Saturday, May 11, 2013

EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES - When Pope Francis was Auxiliary Bishop in Argentina in 1996....& Videos on EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES


The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires

Pope Francis, Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires, Argentina

When we meditate on the primacy of Christ in all creation we cannot help but marvel at how He draws all things to Himself when He is lifted up in the Holy Eucharist where He is really present with His body, blood, soul and divinity. Although substantially present, nonetheless the appearance or accidents of bread and wine miraculously remain. In this way we eat of His flesh and drink of His blood in Holy Communion and He truly becomes our food and drink in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
On rare occasions Our Lord works what is called a eucharistic miracle whereby not only the substance changes – transubstantiation – but even the accidents. In 1996 in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina, when the present Pope Francis was Auxiliary Bishop under Cardinal Quarracino, an amazing eucharistic miracle took place. He himself had it photographed and investigated and the results are astonishing. The video below draws this out:


Here is a segment describing the event written by Fr. M. Piotrowski:
Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires

The weakening of faith in the real presence of the Risen Christ in the Eucharist is one of the most significant aspects of the current spiritual crisis. Jesus wants to strengthen our faith in His Eucharistic presence. That is why from time to time in the history of the Catholic Church He gives us signs–Eucharistic miracles that clearly underscore the fact that He, the Risen Lord Himself in the mystery of His Divinity and glorified humanity, is truly present in the Eucharist. The most recent Eucharistic miracle recognized by the Church authorities occurred in 1996 in the capital of Argentina–Buenos Aires. A consecrated Host becomes flesh and blood At seven o’clock in the evening on August 18, 1996, Fr. Alejandro Pezet was saying Holy Mass at a Catholic church in the commercial center of Buenos Aires. As he was finishing distributing Holy Communion, a woman came up to tell him that she had found a discarded host on a candleholder at the back of the church. On going to the spot indicated, Fr. Alejandro saw the defiled Host. Since he was unable to consume it, he placed it in a container of water and put it away in the tabernacle of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.

 On Monday, August 26, upon opening the tabernacle, he saw to his amazement that the Host had turned into a bloody substance. He informed Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (Auxiliary Bishop at that time, now Pope Francis), who gave instructions that the Host be professionally photographed. The photos were taken on September 6. They clearly show that the Host, which had become a fragment of bloodied flesh, had grown significantly in size. For several years the Host remained in the tabernacle, the whole affair being kept a strict secret. Since the Host suffered no visible decomposition, Cardinal Bergoglio decided to have it scientifically analyzed. On October 5, 1999, in the presence of the Cardinal’s representatives, Dr. Castanon took a sample of the bloody fragment and sent it to New York for analysis. Since he did not wish to prejudice the study, he purposely did not inform the team of scientists of its provenance. One of these scientists was Dr. Frederic Zugiba, the well-known cardiologist and forensic pathologist. He determined that the analyzed substance was real flesh and blood containing human DNA. Zugiba testified that, “the analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle close to the valves. This muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. It should be borne in mind that the left cardiac ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body. The heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. This indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken. It is my contention that the heart was alive, since white blood cells die outside a living organism. They require a living organism to sustain them. Thus, their presence indicates that the heart was alive when the sample was taken. What is more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, which further indicates that the heart had been under severe stress, as if the owner had been beaten severely about the chest.” Two Australians, journalist Mike Willesee and lawyer Ron Tesoriero, witnessed these tests. Knowing where sample had come from, they were dumbfounded by Dr. Zugiba’s testimony. Mike Willesee asked the scientist how long the white blood cells would have remained alive if they had come from a piece of human tissue, which had been kept in water. They would have ceased to exist in a matter of minutes, Dr. Zugiba replied. The journalist then told the doctor that the source of the sample had first been kept in ordinary water for a month and then for another three years in a container of distilled water; only then had the sample been taken for analysis. Dr. Zugiba’s was at a loss to account for this fact. There was no way of explaining it scientifically, he stated. Only then did Mike Willesee inform Dr. Zugiba that the analyzed sample came from a consecrated Host (white, unleavened bread) that had mysteriously turned into bloody human flesh. Amazed by this information, Dr. Zugiba replied, “How and why a consecrated Host would change its character and become living human flesh and blood will remain an inexplicable mystery to science—a mystery totally beyond her competence.” Only faith in the extraordinary action of a God provides the reasonable answer—faith in a God, who wants to make us aware that He is truly present in the mystery of the Eucharist. The Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires is an extraordinary sign attested to by science. Through it Jesus desires to arouse in us a lively faith in His real presence in the Eucharist. He reminds us that His presence is real, and not symbolic. Only with the eyes of faith do we see Him under appearance of the consecrated bread and wine. We do not see Him with our bodily eyes, since He is present in His glorified humanity. In the Eucharist Jesus sees and loves us and desires to save us. In collaboration with Ron Tesoriero, Mike Willesee, one of Australia’s best-known journalists (he converted to Catholicism after working on the documents of another Eucharistic miracle) wrote a book entitled Reason to Believe. In it they present documented facts of Eucharistic miracles and other signs calling people to faith in Christ who abides and teaches in the Catholic Church. They have also made a documentary film on the Eucharist—based largely on the scientific discoveries associated with the miraculous Host in Buenos Aires. Their aim was to give a clear presentation of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the subject of the Eucharist. They screened the film in numerous Australian cities. The showing at Adelaide drew a crowd of two thousand viewers. During the commentary and question period that followed a visibly moved man stood up announcing that he was blind. Having learned that this was an exceptional film, he had very much wanted to see it. Just before the screening, he prayed fervently to Jesus for the grace to see the film. At once his sight was restored to him, but only for the thirty-minute duration of the film. Upon its conclusion, he again lost the ability to see. He confirmed this by describing in minute detail certain scenes of the film. It was an incredible event that moved those present to the core of their being. Through such wondrous signs God calls souls to conversion. If Jesus causes the Host to become visible flesh and blood, a muscle that is responsible for the contraction of a human heart—a heart that suffers like that of someone who has been beaten severely about the chest, if He does such things, it is in order to arouse and quicken our faith in His real presence in the Eucharist. He thus enables us to see that Holy Mass is a re-presentation (i.e. a making present) of the entire drama of our salvation: Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. Jesus says to his disciples, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe” (Jn 4: 48). There is no need to actively seek out wondrous signs. But if Jesus chooses to give them to us, then it behooves us to accept them with meekness and seek to understand what He desires to tell us by them. Thanks to these signs, many people have discovered faith in God—the One God in the Holy Trinity, who reveals His Son to us: Jesus Christ, who abides in the sacraments and teaches us through Holy Scripture and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

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Miracles of the Eucharist - by Bob and Penny Lord





Monday, May 06, 2013

May 8 - Our Lady of Pompeii - Is-Supplika lill-Madonna ta' Pompej - 8 ta' Mejju --- Lepanto: The Day Our Lady Saved Christendom

Il Quadro Miracoloso nel Santuario della Beata Vergine del Rosario di Pompeii

 Il-Belt tar-Rużarju - The City of the Rosary


THE MOST HOLY ROSARY IN ENGLISH - as we Maltese generally recite it in the Maltese Language. (The translation from our language may vary)

The Prayer of the Most Holy Rosary - pg 1 of 2

The Prayer of the Most Holy Rosary, The updated Litany - pg 2 of 2


Pope Francis Naples visit: Prayer at the Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary - 2015.03.21


8 ta' Mejju, 2o2o, fi żmien il-pandemija tal-corona virus.

Quddiesa, Supplika lill-Madonna ta' Pompej u Rużarju mill-Knisja ta' M'Xlokk - 8 ta' Mejju 2020, 11:30am


Qari I
Il-Għerf kien jeżisti sa minn qabel ma nbdiet l-art.
Prov 8, 22-31

Qari mill-Ktieb tal-Proverbji

Dan jgħid il-Għerf ta’ Alla:
Il-Mulej kellu lili sa mill-bidu ta’ għemilu,
sa minn qabel l-eqdem għemejjel tiegħu.
Sa minn dejjem twaqqaft, mill-bidu, qabel ma nbdiet id-dinja.
Kien għad m’hemmx l-ibħra l-kbar,
meta tnissilt jien, kien għad m’hemmx għejun inixxu l-ilma;
qabel ma tqiegħdu l-muntanji, qabel l-għoljiet jien twelidt.
Kien għadu ma għamilx l-art bir-raba’ tagħha,
u lanqas l-ewwel traba tal-art.
Meta ħejja s-smewwiet jien kont hemm,
meta ħażżeż dawra fuq wiċċ il-baħar kbir,
meta saħħaħ is-smewwiet hemm fuq,
u qiegħed fis-sod in-nixxigħat ta’ qiegħ il-baħar;
meta ħażżeż trufijiet il-baħar, biex l-ilmijiet ma jaqbżux trufhom;
meta qiegħed sisien l-art,
jien kont maġenbu bħala tfajjel, l-għaxqa tiegħu,
jum wara ieħor, nitliegħeb il-ħin kollu quddiemu;
nitliegħeb fuq l-art imħejjija għall-bnedmin,
nitgħaxxaq b’ulied il-bnedmin”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla

Salm Responsorjali
Salm 44 (45), 11-12.14-15.16-17

R/. (11a): Isma’, binti, ħares u agħti widen

Isma’, binti, ħares u agħti widen,
insa ’l ġensek u ’l dar missierek.
Jitgħaxxaq is-sultan bi ġmielek;
u int, għax hu sidek, agħtih qima. R/.

Kollha ġmiel bint is-sultan bil-ġawhar,
minsuġ bid-deheb ilbiesha.
Għand is-sultan jeħduha bix-xbejbiet warajha,
it-tfajliet li jingħatawlha bi sħabha. R/.

Jittieħdu b’għajjat ta’ ferħ u hena;
jidħlu fil-palazz tas-sultan.
Flok missirijietek jilħqu wliedek;
inti tqegħedhom kapijiet fuq l-art kollha. R/.

Qari II

Alla bagħat lil Ibnu, imwieled minn mara.

Gal 4, 4-7

Qari mill-Ittra ta’ San Pawl Appostlu lill-Galatin

Ħuti, meta waslet il-milja taż-żmien, Alla bagħat lil Ibnu, imwieled minn mara, imwieled taħt il-Liġi, biex jifdi lil dawk li kienu taħt il-Liġi, biex ikollna l-adozzjoni ta’ wlied. U għax intom ulied, Alla bagħat l-Ispirtu ta’ Ibnu f’qalbna jgħajjat: “Abbà! Missier!”. U hekk m’intix iżjed ilsir, iżda iben: u jekk iben, werriet ukoll bil-grazzja ta’ Alla.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Irroddu ħajr lil Alla

Akklamazzjoni qabel l-Evanġelju
Lq 2,19

Hallelujah. R/. Hallelujah

Ħienja l-Verġni Mqaddsa Marija li kienet tgħozz f'qalbha l-Kelma ta' Alla u taħseb fuqha bejnha u bejn ruħha 

R/. Hallelujah


MAY 8 -- Proper Gospel - OUR LADY OF POMPEI --- l-Evanġelju propju - MADONNA TA' POMPEJ
Marija baqgħet tgħożż f'qalbha dawn il-ħwejjeġ kollha u taħseb fuqhom bejnha u bejn ruħha.
Lq  2, 15b-19

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F'dak iż-żmien, 15b ir-ragħajja bdew jgħidu lil xulxin: “Ejjew immorru Betlehem ħa naraw x’ġara kif għarrafna l-Mulej.” 16Marru mela jgħaġġlu, u sabu lil Marija u ’l Ġużeppi, bit-tarbija mimduda f’maxtura. 17Kif raw dan, bdew jgħarrfu b’kulma kien intqal lilhom dwar dik it-tarbija, 18u kull min semagħhom baqa’ mistagħġeb b’dak li qalulhom ir-rgħajja. 19Marija, min-naħa tagħha, baqgħet tgħożż f’qalbha dawn il-ħwejjeġ kollha u taħseb fuqhom bejnha u bejn ruħha.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


ALTERNATIVE PROPER READINGS on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Pompei, concelebrated on Monday, May 8th, 2023, at the Jesuits Church, the Church of the Circumcision of Our Lord, in Valletta Malta.


Qari mill-Ktieb tal-Apokalissi ta’ San Ġwann Appostlu (21:1-5a)

Jiena, Ġwanni, rajt sema ġdid u art ġdida, għax is-sema ta’ qabel u l-art ta’ qabel għabu, u ma kienx hemm iżjed baħar. U l-Belt il-qaddisa, Ġerusalemm il-ġdida, rajtha nieżla mis-sema mingħand Alla, imħejjija bħal għarusa mżejna għall-għarus tagħha.

U smajt leħen ġej mit-tron jgħid: «Din hi l-għamara ta’ Alla mal-bnedmin! Hu jgħammar magħhom, u huma jkunu l-poplu tiegħu, u Alla nnifsu jkun magħhom, Alla tagħhom. Hu jixxuttalhom kull demgħa minn għajnejhom; ma jkunx hemm iżjed mewt, anqas biki jew għajjat jew tbatija ma jkun hemm iżjed, għax għabu l-ħwejjeġ ta’ qabel.

Imbagħad dak li hu bilqiegħda fuq it-tron qal: «Ara, sa nġedded kollox.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej.     
Irroddu ħajr lil Alla.

Salm Responsorjali:  Għannu lil Mulej Bierku Ismu

Alla hu s-salvazzjoni tiegħi;

jiena nittama u ma nibżax,

għax il-qawwa u l-għana tiegħi hu l-Mulej;

hu s-salvazzjoni tiegħi.

Kollkom ferħana, timlew l-ilma mill-għejun tas-salvazzjoni. R/.


Għannu lill-Mulej, sejħu lil ismu,

għarrfu lill-ġnus l-għemejjel tiegħu,

xandru li ismu huwa fil-għoli. R/.


Għannu lill-Mulej għax għamel ħwejjeġ kbar;  

ħa jkun dan magħruf min-nies kollha tal-art.

Aqbeż bil-ferħ, għanni, int li tgħammar f’Sijon,

għax kbir hu f’nofsok il-Qaddis ta’ Israel. R/.

Akklamazzjoni għall-Evanġelju

Lq 1: 45


R/. Hallelujah

Hienja int, Verġni Marija, u jistħoqlok kull tifħir

għax minnek tnissel Kristu, Alla tagħna, ix-Xemx tal-ġustizzja

R/. Hallelujah


Jn 19:25-27 - His mother, standing close to Jesus crucified - X’weġgħa ġarrbet u x’kefrija meta ratu fit-tbatija l-Omm lil Binha Alla.


X’weġgħa ġarrbet u x’kefrija meta ratu fit-tbatija l-Omm lil Binha Alla. Ġw 19, 25-27 Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann [Ġw:19:25] Kien hemm wieqfa ħdejn is-salib ta' Ġesù ommu, oħt ommu, Marija ta' Kleofa, u Marija ta' Magdala. [Ġw:19:26] Mela kif Ġesù lemaħ lil ommu u lid-dixxiplu li kien iħobb wieqaf ħdejha, qal lil ommu: "Mara, hawn hu ibnek". [Ġw:19:27] Imbagħad qal lid-dixxiplu: "Hemm hi ommok". U minn dak il-ħin id-dixxiplu ħadha għandu. Il-Kelma tal-Mulej R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu


BARTOLO LONGO STATUE AT POMPEII - photo taken on 13th October 2013

Bartolo Longo, NEW FULL FILM, biography, power of the Rosary, Mary's Dowry Productions


Dun Gerard Buhagiar celebrating Holy Mass together with other Maltese/Gozitan priests at Our Lady of  Pompeii Sancturay - 13th October 2013

Supplica alla Madonna di Pompei
(da recitarsi l'8 Maggio e la prima domenica di Ottobre a mezzogiorno)

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FEAST OF OUR LADY OF POMPEI --- 8th May. Rosary prayer at 11.00 am followed by the celebration of Mass at 11.30 am, followed by the ‘Supplication Prayer’ to our Lady of Pompei. Then the Sagramental Blessing.
At Our Lady Of Sorrows Parish Church, Saint Paul's Bay, Malta




-Tingħad kull sena


--- f’nofsinhar tat-8 ta’ Mejju, Festa Devozjonali lill-Madonna tar-Rużarju f'Pompei ;


--- fl-ewwel Ħadd t'Ottubru - JEW - fil-festa tal-Madonna tar-Rużarju, 7 t'Ottubru. 

pg 1

 pg 2

pg 3

pg 4

SALVE REGINA, mater misericordiae.... 

REGINA COELI - (if the feast falls during Eastertide)




Catholic Exchange:

This article is adapted from a chapter in Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know by Diane Moczar

Lepanto: The Day Our Lady Saved Christendom

by Diane Moczar

"With the help of Mary, as both Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christian saints and heroes of the sixteenth century had begun that liberation."
Before the famous Battle of Lepanto, one man, at least, saw the danger with great clarity; as the Turkish menace moved ever westward in 1570, Pope St. Pius contacted the chief rulers of the West to unite against an enemy that threatened them all. In vain. Elizabeth of England? “The cold queen of England is looking in the glass,” as Chesterton would write in his famous epic poem “Lepanto,” absorbed in herself, her rivalry with Spain, her intricate diplomacy, and her persecution of Catholics.
France? “The shadow of the Valois is yawning at the Mass.” France at this time was actually a sometime-ally of the Turks, and in the 1570s the country was torn by religious warfare and ruled by the unstable Charles IX, one of a series of sickly sons of the Machiavellian Queen Mother, Marie de Medici. Even Philip II of Spain, champion of the Catholic cause against the Protestants, was much occupied with his new American empire and did not answer the papal summons in person.

He did, however, send his half-brother, Don Juan of Austria, a young man in his twenties, as well as dozens of ships. Once in Italy, Don Juan was joined by volunteers from all the Mediterranean countries and set about assembling a fleet in 1571. He managed to get about 208 ships (some eighty fewer than in the Turkish fleet), mainly contributed by the Papal States, Spain, and Venice, with a few from other Italian states. The allied states came to be known as the Holy League.
On  the  flagship of the  Genoese admiral, Giovanni  Andrea Doria, was a curious picture that Philip II of Spain had sent him.
Philip had received it from the archbishop of Mexico, who had commissioned it as a copy of the mysterious image of Mary that had appeared in 1531 on the cloak of an Aztec Indian. The archbishop, hearing the news from Europe of the Turkish offensives and the scramble to  organize an  effective defense, must have thought of the many miracles already associated with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. When the copy was finished, he touched it to the original and sent it to the king, advising him to have it displayed on one of the ships of the Holy League, in the hope of victory. Pope St. Pius was also seeking our Lady’s aid, through the recitation of the Rosary, which he asked all of Europe to pray for a successful outcome of the Christian offensive. When the ships set out from the Sicilian port of Messina on September 16, 1571, all of the men had rosaries too.

The great battle

In Rome, Pope Pius had been meeting with his treasurer. Suddenly he rose, went to the window, and stood gazing intently at the sky. Then, turning, he said, “This is not a moment for business; make haste to thank God, because our fleet this moment has won a victory over the Turks.” The day was October 7, 1571, and what the pope apparently saw in vision — for the news could not possibly have reached him by natural  means — was what has since been called the greatest sea battle since the Battle of Actium (between the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, on the one side, and Octavian on the other) in 31 BC.

Naval historians have analyzed it extensively, describing the maneuvering of the two fleets and the various tactics and weaponry used, and several websites provide maps and pictures as well as details. I will not go into the technical questions here, but a few points should be mentioned.

The Turkish fleet was anchored in the Gulf of Corinth as the allied fleet approached. It probably outnumbered the Christian fleet, but the number of combatants seems to have been about equal; perhaps 30,000 on each side. The Christians had the considerable advantage of possessing six galleasses; these were larger than galleys and had side-mounted cannon — as opposed to the front-mounted cannons of the galleys. This allowed them to inflict great damage on any ship that came broadside to them.

Some accounts say that as the fleets came within fighting distance of each other, early in the morning of October 7, the wind favored the Turks and blew their ships forward against the Christian vessels. Then  the wind shifted, and Don John’s ships were able to draw close to the enemy. This was necessary, because sixteenth-century  naval warfare included hand-to-hand  fighting on the decks as well as bombardment by cannons and arrows.

The sea was red with blood for miles around the battle site, when by the late afternoon of October 7, it was all over. The Holy League lost about 8,000 men and at least double that  number wounded, but only a dozen ships. Around the same number of Turks died, but thousands more were captured, fifty ships were sunk, and at least 117 vessels were captured.

An unforeseen development was the rising up, from the depths of the Turkish galleys, of several thousand Christian slaves who had been  forced to  row the  ships. Chesterton   describes the “Thronging of the thousands up that labor under sea, White for bliss and blind for sun and stunned for liberty. Vivat Hispania! Domino Gloria! Don John of Austria has set his people free.”
One famous Spaniard who fought in this battle, the author Cervantes, serves as a symbol in the final verses of the great poem:
Cervantes on his galley sets the sword back in the sheath 
(Don John of Austria rides homeward with a wreath.) 
And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain,  
Up which a lean and foolish knight for ever rides in vain,  
And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile, and settles back the blade. 
(But Don John of Austria rides home from the Crusade.)
When the news reached Europe, there was general relief, rejoicing, and thanksgiving. As for Pope Pius, he gave credit where it was due, declaring October 7 the Feast of Our Lady of Victory; it was later changed to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary — a name it still bears.

 A story without an end

The overwhelming significance of this great battle, the climax of the long Christian resistance to Muslim conquest, was that it ended any major Turkish attacks on the Mediterranean. The decimated Ottoman fleet would be partially rebuilt, and one or two islands and African coastal areas would later fall to Turkish attack, but never again would the Mediterranean be in such serious peril from the Turks as it had been before October 7, 1571. Spain would not be reinvaded by the Moors, and the rest of the southern shores of Christendom would be safe. One of the two main pathways to conquering Europe for Allah had been cut off for good.

True, the Ottoman armies were still intact, and in the following century would mount one last campaign against Vienna. It would be their downfall. From the successful defense of Vienna, Christian armies would go on to roll back Turkish conquests from Hungary and much of the Balkans, although a few areas would not be liberated until the earlier twentieth century. With the help of Mary, as both Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christian saints and heroes of the sixteenth century had begun that liberation.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jn 21:15-17 -- Jesus Reinstates Peter - "feed my sheep" -- Ġesù u Pietru - "irgħa n-nagħaġ tiegħi"

Ġesù u Pietru

[Ġw:21:15] Wara li kielu xi ħaġa, Ġesù qal lil Xmun Pietru: "Xmun bin Ġwanni, tħobbni int aktar minn dawn?" "Iva, Mulej," wieġbu, "int taf li nħobbok." Qallu: "Irgħa l-ħrief tiegħi." [Ġw:21:16] Staqsieh għat-tieni darba: "Xmun bin Ġwanni, tħobbni int?" "Iva, Mulej," wieġbu,"int taf li nħobbok." Qallu: "Irgħa n-nagħaġ tiegħi." [Ġw:21:17] Għat-tielet darba staqsieh: "Xmun bin Ġwanni, tħobbni?" Pietru ħass għafsa ta' qalb għax staqsieh għat-tielet darba, 'Tħobbni?' u qallu: "Mulej, int taf kollox, inti taf li nħobbok." Qallu Ġesù: "Irgħa n-nagħaġ tiegħi.
