Sunday, January 25, 2015


Mill-Lawdi tal-Brevjar fit-22 ta' Jannar

Kull ġieħ jistħoqqlok f’din l-art ħelwa, Publju,
li lqajt lil Pawlu għandek wara l-għarqa;
hu mliek bid-dawl tal-fidi, w lil missierek
mill-ġdid tah saħħtu.
Kun fostna f’dan il-jum sabiħ tal-festa
li b’ferħ mill-qalb nagħmlulek ta’ kull sena;
jekk fqira x-xhieda, m’hix hekk dgħajfa l-ħerqa
t’ulied dil-gżira.
Mexxina dejjem taħt il-ħarsa tiegħek,
sew jekk bla xkiel it-triq, sew jekk imwiegħra,
sakemm ilkoll fis-sliem tassew tiġborna,
henjin f’dar Alla.
Infaħħru b’qima lill-Missier tal-ħniena,
inroddu ħajr lil Ibnu, Feddej tagħna,
u nsebbħu f’kollox lill-Ispirtu s-Santu
li jagħti l-ħajja. Ammen.


Isqof u Martri
San Publju kien Isqof tal-belt glorjuża ta’ Atene lejn nofs it-tieni seklu.  Kien fi żmien l-Imperatur Antoninu Piju (138 – 161) meta l-Knisja kienet imħabbta mill-Injostiċi li kienu jaraw ir-Reliġjon bħala skola ta’ kultura, u għalhekk kienu jgħidu li min ma kienx għaref ma setax jgħid li kien nisrani tassew.  San Publju, fost l-Isqfijiet tajbin, kien qed juri li r-Reliġjon hi fuq kollox imħabba lejn Alla u lejn l-oħrajn għal Alla.
Tagħlim ieħor żbaljat ta’ żmien San Publju kien dak ta’ Doċeti, li żammew li Kristu ma kienx bniedem, imma deher biss b’ġisem bħal tagħna.
Fi żmien ta’ persekuzzjoni kontra l-Insara, San Publju ma warrabx minn Atene.  Hu ġie kkundannat għall-mewt minħabba twemminu.  Dan jidher li ġara fl-ewwel sena ta’ l-Imperatur Mark Awrelju, jiġifieri fis-sena 161.
San Djonisju, Isqof ta’ Korintu, ċanfar lin-nies ta’ Atene talli kienu waqgħu fl-indifferenza wara li l-Isqof tagħhom Publju kien ġie mogħti l-martirju.
Għalkemm ma tantx għandna tagħrif dwar San Publju, dawk li ġabru ismijiet il-martri ta’ l-ewwel żmien qiegħdu ismu ma’ dawk ta’ dawk li mietu fil-21 ta’ Jannar.  Aħna niċċelebrawh fit-22 tax-xahar biex ma nħallux barra t-tifkira ta’ Santa Anjeże, li taħbat fl-istess ġurnata.
San Publju hu mudell ta’ ragħaj qawwi fit-taqbida.  Jalla aħna wkoll nuru ruħna qawwijin fil-waqt tal-prova u ma nibżgħux nagħtu ħajjitna għal Kristu, jekk ikollu jitlobhielna.


22 ta’ Jannar:
Tifkira ta' San Publju
Prinċep ta’ Malta, Isqof u Martri
Tagħrif: L-Atti tal-Appostli fil-kapitlu 28 isemmi l-laqgħa li l-Maltin għamlu lil San Pawl u sħabu wara l-għarqa fuq xtut gżiritna waqt li kienu fi triqthom lejn Ruma. San Luqa, wara li jsemmi l-miraklu tal-lifgħa li ma qatletx bil-velenu tagħha lil San Pawl, jgħid: “F’dawk l-inħawi kellu l-artijiet tiegħu l-prinċep tal-gżira, jismu Publju, li laqagħna u ġieb ruħu magħna bi tjubija mhux żgħira. Issa ġara li missier Publju kien mixħut bid-deni u bid-disinterija. U Pawlu daħal għandu, u wara li talab u poġġa jdejh fuqu, fejqu. Wara din il-ġrajja dawk kollha li fil-gżira kellhom xi marda bdew jersqu u jiġu mfejqin. U huma qimuna b’bosta ġieħ, u meta tlajna fuq il-bastiment għabbewna b’kulma kellna bżonn.” (Atti 28:7-10)
Publju kien il-gvernatur tal-gżira, il-“proto” – titlu li jiġi mogħti lill-ogħla maġistrat tal-gżira, li jkun delegat tal-“Praetor” ta’ Sqallija. It-tradizzjoni Maltija żżomm li San Pawl waqqaf il-Knisja f’Malta u kkonsagra lil San Publju bħala l-ewwel isqof tagħha. Din it-tradizzjoni hija bbażata mill-fatt li kull fejn mar San Pawl dejjem ħalla, meta ma kellux il-ħsieb li jirritorna, ieħor warajh bħala l-kap u r-ragħaj tal-Knisja ġdida.
(Xi wħud, fosthom San Beda, iħalltu lil San Publiju ta’ Malta ma’ San Publju isqof ta’ Atene li ħa l-martirju fis-seklu II. Dan Isqof tal-belt glorjuża ta’ Atene għex lejn nofs it-tieni seklu. Kien fi żmien l-Imperatur Antoninu Piju (138 – 161) meta l-Knisja kienet imħabbta mill-Injostiċi li kienu jaraw ir-Reliġjon bħala skola ta’ kultura, u għalhekk kienu jgħidu li min ma kienx għaref ma setax jgħid li kien Nisrani tassew. San Publju, fost l-Isqfijiet tajbin, kien qed juri li r-Reliġjon hi fuq kollox imħabba lejn Alla u lejn l-oħrajn għal Alla.
Tagħlim ieħor żbaljat ta’ żmienu kien dak ta’ Doċeti, li żammew li Kristu ma kienx bniedem, imma deher biss b’ġisem bħal tagħna. Fi żmien ta’ persekuzzjoni kontra l-Insara, hu ma warrabx minn Atene. Hu ġie kkundannat għall-mewt minħabba twemminu. Dan jidher li ġara fl-ewwel sena tal-Imperatur Mark Awrelju, jiġifieri fis-sena 161. San Djonisju, Isqof ta’ Korintu, ċanfar lin-nies ta’ Atene talli kienu waqgħu fl-indifferenza wara li l-Isqof tagħhom Publju kien ġie mogħti l-martirju.
Għalkemm ma tantx għandna tagħrif dwaru, dawk li ġabru ismijiet il-martri tal-ewwel żmien qiegħdu ismu ma’ dawk li mietu fil-21 ta’ Jannar. Aħna niċċelebrawh fit-22 tax-xahar biex ma nħallux barra t-tifkira ta’ Santa Anjeże, li taħbat fl-istess ġurnata.)
Fl-1609, San Publju li kien fiż-żgur il-gvernatur tal-gżira tagħna, kien maħtur wieħed mill-qaddisin protetturi ta’ Malta mill-Isqof Gargallo (1577-1610). Il-parroċċa tal-Furjana hi ddedikata lil San Publju ta’ Malta.
Ħsieb: Qari mill-Omeliji tal-Isqof San Ġwann Kriżostmu fuq il-Ktieb tal-Atti tal-Appostli bit-titlu “Ġietu ħniena minnhom”:
“F’dawk l-inħawi kien hemm l-oqsma tal-prinċep tal-gżira, li kien jismu Publju. Dan laqagħna u bil-qalb kollha żammna għandu tlitt ijiem. Araw bniedem ieħor, iħobb jilqa’ l-barranin. Dan Publju, raġel għani u jista’, ġietu ħniena minnhom, laqagħhom għandu bil-qalb u dar bihom, mhux għax kien ra xi ħaġa minnhom, iżda minħabba l-għawġ li ġie fuqhom.
Wara li ħelsu mill-għarqa, in-nies ma għalqux għajnejhom għalihom, anzi laqgħuhom bil-qalb minħabba Pawlu, u għal tliet xhur sħaħ waqfu magħhom ilkoll u ħasbulhom għall-ikel. Dawn in-nies iġagħluna nistħu: ma kinux jafuhom lil dawk li ħelsu mill-għarqa, iżda rawhom fl-għawġ u fehmu sewwa li huma wkoll kienu bnedmin; għalhekk laqgħuhom bil-ħlewwa.
Fil-qrib kien hemm l-oqsma ta’ Publju, il-prinċep tal-gżira, li laqagħhom u żammhom għandu bil-qalb. Sewwa qal, għax irid ikollok qalb kbira biex tilqa’ u żżomm għandek mitejn u sitta u sebgħin ruħ. Araw xi qligħ kbir għandu min jilqa’ l-barrani. Laqagħhom u żammhom għandu għal tlitt ijiem, mhux għax dan ma rahx meħtieġ, anqas ma għamlu fuq il-qalb, imma għax intebaħ bil-qligħ li kien se jikseb. U għalhekk bil-ħaqq kollu tħallas tal-laqgħa tajba li għamlilhom, anzi ngħatalu wisq aktar ukoll, għax Pawlu fejjaqlu lil missieru, li kien marid bid-disenterija, u mhux lil missieru biss imma fejjaq ukoll ħafna morda oħra.”
San Publju hu mudell ta’ ragħaj qawwi fit-taqbida. Jalla aħna wkoll nuru ruħna qawwijin fil-fidi li rċevejna u nibqgħu sodi fil-waqt tal-prova u ma nibżgħux inkunu xhieda ta’ Kristu u jekk jitlobhielna, nagħtu ħajjitna għalih.
Talba: O Alla, int għoġbok li San Publju jilqa’ lill-Appostlu Missierna San Pawl u jżommu għandu bil-qalb: agħmel li, bil-merti u t-talb tal-istess Publju, ngħixu fuq din l-art magħqudin miegħek bil-fidi u l-imħabba, biex niksbu l-hena ta’ dejjem fis-sema. Bi Kristu Sidna. Ammen. (Talba mil-Liturġija tas-Sigħat)

Saint Publius (Maltese: San Publju) is a Maltese Saint. He is venerated as the first Bishop of Malta. St. Publius is Malta‘s first acknowledged saint, the prince of the island (Maltese: il-prinċep tal-gżira). Publius' conversion led to Malta being the first Christian nation in the West, and one of the first in the world.
It was the same Publius who received the Apostle Paul during his shipwreck on the island as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles. According to the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul cured Publius' dysentery - afflicted father.
"In the vicinity of that place were lands belonging to a man named Publius, the chief of the island. He welcomed us and received us cordially as his guests for three days. It so happened that the father of Publius was sick with a fever and dysentery. Paul visited him and, after praying, laid his hands on him and healed him. After this had taken place, the rest of the sick on the island came to Paul and were cured. They paid us great honor and when we eventually set sail they brought us the provisions we needed." - Acts 28:7-10, New American Bible
In fact apart from being the particular patron saint of the town of Floriana, Saint Publius is also one of the patron saints of Malta. He was martyred c. 125, during the persecution of Emperor Hadrian. St. Publius was canonised in the year 1634
His feast is celebrated on January 22 in the Roman Catholic Church


Holy Mass Readings on January 22, Saint Publius, Prince of Malta
Optional Memorial

Qari tal-Quddiesa

22 ta’ Jannar

San Publju Prinċep ta’ Malta

Tifkira Obligatorja
First Reading --- Acts 28:1-10
Atti 28,1-10
Qari mill-Atti tal-Appostli
Meta ħlisna mill-għarqa, sirna nafu li l-gżira kien jisimha Malta. In-nies tagħha ġiebu ruħhom magħna bi ħlewwa li ma bħalha. Laqgħuna tajjeb lilna lkoll u qabbdulna ħuġġieġa, għax kienet bdiet nieżla x-xita u kien il-bard. Mela Pawlu qabad qabda zkuk niexfa u tefagħhom fin-nar. Fiz-zkuk kien hemm lifgħa li, malli ħasset is-sħana, ħarġet u qabdet ma’ id Pawlu. In-nies tal-gżira, kif raw il-lifgħa mdendla ma’ idu, bdew jgħidu wieħed lil ieħor: «Dan ir-raġel żgur xi qattiel, għax għad li ħelisha mill-baħar, il-Ġustizzja ma ħallitux jgħix!» Imma hu farfar il-lifgħa ġon-nar u ma ġralu xejn. Huma stennew li se jarawh jintefaħ jew jaqa’ u jmut f’daqqa. Wara li damu jistennew ħafna u raw li ma ġralu ebda deni, biddlu l-ħsieb u bdew jgħidu li kien xi alla.
F’dawk l-inħawi kien hemm l-oqsma tal-prinċep tal-gżira, li kien jismu Publju. Dan laqagħna u bil-qalb kollha żammna għandu tlitt ijiem. Missier Publju inzerta mixħut, marid bid-deni u bid-disenterija. Pawlu daħal ħdejh, għamel talba, qiegħed idejh fuqu u fejqu. Wara dan imbagħad bdew ukoll jersqu għandu l-morda l-oħra tal-gżira, u hu fejjaqhom. Urewna ġieħ kbir, u meta ġejna biex nitilqu, għabbew fuq il-ġifen kull ma konna neħtieġu.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla.
Psalm 15:1-2.5. 7-8. 11
Salm 15, 1-2.5. 7-8. 11
R/. Int, Mulej, is-sehem tal-wirt tiegħi.
Ħarisni, o Alla, għax fik jien nistkenn.
Jien għedt lill-Mulej:
«Int Sidi, m’għandix ġid ieħor ħliefek.»
Mulej, inti s-sehem tal-wirt u r-riżq tiegħi,
inti żżomm f’idejk xortija.
R/. Int, Mulej, is-sehem tal-wirt tiegħi.
Imbierek lill-Mulej li tani l-fehma;
imqar billejl qalbi tgħallimni.
Inżomm il-Mulej dejjem quddiemi,
għax bih f’leminti qatt ma nitħarrek.
R/. Int, Mulej, is-sehem tal-wirt tiegħi.
Int tgħallimni t-triq tal-ħajja;
hemm il-milja tal-ferħ quddiemek,
hemm l-għaxqa għal dejjem f’lemintek.
R/. Int, Mulej, is-sehem tal-wirt tiegħi.
Ġw 13, 30
R/. Hallelujah
«Nagħtikon kmandament ġdid,
li tħobbu lil xulxin kif ħabbejtkom jien»,
jgħid il-Mulej
R/. Hallelujah
Mt 25, 31-40
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew      
F’dak iż-żmien, Ġesù qal qal lid-dixxipli tiegħu:
«Meta jiġi Bin il-bniedem fil-glorja tiegħu u bl-anġli kollha miegħu, imbagħad joqgħod fuq it-tron glorjuż tiegħu. U quddiemu jinġabru l-ġnus kollha, u hu jifridhom minn xulxin, bħalma r-ragħaj jifred lin-nagħaġ mill-mogħoż: in-nagħaġ iqegħedhom fuq il-lemin tiegħu u l-mogħoż fuq ix-xellug. Imbagħad is-Sultan jgħid lil dawk ta’ fuq il-lemin tiegħu, ‘Ejjew, imberkin minn Missieri, ħudu b’wirt tagħkom is-Saltna li tħejjiet għalikom sa mill-ħolqien tad-dinja. Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u tmajtuni, kont bil-għatx u sqejtuni, kont barrani u lqajtuni, kont għeri u libbistuni, kont marid u ġejtu tarawni, kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni.’ Imbagħad iweġbuh il-ġusti, ‘Mulej’, jgħidulu, ‘meta rajnik bil-ġuħ u tmajnik, jew bil-għatx u sqejnik? Meta rajnik barrani u lqajniek, jew għeri u libbisniek? Meta rajnik marid jew fil-ħabs u ġejna nżuruk?’ U s-Sultan iweġibhom u jgħid, ‘Tassew, ngħidilkom, kull ma għamiltu ma’ wieħed mill-iżgħar fost dawn ħuti, għamiltuh miegħi.’»
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu.

THE GOSPEL --- Mt 25:31-40


L-Istatwa ta' San Publiju f'San Pawl il-Baħar -
Tifkira fis-7-9 ta’ Lulju 2017, meta bħala Parroċċa Pawlina fakkret l-1950 Anniversarju mill-martirju ta’ Missierna San Pawl. Għal din l-okkażjoni kien hawn fostna r-relikwija ta’ parti mill-kolonna li fuqha ħa l-martirju. 


February 10 - The providential Shipwreck in Malta of St Paul and St Luke, Apostles ---GOSPEL --- Mk 16:15-20 -- 'Jesus gives the mission to the Apostles' - Ġesù jagħti l-missjoni lill-Appostli --- & --- ACTS 27:1-44, 28:1-11


Monday, January 19, 2015

May 1st / May 16 - St. Peregrine Laziosi - Patron Saint of patients suffering from cancer or other life threatening diseases --- & --- Prayers, Litany, NOVENA...


Suffering is a gift we can give to God. It is a gift that only the person who is suffering can give. When we understand its value and offer it for love of God and the good of others, then we also find that suffering brings joy
Certainly good works are of great value, but pains and trials borne with love and patience are worth even more. Love can transform even the smallest pain and make it a worthy act of adoration.
 No one loves suffering for itself. But to suffer out of love, and in an attitude of acceptance and trust, is to follow Jesus.
St. Peregrine, the Cancer Saint, is an example of just such trust.

As a youth in Forli he took an active part in the anti-papalist politics of his town. Father Philip Benizi was sent to Forli by the Pope to act as a mediator, but he was insulted and mistreated by the townspeople. A group of young troublemakers, led by Peregrine, attacked Fr. Philip and drove him from the town. Peregrine himself struck the saintly priest on his face. Fr. Benizi's only reply was to offer the other cheek.
Peregrine could not forget the look in the holy priest's eyes - a look of compassion, love and pardon. Peregrine's whole life changed and took on a new meaning. He begged Fr. Philip's forgiveness, left aside his former way of life, and dedicated himself to prayer and solitude.
During this time he developed a trusting and childlike confidence in the Blessed Mother. On one occasion Mary spoke to him and urged him to join her servants - the Servites. Fr. Philip Benizi received Peregrine into the order.
After Peregrine had been ordained a priest, he asked to return to Forli to work among his own people. His favourite places were the hospitals, the prisons and the homes of the poor. He spent his days and nights visiting the sick and the dying, and comforting them by his presence, his words and his actions.
A life of poverty and penance eventually left its mark on the aging Fr. Peregrine. A painful and repulsive cancerous sore developed on his leg. Yet, he bore this suffering without complaint. To save his life, however, the doctors decided to amputate. Surgery was a great risk in those days. Peregrine was afraid and spent the night before the operation in prayer. Suddenly the figure on the crucifix above him began to move! Jesus came down and touched the painful sore, then disappeared. Father Peregrine thought it had been a dream - but he was cured! The doctors themselves testified that they could no longer detect any trace of the cancerous sore.
For this reason St. Peregrine has been designated the patron of all who suffer from any type of cancer.
The suffering that St. Peregrine bore in his lifetime became his crown of glory. His reward was the heaven that each of us longs to someday enjoy.
What we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory, as yet unrevealed, which is waiting for us (cf. Rom 8:18).
Novena to St. Peregrine
O glorious wonder-worker, St. Peregrine, you answered the divine call with a ready spirit, forsaking all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honours of the world, to dedicate yourself to God in the Order of his most Holy Mother. You laboured courageously for the salvation of souls, meriting the title of 'Apostle of Emilia. In union with Jesus Crucified, you patiently endured the most painful sufferings and so deserved to be healed miraculously from an incurable wound in your leg with a touch of His divine hand.
Obtain for us, we pray, the grace to answer every call from God. Enkindle in our hearts a consuming zeal for the salvation of souls. Deliver us from the infirmities that so often afflict our weakened bodies. And obtain for us the grace of perfect resignation to the sufferings which our merciful God allows us to endure. So may we, imitating your virtues and tenderly loving our crucified Lord and his sorrowful Mother, merit glory everlasting in Paradise. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory
Prayer to St. Peregrine
O God, Who gave St. Peregrine an angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his Teacher, and Jesus for the Physician of his infirmity, Grant, we beg Thee through his merits, that on earth we may intensely love our holy angel, the Blessed Virgin, and our Saviour, and in Heaven bless them forever. Grant that we may receive the favour we now ask. . . . Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory with the
invocation: St. Peregrine - pray for us
Litany in Honour of St. Peregrine
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. .
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven - have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world - have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit - have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God - have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God - pray for us.
Mother of Sorrows - pray for us.
Health of the sick - pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted - pray for us.
Help of Christians - pray for us.
St. Peregrine - pray for us.
Converted by the prayers of St. Philip - pray for us.
Afflicted with a cancerous growth - pray for us.
Completely cured by the outstretched hand of Jesus Crucified - pray for us. 
Who performed many miracles in your lifetime - pray for us.
Who multiplied food and drink - pray for us.
Who cured the sick by the power of the Name of Jesus - pray for us.
Who converted hardened sinners by prayer and fasting - pray for us.
Who receive every favour you ask of God - pray for us.
Most confident in prayer - pray for us.
Most austere in penance - pray for us.
Most patient in suffering - pray for us.
Most humble in the holy priesthood - pray for us.
Most zealous for souls - pray for us.
Most kind toward the afflicted - pray for us.
Most devoted to the passion of Jesus and the sorrows of Mary - pray for us. 
Victim with Jesus and Mary for the salvation of souls - pray for us.
Wonder-worker for the sick and diseased - pray for us.
Hope of incurable cases - pray for us.
Universal patron of all who suffer from cancer - pray for us.
Beloved Patron of Spain - - pray for us.
Glory of the Order of the Servants of Mary - pray for us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Peregrine,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
O God, be gracious and hear the prayers which we present to Thee in honour of St. Peregrine, Thy beloved servant. May we who do not rely on our own merits receive help in our needs through the intercession of him whose life was so pleasing to Thee, Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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Preparation for a Sick Call 
1.-A small table covered with a clean white cloth. 
2.-On the table:       
       (a) a Crucifix;
       (b,) two candles;
       (c) holy water, with a sprinkler;
       (d) a small vessel with clean drinking water;
       (e) a white linen cloth for the use of the sick person when receiving Holy Communion.
Prayers For the Sick
Almighty and everlasting God, the eternal salvation of those who believe in Thee, hear us on behalf of Thy servants who are sick, for whom we humbly beg the help of Thy mercy, so that, being restored to health, they may render thanks to Thee in Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Act of Resignation to the Will of God 
My Father, I do not know what will happen to me today. I only know that nothing will happen to me that was not foreseen by Thee and directed to my greater good from all eternity. This is enough for me.
I adore Thy holy eternal and unfathomable plans. I submit to them with all my heart for love of Thee. I offer a sacrifice of everything to Thee and unite my sacrifice to that of my divine Saviour.
In His name and through His infinite merits, I ask Thee for patience in my sufferings and perfect submission to Thee so that everything Thou will or permit to happen will be for Thy glory Amen.
Prayer for a Happy Death
Lord, my Creator and Redeemer, with all my heart I accept my death according to Thy will and in a spirit of adoration. I want to die as a devout child of the Church and to go into eternity with the best dispositions of faith, of hope, of
charity and of sorrow for my sins.
I hope to renew, at least mentally, my baptismal promises.
O Lord, I offer Thee all the circumstances, even the most painful, which will accompany my passage to eternity in
reparation for my sins and to merit Heaven better.
I call upon the great patrons of a good death: Jesus Crucified, with whom I want to pronounce the words: 'Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit: our Mother Mary, so that she may 'pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death; and St. Joseph, that he may help me lead a holy life and merit a death similar to his.
O suffering Jesus, O sorrowful Mary, O St. Joseph, I ask Thee for these graces:
--- A good life in faithful observance of the commandments and of all the duties of my state in life, which will assure
me of a holy death.
--- The gift to receive, in the event of a serious sickness, the sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum.
--- Correspondence to the gifts I have received, so that my life may be spent for the glory of God, and I may gain
eternal happiness.
--- Daily prayer which is necessary for salvation; in particular the frequent reception of the sacraments of confession and the Holy Eucharist.
Jesus Master, I believe in Thee.
Jesus Master, I hope in Thee.
Jesus Master, I love Thee.
Jesus Master, I invoke Thy mercy.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give Thee my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with Thee.


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Novena to St. Peregrine
 May 8 – May 16


Daily Opening Prayer
O good St. Peregrine, patron of those suffering from foot ailments, cancer, and incurable diseases, grant, we beseech you, relief from suffering to (name the names of the persons who are ill). In your compassion, we beg you to intercede with Our Lord Jesus Christ that mankind may soon find a cure for the dread disease of physical cancer as well as for the moral cancer which grips so much of our world today. Amen.

Day 1 (May 8)
Reflection: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Mt 3:2)
Prayer: O great St. Peregrine, who were yourself converted from a violent and sinful life, grant that those who have strayed from the way of Christ may, like you, be given the grace to repent and amend their ways. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.

Day 2 (May 9)
"Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." (Mt 5:5)
Prayer: Good St. Peregrine, who bore the agonies of cancer patiently for so many years, grant us the courage and faith to stand up under our own sickness or weakness. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for our fortitude.

Day 3 (May 10)
Reflection: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you." (Jn 14:27)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, as His priest, you dwelt for many years in peace in the House of the Lord. Intercede for us with Him, then, that this troubled world, torn by hatred and violence, may at last know the blessedness of peace with justice. Amen.
St. Peregrine, help us bring lasting peace to the world.

Day 4 (May 11)
"Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Mt 4:19)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, you became a model priest and eloquent preacher. Grant us more vocations in these troubled times. Amen.
St. Peregrine, inspire more young men and women to follow in the footsteps of Christ just as you did.

Day 5 (May 12)
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you would not." (Mt 23:37)
Prayer: O St. Peregrine, just as you were cured from cancer of the body, intercede for us that the cancer of disregard for life may be removed from the world today. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that the people of the world may heed the teachings of Christ.

Day 6 (May 13)
Reflection: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of God." (Mk 10:14)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, as a youth you led a life of sin. May our Divine Lord grant that your own conversion may inspire our wayward young people today to change their lives as you did and return to Christ. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray for our young people.

Day 7 (May 14)
Reflection: "Cast me not off in my old age; as my strength fails, forsake me not." (Ps 70:9)
Prayer: St. Peregrine, God granted you the grace of a long and fruitful life. Ask Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to lighten the burden of so many of our aged today who are spending their twilight years in pain, sorrow, and loneliness. Amen.
St. Peregrine, bring comfort to our aged in their last days.

Day 8 (May 15)
Reflection: "They shall neither hunger nor thirst anymore." (Rev 7:16)
Prayer: O St. Peregrine, we ask you to heed the anguished cries of those dying from starvation throughout the world today, especially children and old people. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that relief may come to those who are suffering from hunger and thirst in body and soul.

Day 9 (May 16)
 "This day you shall be with Me in paradise." (Lk 23:42)
Prayer: Finally, O good St. Peregrine, we ask that you intercede for those whom God sees fit to call home. May they die in happiness and peace, confident that they will be with You forever in the presence of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
St. Peregrine, pray that we may have strength and comfort in the hour of our death.

Daily Closing Prayer
St. Peregrine, inspired by your own example of repentance, patience, and humility, help us remain faithful to our resolution to walk with renewed strength and vigor in the ways of Our Lord. And, if God wills, please obtain a cure of the illness of (mention names) through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pope in the Philippines: Check out his seven best quotes --- Don't squander God's gifts --- Big families bring hope...

Pope in the Philippines: Check out his seven best quotes

Pope: Don't squander God's gifts

Pope: Big families bring hope


Saturday, January 10, 2015



"The nearer one gets to God, the simpler one becomes", St. Therese of Lisieux

ARE WE READY TO DEVELOP AND POUR OUT THE VIRTUES OF - humility, patience, forgiveness, tolerance, meekness, perseverance, gratitude, obedience, prayerfulness, industriousness, positiveness --- Transforming from egocentric to christocentric persons, trusting wholeheartedly in God who brings out the good out of every situation, out of every negativity, out of every failure, disappointment, sickness, abandonment ...


Storja ta' Ruħ (Santa Tereża ta' Lisieux) 


October 1 - Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Proper Readings At Mass

First reading - Isaiah 66:10-14
Rejoice, Jerusalem,
be glad for her, all you who love her!
Rejoice, rejoice for her,
all you who mourned her!
That you may be suckled, filled,
from her consoling breast,
that you may savour with delight
her glorious breasts.

For thus says the Lord:

Now towards her I send flowing

peace, like a river,

and like a stream in spate
the glory of the nations.
At her breast will her nurslings be carried
and fondled in her lap.
Like a son comforted by his mother
will I comfort you.
And by Jerusalem you will be comforted.
At the sight your heart will rejoice,
and your bones flourish like the grass.
To his servants the Lord will reveal his hand.

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Psalm 130:1-3

Keep my soul in peace before you, O Lord.
O Lord, my heart is not proud
  nor haughty my eyes.
I have not gone after things too great
  nor marvels beyond me.
Keep my soul in peace before you, O Lord.
Truly I have set my soul
  in silence and peace.
A weaned child on its mother’s breast,
  even so is my soul.
Keep my soul in peace before you, O Lord.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
  both now and forever.
Keep my soul in peace before you, O Lord.

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Gospel Acclamation - Mt 11:25

Alleluia, alleluia!
Blessed are you, Father,
Lord of heaven and earth,
for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom
to mere children.

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Gospel --- Matthew 18:1-4

The disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ So he called a little child to him and set the child in front of them. Then he said, ‘I tell you solemnly, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’

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Aktar ma tersaq lejn Ġesù, aktar tiċċekken, tintelaq għar-rieda qaddisa tiegħU, għal kull sitwazzjoni f'ħajtek.
The closer you come to Jesus, the humbler you become, bowing down to His holy will, in all situations in your life.

Salm 69:9 & Ġwanni 2:17 - "Il-ħeġġa għal darek fnietni."

Psalm 69:9 & John 2:17 - " Zeal for your house will consume me."

Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù


Inspirational song "Out of Roads" music by Fr. Arnel dC Aquino, SJ
 -With photos taken from the movie "Therese"-1986 (Catherine Mouchet)

The Story of a Soul: from the Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux - The day of her First Holy Communion

Thérèse was taught at home until she was eight and a half, and then entered the school kept by the Benedictine nuns of the Abbey of Notre Dame du Pre in Lisieux. Thérèse, taught well and carefully by Marie and Pauline, found herself at the top of the class, except for writing and arithmetic. However, because of her young age and high grades, she was bullied. The one who bullied her the most was a girl of fourteen who did poorly at school. Thérèse suffered very much as a result of her sensitivity, and she cried in silence. Furthermore, the boisterous games at recreation were not to her taste. She preferred to tell stories or look after the little ones in the infants' class. "The five years I spent at school were the saddest of my life, and if my dear Céline had not been with me I could not have stayed there for a single month without falling ill." On her free days she became more and more attached to Marie Guérin, the younger of her two cousins in Lisieux. The two girls would play at being anchorites, as the great Teresa had once played with her brother. And every evening she plunged into the family circle. "Fortunately, I could go home every evening and then I cheered up. I used to jump on Father's knee and tell him what marks I had had, and when he kissed me all my troubles were forgotten...I needed this sort of encouragement so much." Yet the tension of the double life and the daily self-conquest placed a strain on Thérèse. Going to school became more and more difficult.

At St Thérèse of Lisieux Sanctuary - Fis-Santwarju ta' Santa Tereza tal-Bambin Ġesù --- Birkirkara, Malta

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù  


Siltiet mill-Ktieb ta' Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù -  STORJA TA' RUĦ

Raising Saints

The Story of 'The Smile' - St Thérèse of Lisieux

 GOSPEL - October 1 -- Mt 18:1-4 -- St Therese of Lisieux -- Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù

--- Unless you become like little children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven --- 
Mt 18, 1--4 

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew 

 [Mt:18:1] F'dak il-waqt resqu d-dixxipli lejn Ġesù u staqsewh: "Mela min hu l-akbar fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet?" 
[Mt:18:2] Hu sejjaħ lejh tfajjel ċkejken, qiegħdu f'nofshom [Mt:18:3] u qalilhom,"Tassew ngħidilkom, li jekk intom ma terġgħux issiru bħat-tfal iż-żgħar, żgur li ma tidħlux fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet. [Mt:18:4] U għalhekk l-ikbar wieħed fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet huwa dak li jċekken lilu nnifsu bħal dan it-tfajjel żgħir. 

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej 
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


Mt 18:1-5 -- Unless you become like little children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven - Jekk intom ma terġgħux issiru bħat-tfal iż-żgħar, żgur li ma tidħlux fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet

OCTOBER 1st - PROPER GOSPEL on the feast of St Therese of Lisieux -- Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù Evanġelju Jekk intom ma terġgħux issiru bħat-tfal iż-żgħar, żgur li ma tidħlux fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet Mt 18, 1--5 Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew F'dak iż-żmien [Mt:18:1] resqu d-dixxipli lejn Ġesù u staqsewh: "Mela min hu l-akbar fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet?" [Mt:18:2] Hu sejjaħ lejh tfajjel ċkejken, qiegħdu f'nofshom [Mt:18:3] u qalilhom,"Tassew ngħidilkom, li jekk intom ma terġgħux issiru bħat-tfal iż-żgħar, żgur li ma tidħlux fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet. [Mt:18:4] U għalhekk l-ikbar wieħed fis-Saltna tas-Smewwiet huwa dak li jċekken lilu nnifsu bħal dan it-tfajjel żgħir. [Mt: 18:5] U kull min jilqa’ tfajjel bħal dan minħabba f’ismi, ikun jilqa’ lili. Il-Kelma tal-Mulej R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

Oct 01 - Homily: St Theresa Greatness of Littleness

 Pope Francis canonizes four new saints - Published on 19 Oct 2015 

JULY 12 - HOLY SPOUSES - SAINTS LOUIS AND ZELIE MARTIN, Parents of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
