Friday, April 09, 2021

‘Historic discovery’ of ancient Biblical fragments made in Israel - Vatican World News 17 March 2021 / Dead Sea Scrolls discoveries are first ancient Bible texts to be found in 60 years 16 March 2021 - NBC NEWS


A view of the newly-discovered fragments - Israel Antiquities Authority  (ISRAEL ANTIQUITIES AUTHORITY)

‘Historic discovery’ of ancient Biblical fragments made in Israel 
17 March 2021

Archaeologists have unearthed fragments of a 1,900-year-old Biblical scroll in Israel, in what experts are calling the most important discovery in the last 60 years.

By Devin Watkins

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has unveiled an historic discovery of Biblical proportions in several desert caves.

In a dig that began in 2017, archaeologists discovered around 80 new parchment fragments of Old Testament texts.

They contain verses written in Greek—with the name of God appearing in Hebrew—from the books of Zechariah and Nahum, which are part of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets.

The fragments form part of a scroll which experts believe belonged to Jewish rebels, led by Simon Bar Kokhba, who hid in the caves after a failed revolt against Roman rule between 132 and 136 AD.

Israeli archaeologists began the operation in the Judean desert to prevent caves from being looted. They also unearthed a cache of rare coins from the same period, a 6,000-year-old skeleton of a child, and a large woven basket dating from around 10,500 years ago, the oldest intact in the world.


image 1 - A cache of rare coins was also unearthed


‘Cave of Horror’

The discovery was made in a difficult-to-reach mountain enclosure known as the “Cave of Horror”, which lies some 40 km south of Jerusalem.

It acquired that intriguing name after 40 human skeletons were found there during excavations in the 1960s. Experts say they were the remains of men, women, and children who fled to the cave to escape the Romans but died instead of hunger and thirst.

They brought with them what are now precious objects, including cooking utensils, personal belongings, and documents and Biblical texts.


image 2 -  A 6,000-year-old skeleton of a child was found in the caves 


New page in biblical discoveries

Marcello Fidanzio, the Director of the Archaeological and Cultural Institute of Biblical Lands in Lugano, described the find to Vatican News as “a new page in the history of archaeological excavations.”

He said it is the first discovery of note since the great excavations in the 1940s and ‘50s, which brought the Dead Sea Scrolls to light in Qumran and the Judean desert.

“Discoveries of such significance,” he pointed out, “rekindle the excitement of pioneers.”


image 3 - The Cave of Horror lies high above the Judean desert 


Much left to find

The Israel Antiquities Authority says some 600-odd caves were mapped using drones and advanced survey technology. Besides the announced discovery, some 20 caves could still contain important artifacts.

“This is something we Bible scholars are passionate about,” according to Prof. Fidanzio, “but the discovery is also of great importance to Israelis, who highlight this research as being linked to their identity and the history of their presence in the land of Israel.”

Witness of ‘textual fluidity’

The fragments contain very small amounts of text from the Old Testament, but they still have something to offer scholars.

Prof. Fidanzio noted that they provide evidence of “textual fluidity”, which was when the Biblical text was not yet stable or fixed. “It was only later that the Scriptures were canonized, fixed, and then handed down with great fidelity to the present day.”

He said the Cave of Horror scroll can help scholars understand a stage which led to the definitive text.

“These discoveries show us an extremely fascinating historical moment: one in which the Bible finds its final form,” said the Lugano professor.


image 4 - The fragments shown together 


Respect for God’s name

As mentioned, the fragments are written primarily in Greek, with only the name of God written in Paleo-Hebrew, which was used at the time of the First Temple (until 586 BC).

Prof. Fidanzio said it shows “great respect for the unutterable name of God.”

“Writing it in another alphabet,” he concluded, “is a scribal strategy that seeks to focus the readers attention on those letters. It points God’s name out as something which commands great respect and sacredness.”




 ALSO IN ---

March 16, 2021

Dead Sea Scrolls discoveries are first ancient Bible texts to be found in 60 years

A 6,000-year-old skeleton of a partially mummified child and a 10,500-year-old basket were also discovered.



The basket in situ.





Friday, February 05, 2021

04 February 2021 International Day of Human Fraternity Pope Francis


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Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, in Abu Dhabi for Zayed Award for Human Fraternity - 26 Feb 2022  


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Vatican CDF says use of anti-COVID-19 vaccines “morally acceptable” 22/12/2020

Vatican CDF says use of anti-COVID-19 vaccines “morally acceptable”

“It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

Due to the situation of the ongoing pandemic, “all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive.”

The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) made these statements in a note signed by the Prefect, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, and the Secretary, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi. The text was explicitly approved by Pope Francis on 17 December and released on Monday.

Clarifying doubts

The CDF document, which was published as many countries are preparing to implement vaccination campaigns, authoritatively intervenes to clarify doubts and questions which have emerged from sometimes contradictory statements on the subject.

The “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines” recalls three previous pronouncements on the same topic: one from the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) in 2005; the CDF Instruction Dignitas Personae in 2008; and, another note from the PAV in 2017.

Moral aspects

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says it does not “intend to judge the safety and efficacy” of current vaccines against Covid-19, which is the responsibility of biomedical researchers and drug agencies. Rather, the CDF focuses on the moral aspects of receiving vaccines developed using cell lines from tissue obtained from two fetuses that were aborted in the 1960s.

The Instruction Dignitas Personae, approved by Pope Benedict XVI, pointed out that “there exist differing degrees of responsibility”, because “in organizations where cell lines of illicit origin are being utilized, the responsibility of those who make the decision to use them is not the same as that of those who have no voice in such a decision.”

Therefore, argues the note published on Monday in summing up the Instruction of 2008, “when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are not available”, it is “morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

‘Remote cooperation’

The CDF says the reason for considering these vaccines morally licit is the “kind of cooperation” in the evil of abortion, which is “remote” on the part of those receiving the vaccine.

Therefore, the “moral duty to avoid such passive material cooperation is not obligatory” since there exists a grave danger, in the form of an “uncontainable spread of a serious pathological agent.”

The Covid-19 pandemic, says the CDF, fulfills this requirement.

“In such a case, all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in the production of the vaccines derive.”

Not a legitimation of abortion

The Congregation clarifies that “the morally licit use of these types of vaccines, in the particular conditions that make it so, does not in itself constitute a legitimation, even indirect, of the practice of abortion, and necessarily assumes the opposition to this practice by those who make use of these vaccines.” Nor should it imply a moral approval of the use of cell lines proceeding from aborted fetuses.

The CDF note calls on pharmaceutical companies and government health agencies to “produce, approve, distribute and offer ethically acceptable vaccines that do not create problems of conscience.”

Voluntary vaccination

At the same time, the Congregation recalls that “vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.”

The morality of vaccination, it notes, depends both on the duty to protect one’s own health and the pursuit of the common good. “In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed.”

Those who for reasons of conscience reject vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, however, must “do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent.”

Distribution to poor countries

Finally, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says it is “a moral imperative” for the pharmaceutical industry, governments, and international organizations to ensure that effective and ethically acceptable vaccines are accessible “to the poorest countries in a manner that is not costly for them.”

“The lack of access to vaccines, otherwise, would become another sign of discrimination and injustice that condemns poor countries to continue living in health, economic and social poverty.”

Source: Vatican News




14 Jan 2021 - Vatican confirms that Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis received the Covid-19 vaccine


9 Feb 2021 - Pope Francis pleas for “vaccines for all” 

- A look at Pope Francis’ calls for a fair distribution of vaccine and the global challenges to doing it.








Saturday, December 19, 2020

On December 8th, 2020 APOSTOLIC LETTER - PATRIS CORDE of the Holy Father Francis - & - On May 1st 2021 Pope approves 7 new invocations to Litany of St. Joseph - Litanija ta’ San Ġużepp

APOSTOLIC LETTER - PATRIS CORDE of the Holy Father Francis. Given in Rome, at Saint John Lateran, on 8 December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the year 2020, the eighth of his Pontificate. 

8th December 2020






Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St Joseph”


St Joseph: the man whom Heaven trusts




Church grants plenary indulgence for year of St. Joseph




Il-Papa Franġisku jipproklama s-Sena Ġużeppina





Pope approves 7 new invocations to Litany of St. Joseph

On the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1, the Vatican added 7 new invocations to the Litany of St. Joseph, with the approval of Pope Francis.

Pope approves 7 new invocations to Litany of St. Joseph - Vatican News

The new invocations, originally in Latin, are as follows: Custos Redemptoris, Serve Christi, Minister salutis, Fulcimen in difficultatibus, Patrone exsulum, Patrone afflictorum, Patrone pauperum

These could be translated as: Guardian of the Redeemer, Servant of Christ, Minister of salvation, Support in difficulties, Patron of exiles, Patron of the afflicted and Patron of the poor.

With these additions, the invocations in the Litany to St. Joseph now rise to 31. 

A St. Mary's Minute: Updated Litany of St. Joseph (with new invocations)

Video published on 27 May 2021



Litanija ta’ San Ġużepp

Aġġornata bl-invokazzjonijiet ta’ April 2021


Mulej ħniena

Kristu ħniena

Mulej ħniena

Kristu ismagħna

Kristu, ilqa’ t-talb tagħna


Missier Etern Alla                                   Ħenn għalina

Iben Alla li fdejt id-dinja

Spirtu Qaddis Alla

Trinità Qaddisa Alla wieħed


Imqaddsa Marija                                    Itlob għalina

Imqaddes Ġużeppi

Iben glorjuż ta’ David

Dawl tal-Patrijarki

Għarus tal-Verġni Omm Alla

Ħarries tal-Feddej

Ħarries safi tal-Verġni Marija

Int li ħsibt għall-għajxien tal-Iben t’Alla

Int li bi bżulitek ħarist lil Kristu

Qaddej ta’ Kristu

Ministru tas-salvazzjoni

Kap tal-Familja Mqaddsa

Ġużeppi kollok qdusija

Ġużeppi kollok safa

Ġużeppi kollok għaqal

Ġużeppi kollok ubbidejnza

Ġużeppi, qaddej l-aktar fidil

Mera ta’ sabar

Ħabib kbir tal-faqar

Xempju tal-ħaddiema

Ġieħ u żina tal-ħajja tad-dar

Ħarsien tal-verġni

Sur qawwi ta’ kull familja

Għajnuna fid-diffikultajiet

Faraġ tal-imsejknin

Tama tal-morda

Patrun tal-eżiljati

Patrun tal-foqra

Patrun tal-moribondi

Biża tal-infern

Protettur tal-Knisja Mqaddsa


Ħaruf t’Alla li tneħħi d-dnubiet tad-dinja.

Aħfrilna, nitolbuk, Mulej.


Ħaruf t’Alla li tneħħi d-dnubiet tad-dinja.

Ismagħna, nitolbuk, Mulej.


Ħaruf t’Alla li tneħħi d-dnubiet tad-dinja.

Ħenn għalina, Mulej.


Alla qiegħdu sid fuq id-dar tiegħu.

U ħakem fuq kulma għandu.


Nitolbu. O Alla, li fil-providenza tiegħek tal-għaġeb għoġbok taħtar lil San Ġużepp bħala Għarus tal-Omm Imqaddsa tiegħek, agħmel, nitolbuk, li kif qegħdin nagħtuh ġieħ fuq l-art bħala Protettur tagħna, hekk ukoll ikun jistħoqqilna li jidħol għalina fis-sema. Int li tgħix u ssaltan għal dejjem ta’ dejjem. Ammen.


It-Talb fl-Aħħar

U int, maħbub San Ġużepp, nitolbuk li taċċetta dan is-sehem fqajjar tiegħi li għamilt għall-ġieħ tiegħek u nitolbok li taqlagħli mingħand Ġesù u Marija l-grazzji spiritwali u temporali li għandi bżonn. Ftakar ukoll, nitolbok, fl-agonizzanti ta’ dan il-jum. Ammen.


Nov 2021-Feb 2022 - Catechesis on ST. JOSEPH & more - Katekeżi fuq San Ġużepp ... u iżjed


