Frangisk fejn kellu jibqa mizmum il-fdal tal-Qaddis):
Il-kappella fqajra tal-Porziuncola ma ghandhiex sbuhijh li tolqot il-ghajn, imma sbuhija interna li ssibha bil-ghajnejn tar-ruh u tal-qalb meta tahseb f'dak li Frangisku wettaq u ghallem imdawwal mill-Ispirtu tal-Mulej. Dan l-istess Spirtu llum ghadu jheggeg il-qalb, idawwal il-mohh u jqawwi r-rieda ta' l-ulied spiritwali ta' San Frangisk.