Saturday, July 06, 2013

Identity -- Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 -- Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two - Il-missjoni tat-72 dixxiplu - 14th Sun Yr C

Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 -- Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two - Il-missjoni tat-72 dixxiplu
 Il-missjoni tat-72 dixxiplu

[Lq:10:1] Wara dan, il-Mulej għażel tnejn u sebgħin oħra u bagħathom tnejn tnejn qablu f'kull belt u post fejn kien se jmur hu. [Lq:10:2] U qalilhom: "Il-ħsad huwa kbir, imma l-ħaddiema ftit. Itolbu mela lil Sid il-ħsad biex jibgħat ħaddiema għall-ħsad tiegħu. [Lq:10:3] Morru! Araw, qiegħed nibgħatkom bħal ħrief qalb l-ilpup. [Lq:10:4] Teħdux magħkom la but, la ħorġa u lanqas qrieq, u fit-triq issellmu lil ħadd. [Lq:10:5] Fid-dar fejn tidħlu, l-ewwel għidu, 'Is-sliem lil din id-dar.' [Lq:10:6] U jekk fiha jkun hemm min iħobb is-sliem, jistrieħ is-sliem tagħkom fuqu; jekk le, it-tislima tagħkom terġa' lura għandkom. [Lq:10:7] Ibqgħu għand dik il-familja, u kulu u ixorbu milli jkollhom huma, għax il-ħaddiem ħaqqu ħlasu. Toqogħdux idduru minn familja għal oħra. [Lq:10:8] F'kull belt li fiha tmorru u jilqgħukom, kulu dak li jqegħdulkom quddiemkom; [Lq:10:9] fejjqu l-morda li jkun hemm; u lin-nies għidulhom, 'Is-Saltna ta' Alla waslitilkom.' [Lq:10:10] Imma l-belt li fiha tidħlu u ma jilqgħukomx, oħorġu fil-pjazez tagħha u għidu, [Lq:10:11] 'Sa t-trab ta' beltkom infarfru minn ma' riġlejna, u nħalluh għalikom. Imma kunu afu dan: is-Saltna ta' Alla waslet.' [Lq:10:12] Ngħidilkom li dak il-jum ikun eħfef għal Sodoma milli għal dik il-belt.
It-72 jerġgħu lura għand Ġesù
[Lq:10:17] It-tnejn u sebgħin reġgħu lura ferħana jgħidu: "Mulej,ix-xjaten ukoll joqogħdu għalina minħabba f'ismek!" [Lq:10:18] U hu qalilhom: "Iva, jien kont narah lix-Xitan jaqa' bħal berqa mis-sema. [Lq:10:19] Araw, tajtkom is-setgħa li tirfsu fuq sriep u skorpjuni u li tegħlbu kull qawwa ta' l-għadu u ebda ħsara ma jagħmlulkom. [Lq:10:20] Madankollu mhux b'dan ifirħu, li l-ispirti joqogħdu għalikom, imma ifirħu għax għandkom isimkom miktub  fis-smewwiet."

FAITH IN OUR MERCIFUL GOD - Some of the characters from the Old Testament

SOME OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT:- Adam and Eve, after the fall, left to live, work and multiply; Cain, protected by God from being murdered, even after killing his brother Abel; Noah and his family after the flood; the faith of Job full of perseverance and obedience; Sarah and Abraham visited by the Holy Trinity as three Angels, announcing Isaac's birth; God provides for Hagar and Ishmael ; Isaac - going to the offering with Abraham; Rebecca looking at Isaac blessing Jacob; Jacob's dream; Jacob wrestling with God; Joseph betrayed by his brothers; Moses - the burning bush, the Arc of the Covenant, the bronze serpent; Joshua and the falling walls of Jericho; Hannah praying to have a baby, looking on is prophet Eli; Hannah offering Samuel to Eli; David anointed by Samuel; Nathan revealing David's sins; the wisdom of Solomon; Elijah witnessing the power of God; Elijah throwing the mantle to Elisha, while being carried alive to Heaven; Ezekiel obeys God to order the dry bones to move and regain life with 'his' breath; Daniel protected by God, in the dungeon with lions; faithful Hosea with his prostitute wife; Esther, then the Queen.


NOCTURNE by SECRET GARDEN -- sung by Anne Takle, Music by Rolf Lovland Lyrics by Petter Skavland

Now let the day
Just slip away
So the dark night may watch over you
Velvet blue, silent true
It embraces your heart and your soul

Never cry, never sigh
You don't have to wonder why
Always be, always see
Come and dream the night with me

Have no fear
When the night draws near
And fills you with dreams and desire
Like a child asleep
So warm, so deep
You will find me there waiting for you

We will fly, claim the sky
We don't have to wonder why
Always be, always see
Come and dream the night with me

Though darkness lay
It will give way
When the dark night delivers the day
