Saturday, May 18, 2024

MAY 17, 2024 - Vatican releases new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena

MAY 17, 2024 - Conferenza Stampa di presentazione delle nuove norme su apparizioni ed altri fenomeni soprannaturali  

 Vatican & World News 17.05.2024  

Vatican releases new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena


Saturday, May 04, 2024

April 8, 2024 - Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith "DIGNITAS INFINITA" on Human Dignity - Dinjità Umana

Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024


“Dignitas infinita”: id-dokument ġdid tal-Vatikan fuq id-dinjità umana


“Persuni trans għandhom jiġu aċċettati u integrati fis-soċjetà” – Il-Papa


Sr Jeannine Gramick, SL 


Pope at Mass: We base our lives on Christ, not on appearances

In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Thursday, Pope Francis reminds us that our lives are built upon the “eternal Rock”, who is the Lord, and in Him we find happiness.

By Vatican News

Taking his cue from the Gospel at Mass on Thursday (Mt 7:21), Pope Francis urged Christians to sink the foundations of their lives into Christ, rather than relying on the shifting sands of appearances.

In the Gospel, Jesus compares the wise person who built his house on rock with the fool who built his house on sand. Those who listen to the words of the Lord are wise, while those who refuse to do so live like fools and base everything on appearances, the Pope said.

The Lord is the eternal Rock

Pope Francis said these two contrasting attitudes regard our hopes and dreams, adding that we need God’s grace to discern where we sink our foundations.

“The Rock. That’s what the Lord is. Those who entrust themselves to the Lord will always remain safe, because their foundations are sunk into the Rock. That’s what Jesus says in the Gospel. He speaks about a wise man who built his house on rock, that is, on trust in the Lord and on serious things. And this trust is a noble thing, because the foundation of this building of our lives is sure and strong.”

Appearances disappear

The wise man, continued the Pope, built on the rock, while the fool chose “the shifting sands” and is blown away by winds and rain.

“Even in our own lives it can happen, when my foundations are not strong. The storm comes – and we all have storms in our lives, all of us – and we are unable to stand firm. Many say: ‘No, I’ll change my life.’ They think making life changes is like putting on makeup. Changing my life requires changing the foundations of my life, that is, finding the Rock that is Christ. ‘I would like to renovate this building because it’s extremely ugly, so I would like to make it a little more beautiful and strengthen the foundation.’ But if all I do is put on makeup, then things won’t go far; it will fall. Christian life falls when based on appearances.”

Discern between rock and sand

Jesus, said Pope Francis, is the only sure foundation, while appearances are of no assistance.

He gave the example of the confessional. Only those who recognize they are sinners, weak, and in need of salvation, he said, show that their life is built on rock, and that they believe and trust in Jesus as the source of salvation.

So Pope Francis urged us to convert our lives to what does not crumble and blow away.

“We cannot build our lives on passing things, on appearances, on acting like everything is going fine. We go to the rock, where our salvation awaits. And there we will all – each one of us – be happy.”


Anyone want more love and joy? 
Homily of Fr. Michael O'Connor from Mass on May 5, 2024 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Chaplet of Divine mercy by sister Emmanuel in Medjugorje ... & MORE from DIVINE MERCY



  Jesus I trust in You --- Ġesù jiena nafda' fiK  

download --- DM Diary in English (complete) 

ID-DJARJU SĦIĦ  --- Bil-Malti (komplut)

Conversations with the Merciful Savior

Part Four:
With a Suffering Soul

Jesus: Well, My child, this time you have told Me a good deal. I realize how painful it is not to be understood, and especially by those whom one loves and with whom one has been very open. But suffice it to know that I understand all your troubles and misery. I am pleased by the deep faith you have, despite everything, in My representatives. Learn from this that no one will understand a soul entirely — that is beyond human ability. Therefore, I have remained on earth to comfort your aching heart and to fortify your soul, so that you will not falter on the way. You say that a dense darkness is obscuring your mind. But why, at such times, do you not come to Me, the light who can in an instant pour into your soul more understanding about holiness than can be found in any books? (Diary, 1487).


+ Djalogu bejn Alla Ħanin u r-ruħ li qiegħda tbati
(minn paragrafu 1487)
Ġesu’: Mela, binti, din id-darba kellek ħafna xi tgħidli. Jiena nifhem kemm hi ħaġa iebsa meta ma jifhmukx, u l-aktar meta dawn ikunu dawk il-persuni li inti tħobb u li magħhom inti tkun ftaħt qalbek. Imma biżżejjed għalik li tkun taf li Jiena nifhem l-inkwiet u l-miżerja kollha tiegħek. Togħġobni l-fidi kbira li inti għandek, minkejja kollox, fir-rappreżentant Tiegħi. Tgħallem minn din il-ħaġa li ħadd ma jista’ jifhem ruħ għal kollox – din il-ħaġa l-ebda bniedem ma jasal għaliha. Għalhekk, Jiena bqajt f’din id-dinja biex infarraġ il-qalb miġugħa tiegħek u nsaħħaħlek ruħek, sabiex inti ma taqtax qalbek fit-triq. Inti qiegħda tgħid li swidija kbira qiegħda ddallamlek moħħok. Imma għaliex, fi żminijiet bħal dawn, ma tiġix għandi, id-dawl li jista’ f’waqt wieħed iferra’ f’ruħek għarfien ikbar dwar il-qdusija, ħafna iktar milli inti tista’ ssib fil-kotba?


1731. Today I was awakened by a great storm. The wind was raging, and it was raining in torrents, thunderbolts striking again and again. I began to pray that the storm would do no harm, when I heard the words: Say the chaplet I have taught you, and the storm will cease. I began immediately to say the chaplet and hadn’t even finished it when the storm suddenly ceased, and I heard the words: Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will. 


1731. Illum qajmitni maltempata kbira. Ir-riħ kien qed ivenven, ix-xita nieżla bil-qliel, sajjetti jfaqqgħu l-ħin kollu. Bdejt nitlob li l-maltempata ma tikkawża l-ebda ħsara, meta smajt dan il-kliem: Għid il-kurunella li għallimtek, u l-maltemp jieqaf. Bdejt fil-pront ngħid il-kurunella u kien għadni lanqas biss spiċċajtha x’ħin il-maltempata waqfet f’daqqa waħda, u jiena smajt dan il-kliem: Permezz tal-kurunella intom tistgħu tiksbu kollox, jekk dak li intom titolbu jkun skont ir-rieda Tiegħi.


The Three O'clock Hour of Mercy
At That Moment, Mercy Was Opened Wide

I remind you, My daughter, that as often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring and glorifying it; invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul. In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking; it was the hour of grace for the whole world - mercy triumphed over justice (Diary, 1572).


It-Tielet siegħa, Is-Siegħa tal-Ħniena 
F'dak il-mument, Il-Ħniena Infetħet beraħ
1572. Qiegħed infakkrek, binti, li kull darba li inti tisma’ l-arloġġ idoqq it-tielet siegħa, inti tidħol kollok kemm int fil-ħniena Tiegħi, taduraha u tigglorifikaha; sejjaħ is-setgħa bla tarf tagħha għad-dinja kollha, u l-aktar għall-imsejkna midinbin; għax f’dak il-mument il-ħniena nfetħet beraħ għal kull ruħ. F’din is-siegħa inti tista’ tikseb kollox għalik innifsek u għall-oħrajn; din kienet is-siegħa tal-grazzja għad-dinja kollha – il-ħniena rebħet fuq il-ġustizzja.


Meditate upon My Passion
My Mercy on Behalf of Sinners

Today Jesus said to me, I desire that you know more profoundly the love that burns in My Heart for souls, and you will understand this when you meditate upon My Passion. Call upon My mercy on behalf of sinners; I desire their salvation. When you say this prayer, with a contrite heart and with faith on behalf of some sinner, I will give him the grace of conversion. This is the prayer: (Diary, 186).

"O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You." (Diary, 187).


Immedita fuq il-Passjoni Tiegħi
Il-ħniena Tiegħi għall-midinbin

186. + Illum Ġesu’ qalli: Jiena nixtieqek tkun taf b’mod iktar profond l-imħabba li hemm taqbad ġewwa Qalbi għall-erwieħ, u dan inti tkun tista’ tifhmu meta timmedita fuq il-Passjoni Tiegħi. Itlobni għall-ħniena Tiegħi għall-midinbin. Jiena nixtieq is-salvazzjoni tagħhom. Meta inti tgħid din it-talba, b’qalb niedma u bil-fidi għal xi midneb, Jiena nagħtih il-grazzja tal-konverżjoni. Din hi t talba:

187. ‘O Demm u Ilma, li ħriġtu mill-Qalb ta’ Ġesu’ bħala għajn ta’ ħniena għalina, jiena nafda Fik.’


Jesus the Teacher
The Generosity of Jesus

Once, the Lord said to me, My daughter, take the graces that others spurn; take as many as you can carry. At that moment, my soul was inundated with the love of God. I feel that I am united with the Lord so closely that I cannot find words to express that union; in this state I suddenly feel that all the things God has, all the goods and treasures, are mine, although I set little store by them, for He alone is enough for me. In Him I see my everything; without Him — nothing (Diary, 454).

December 18, [1936]. Today I felt bad that a week had gone by and no one had come to visit me. When I complained to the Lord, He answered, Isn't it enough for you that I visit you every day? I apologized to the Lord and the hurt vanished. O God, my strength, You are sufficient for me (Diary, 827).


Ġesù l-Għalliem
Il-Ġenerożità ta’ Ġesù

454. Darba, il-Mulej qalli, Binti, ħu l-grazzji li l-oħrajn ma jriduhomx; ħu daqskemm inti tiflaħ iġġorr. F’dak il-waqt, ruħi, mtliet kollha kemm hi bl-imħabba ta’ Alla. Inħossni maqgħuda hekk mill-qrib ma’ Alla li ma nistax insib il-kliem biex infisser x’inhi sewwa din il-għaqda; meta nkun f’dan l-istat, f’daqqa waħda nħoss li dak kollu li Alla għandu, l-affarijiet u t-teżori kollha, huma tiegħi, għalkemm ma jimpurtanix wisq minnhom, għax Hu waħdu huwa biżżejjed għalija. Fih jiena nara l-kollox tiegħi; mingħajru – xejn.

827. 18 ta’ Diċembru(1936). Illum ħassejtni daqsxejn diżżapuntata li kienet għaddiet ġimgħa u ħadd ma kien ġie jżurni. (nota152) Meta lmentajt mal-Mulej, Hu weġibni, Mhux biżżejjed għalik li niġi nżurek Jiena kuljum? Tlabt skuża lill-Mulej u l-weġgħa ma baqgħetx hemm. O Alla, saħħa tiegħi, Inti biżżejjed għalija.

