Sunday, September 22, 2024

Press conference on spiritual experience of Medjugorje - September 19, 2024


19 Sept 2024 - From the Holy See Press Office, Press Conference on the spiritual experience of Medjugorje. Presenters at the event include Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; Monsignor Armando Matteo, Secretary for the Doctrinal Section of the same Dicastery; and, Dr. Andrea Tornielli, Editorial Director of the Dicastery for Communication. Conferenza Stampa sull’esperienza spirituale di Medjugorie, 19 settembre 2024 .

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Fulton Sheen Sermons - What Happens When You Ignore Your Sins?


 "You see sometimes, but not always, sometimes we can cover up our want of INDIVIDUAL JUSTICE by a great love of SOCIAL JUSTICE".


What Happens When You Ignore Your Sins?

Fulton Sheen Sermons


Thursday, June 27, 2024

INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT TRAFFICKING General Audience of 26 June 2024 - Catechesis From Pope Francis

June 26 2024 General Audience Pope Francis

General Audience of 26 June 2024 - Catechesis. On the occasion of the International Day  Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking



Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 26 June 2024



The following text includes parts that were not read out loud, but should be considered as such.


Catechesis. On the occasion of the International Day. Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I can’t hear you!

Today marks International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1987. This year’s theme is The evidence is clear: Invest in prevention.

St. John Paul II affirmed, “Drug abuse impoverishes every community where it exists. It diminishes human strength and moral fibre. It undermines esteemed values. It destroys the will to live and to contribute to a better society.”[1] This drives the abuse of drugs and the use of drugs. At the same time, however, let us remember that each addict “has a unique personal story and must be listened to, understood, loved, and, insofar as possible, healed and purified… They continue to possess, more than ever, a dignity as children of God.”[2] Everyone has dignity.

However, we cannot ignore the evil intentions and actions of drug dealers and traffickers. They are murderers. Pope Benedict XVI used stern words during a visit to a therapeutic community. This is what Pope Benedict said: “I therefore urge the drug-dealers to reflect on the grave harm they are inflicting on countless young people and on adults from every level of society: God will call you to account for your deeds. Human dignity cannot be trampled upon in this way.”[3] And drugs trample on human dignity.

A reduction in drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing drug use – this is a fantasy! – as has been proposed by some, or has already implemented, in some countries. It’s like this: you liberalize and drugs are consumed even more. Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances. How many traffickers of death there are – because drug traffickers are traffickers of death! – how many traffickers of death there are, driven by the logic of power and money at any cost! And this scourge, which produces violence and sows suffering and death, demands an act of courage from our society as a whole.

Drug production and trafficking also have a destructive impact on our common home. This has become increasingly evident, for example, in the Amazon basin.

Another key way to counter drug abuse and trafficking is through prevention, which is done by promoting greater justice, educating young people in values that build personal and community life, accompanying those in need, and giving hope for the future.

In my journeys in different dioceses and countries, I have been able to visit several recovery communities inspired by the Gospel. They are a strong and hopeful witness to the commitment of priests, consecrated men and women, and lay people to put into practice the parable of the Good Samaritan. So too, I am comforted by the efforts undertaken by various bishops’ conferences to promote just legislation and policies regarding the treatment of people addicted to drug use, and prevention to stop this scourge.

As an example, I point to the network of La Pastoral Latinoamericana de Acompañamiento y Prevençión de Adicciones (PLAPA). The charter of this network recognizes that “addiction to alcohol, psychoactive substances, and other forms of addiction (pornography, new technologies, etc.) ... is a problem that affects us indiscriminately, beyond geographical, social, cultural, religious and age differences. Despite the differences ... we want to organize as a community: to share experiences, enthusiasm, difficulties.”[4]

I also mention the Bishops of southern Africa, who in November 2023 convened a meeting on “Empowering youth as agents of peace and hope.” Youth representatives present at the meeting recognized that assembly as a “significant milestone geared toward healthy and active YOUTH throughout the region.” They have also made a promise. Their promise goes like this: “We accept the role of being Ambassadors and Advocates who are going to fight against the use of substances. We plead with all young people to always be empathetic to one another at all times.”[5]

Dear brothers and sisters, faced with the tragic – it is tragic, isn’t it? – the tragic situation of drug addiction of millions of people around the world, faced with the scandal of the illicit production and trafficking of such drugs, “we cannot be indifferent. The Lord Jesus paused, drew near, healed wounds. In the style of His closeness, we too are called to act, to pause before situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to stoop to lift up and bring back to life those who fall into the slavery of drugs.”[6] And we pray, too, for these criminals who spend and give drugs to the young: they are criminals, they are murderers. Let us pray for their conversion.

On this World Drug Day, as Christians and church communities, let us pray for this intention and renew our commitment of prayer and work against drugs. Thank you!


[1]  Message to representatives of the International Conference on “Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” (4 June 1987).

[2] Address to participants in the meeting sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on “Narcotics: Problems and Solutions to this Global Issue (24 November 2016).

[3] Address to the community living in “Fazenda da Esperança” , Brazil, 12 May 2007.



[6] Message to the participants in the 60th International Congress of Forensic Toxicologists (26 August 2023).


Papa Francesco, Udienza Generale del 26 giugno 2024
La catechesi di Papa Francesco nell'Udienza Generale del 26 giugno 2024 da piazza San Pietro. 

Il-Papa Franġisku. Udjenza: L-Erbgħa 26 ta' Ġunju 2024 .


Sunday, June 09, 2024

Gaudete et Exsultate 09 April 2018 --- A guide to Christianity for the 21st Century: The new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis




Gaudete et Exsultate 09 April 2018


‘Holiness is a gift that is offered to everyone, no one is excluded; it constitutes the distinctive character of every Christian’ Pope Francis wants the whole Church to promote anew the desire for holiness – in a practical way, for our own time. After analysing and forcefully dismissing two subtle enemies to holiness – contemporary gnosticism and pelagianism – as ‘aberrations and obstacles’ to holiness, Francis appeals in detail to the Beatitudes of Matthew and Luke. Here lies the path to our happiness, or, indeed our holiness, by living out the demands and joys of the Gospel. More deeply yet, the Holy Father identifies those harmful ideologies which today strike at the heart of the Gospel, where faith is divorced from deeds, where mercy is lost. Our striving for holiness must be grounded in prayer and discernment so that our lives are transformed in the light of mercy and grace. This entails action and building the Kingdom through social action and care for the marginalised. Pope Francis offers five great expressions of love of God and of neighbour as signs of true holiness for today’s culture. Finally, he sets out the landscape in which today’s spiritual combat is fought against the great enemy, the devil. This calls for vigilance and discernment. Thus, the joyful holiness of the Gospel is revealed to the world in the everyday lives of ordinary people.


PAPA FRANCESCO: "l'umiltà, anche l'umiliazione ti porta ad assomigliarti a Gesù". 

In humility, even in humiliation, human nature is transformed by living closely to The Divinity.  

ALSO IN THIS BLOG, previously published on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 -

GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE - April 9th, 2018 - Apostolic Exhorttion by Pope Francis - THE CALL TO HOLINESS IN TODAY’S WORLD