Thursday, September 20, 2018

ĦNIENA 'SKANDALUŻA' - 'SCANDALOUS' MERCY --- & --- Pope Francis Mass at Santa Marta on 20th September 2018

Omelia di Papa Francesco a Santa Marta del 10 ottobre 2017


It-Tlieta 10 ta’ Ottubru 2017. Omelija tal-Papa Franġisku fid-Dar Santa Marta.
Il-Papa Franġisku fakkar lill-fidili kollha li l-ħniena bla tarf t’Alla tiżboq kollox, imma wissiena li m’għandniex inkunu riġidi u għandna nkunu dejjem qlubna miftuħin.Franġisku kien qed jitkellem waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tad-Dar Santa Marta fejn għamel riflessjoni, għat-tieni jum wara l-ieħor, dwar qari mill-Ktieb tal-Profeta Ġona. Il-Papa qal li hi biss il-ħniena t’Alla li tiftħilna qlubna u tirbaħ kollox.
Ġona, qal Franġisku, kien bniedem rasu iebsa, kien marid bir-riġidità, ruħ imġewħa. Fl-istorja tal-Bibbja, Alla jitlob lil Ġona biex jikkonverti l-belt ta’ Ninwè. Għall-ewwel il-Profeta rrifjuta u ħarab, imbagħad wettaq l-amar ta’ Alla u qeda dmiru sew. Madankollu, osserva l-Papa, Ġona hu mgħaddab u nkurlat għax Alla ħafer lill-poplu li b’qalb miftuħa wera sogħba.
Dawk li qalbhom hi stinata ma jifhmux x’inhi l-ħniena t’Alla. Huma bħal Ġona, qal il-Papa, ma jafux jiftħu qalbhom għall-Mulej. Dawn il-bnedmin huma ta’ qalb dgħajfa: qlub ċkejknin, magħluqin għall-ħniena u marbutin biss mar-rettitudni stretta. Jinsew li l-ġustizzja t’Alla saret laħam f’Ibnu, saret ħniena u maħfra. Jinsew li l-qalb t’Alla hi dejjem miftuħa għall-maħfra.
Jinsew xi ħaġ’oħra, issokta l-Papa. Jinsew li l-omnipotenza ta’ Alla turi
ruħha primarjament fil-ħniena u l-maħfra tiegħu.
Mhux faċli nifhmu l-ħniena t’Alla. Jeħtieġ li nitolbu ħafna għax din hi grazzja. U aħna mdorrijin bl-attitudni ta’ tpattija li tfisser li għalina l-ġustizzja hi li tħallas għal dak li tkun għamilt. Madankollu rridu niftakru li Ġesù ħallas għalina u għadu jħallas.
Lil Ġona Alla seta’ abbandunah u ħallieh mar-ras iebsa u r-riġidità tiegħu. Minflok, mar ikellmu u kkonvinċieh; salvah bħalma salva lill-poplu ta’ Ninwè. Alla hu Alla tal-paċenzja, li jaf imelles, li jaf kif għandu jiftaħ il-qlub.
Il-qofol tal-messaġġ tal-ktieb tal-Profeta, kompla jgħid il-Papa, insibuh fid-djalogu bejn il-profezija, il-penitenza, il-ħniena u l-qalb dgħajfa jew ir-ras iebsa. U minn dan naraw li l-ħniena t’Alla dejjem toħroġ minn fuq għax l-omnipotenza tiegħu tidher fil-ħniena tiegħu.
Intikom parir, temm il-Papa, li llum taqraw il-Ktieb ta’ Ġona. Hu ktieb żgħir ħafna, tliet faċċati biss, u taraw kif jaħdem il-Mulej, kif il-ħniena tiegħu tittrasforma qlubna, u niżżu ħajr ‘l Alla talli hu tant ħanin.
Ħajr lill-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet ta’ Radju Marija


Loving My Jesus
- Casting Crowns


(Prepared and read for the first time on 18th September 2018 during meeting of prayer group Pentekoste, in St Paul's Bay, Malta)

ALLA HU D-DAWL - [1Ġw:1:5-10] Din hi l-aħbar li smajna mingħandu u li qegħdin inxandrulkom: li Alla hu dawl u ebda dlam ma hemm fih. Jekk ngħidu li aħna mseħbin miegħu imma nimxu fid-dlam, nkunu qegħdin nigdbu u ma nagħmlux il-verità. Iżda jekk nimxu fid-dawl, kif inhu fid-dawl hu stess, aħna nissieħbu flimkien, u d-demm ta' Ġesù Kristu Ibnu jnaddafna minn kull dnub.   Jekk ngħidu li m'għandniex dnub, nkunu qegħdin inqarrqu bina nfusna u l-verità ma tkunx fina.   Jekk nistqarru dnubietna, hu fidil u ġust, hekk li jaħfrilna dnubietna u jnaddafna minn kull ħażen.   Jekk ngħidu li ma dnibniex, nkunu qegħdin ingiddbuh, u kelmtu ma tkunx fina.

Il-qalb tal-bniedem qisa’ kamp tal-battalja fejn jikkumbattu kontra xulxin  żewġ spirti – dak ta’ Alla u dak tad-dinjaIt-tajjeb kontra l-ħażen ... IMMA - [Prov:9:10] Il-biża' tal-Mulej hu l-bidu ta' l-għerf, u li tagħraf lill-Qaddis, hu d-dehen.

Jista’ Alla jirraġuna bħalna ?  Le għax Hu perfett u aħna m’aħniex u niġu konxji ta’ dan waqt il-prova għax naraw kemm ngħidu kliem żejjed, kemm ikonna skużi lesti ... Daqs tant ieħor ma nistgħux nifhmu l-ĦNIENA TIEGĦU !

Kellu għalfejn jibgħat lil Ibnu Ġesù u jgħaddi minn dak kollu biex jeħlisna u jsalvana ? Le. Kien il-kaġun tal-imħabba perfetta tiegħu, li għażel li jkun lest li jagħti ħajtu għalina lkoll. Fl-umanità tagħna ma nistgħux naslu ngħaġġixxu bil-maqlub li tgħidilna d-dinja (ħobb lil min iħobbok u għobod lil min jgħobodok ecc). ( [Lq 6:27-37] ) Fl-umanità tagħna ma nistgħux nifhmu kif irridu naħfru lil min għamlilna d-deni bil-fomm jew ukoll bl-għemil ! Aħna jidrilna li għandha ssir ġustizzja ... (Waħda mir-raġuni għax ma nistgħux inniżżluha din - isemmiha Patri Elija Vella OFM Conv (Mejju 2004) ... Għax m’għandniex għajnejna jħarsu l-ġewwa ukoll, imma dejjem jikkoreġu u jakkużaw il-ħażin ta’ ħaddieħor ... u li qatt ma ninsewh – jinbidel kemm jinbidel għal aħjar, ikkonverta kemm ikkonverta ! Ma ninsewx --- li l-akbar akkużatur huwa x-xitan – l-ewwel iwaqqak fid-dnub umbagħad jgħajjrek ... biex ma tmurx tqerr !) Min hu l-aqwa avukat difensur tagħna jekk mhux Alla li jaf kollox x’jgħaddi minna. Hu jaf l-isforzi tagħna, tant jemmen meta nixtiequ li rridu nimbidlu, infiequ,  li wara li nqerru dnubietna, sa jasal biex JINSA l-passat mimli żbalji tagħna ! Grazzi Mulej ... U jasal ukoll biex jinsa l-passat ta’ ħaddieħor – iii kif jista’ jkun ? Sa naslu niskandalizzaw ruħna għax Alla jinsa d-dnubiet maħfura tal-oħrajn ... u kif jista’ jkun li l-antenati, fl-umanità qaddisa ta’ Ġesù kien hemm nies korrotti, qattiela, adulteri, prostituti ... u mhux QADDISIN BISS ???  ... Bħallikieku rridu nindaħlu u nmaqdru l-ġustizzja perfetta ta’ Alla !!!

Fil-ħajja tal-qaddisin, bnedmin bħalna, naqraw kif huma kienu lesti li jmutu martri – Dan ma jfissirx li fittxew huma, biex jiġu vvittimizzati, abbużati u maqtula – huma trażżnu bis-sħiħ biex jgħożżu d-dinjità ta’ persunthom … għax tant kienu mimlija bil-qawwa tal-Ispirtu Qaddis ta’ Alla, li aċċettaw ir-rieda tiegħU u imma, li baqgħu sodi fil-fidi …

[Fil:3:8]  Jiena ngħodd kollox bħala telf ħdejn il-qligħ kbir li hemm filli nagħraf lil Kristu Ġesù Sidi; minħabba fih, ridt li nitlef kollox, u ngħodd kollox bħala knis, biex nirbaħ lil Kristu … [Fil:3:10] Irrid nagħraf lilu u l-qawwa tal-qawmien tiegħu mill-imwiet, u naqsam miegħu t-tbatijiet tiegħu, u nsir nixbhu fil-mewt, [Fil:3:11] biex jirnexxili nikseb il-qawmien  mill-imwiet.  Għalhekk aħna nemmnu bis-sħiħ li l-vittmi kollha ta’ kull żmien (anzjani, irġiel,nisa, tfal, trabi, embrijuni ) – minn kif imutu, ikunu jinsabu jgawdu il-preżenza ta’ Kristu Ġesù – il-Qassis il-Kbir li offra lili nnifsu biex minn rajh isir vittma għall-ħelsien tagħna lkoll.  [2Sam:22:31]  Dritta hi t-triq ta' Alla; safja hi l-kelma tal-Mulej. Tarka huwa Alla għal kull min jistkenn fih. [S:145:17-18] Ġust il-Mulej fl-imġiba tiegħu kollha, twajjeb f'dak kollu li għamel.  Qrib il-Mulej lejn kull min isejjaħlu, lejn kull min isejjaħlu fis-sewwa.

Imma kemm nitolbuh lil Alla biex jeħlisna mill-għedewwa tagħna hux ?! Imma l-akbar għadu tiegħi hu il-JIEN - għax minni jiddependi jekk inċedix għad-dnub jew le; minni jiddependi jekk naħfirx jew le – minnflok naqa’ għat-tormenti tal-provokazzjoni – inżomm is-skiet, nitlob u nafda’ fl-għajnuna ta’ Alla !  [Mk:7:21-23] Għax hu minn ġewwa, mill-qalb tal-bniedem, li joħorġu l-ħsibijiet il-ħżiena, żína, serq, qtil, adulterju, regħba, ħażen, qerq, libertinaġġ, għira, malafama, suppervja u bluha. Dal-ħażen kollu minn ġewwa joħroġ u jtabba' lill-bniedem."  Ir-rebħa tagħna li naħarbu l-ħażen hi biss ma’ Alla: F’omelija Papa Franġisku jgħid: “Il-bniedem li jħalli l-mondanità tmexxih, jitlef l-identità Nisranija, jirvinaha, għax ma jibqagħlux ħila jkun koerenti”( u jgħix ħajja doppja ).
Fil-magħmudija jsir Patt ma’ Alla, nistqarru li nemmnu fih, nkunu leali lejħ billi nobdu l-kmandamenti - għax huma jipproteġuna,  niċħdu x-xitan u tlellix kollhu tiegħu. [2Kor:11:14] M'hux għaġeb, għax Satana stess jitbiddel f'anġlu tad-dawl – (irridu nżommu dejjem f’moħħna - li kull tentazzjoni hi attraenti), [Mt:5:37] Mela ħa jkun id-diskors tagħkom, 'Iva, iva', 'Le, le'; kull ma hu iżjed minn hekk ikun ġej mill-Ħażin – m’hemmx kompromessi – waqt il-Quddiesa mod u mbagħad ngħix mod ieħor.  [Lhud:4:13]  Xejn ma hemm fil-ħolqien li hu moħbi għalih, imma kollox hu miftuħ għal għajnejn Alla, li lilu rridu nagħtu kont:  Hemm min li minkejja kollox, jibqa’ leali lejn Alla ħajtu kollha (Sta Theresa ta’ Lisieux, Sta Marija Goretti); hemm min jersaq lejn Alla hekk kif jiġi mġarrab minn xi inkwiet, xi marda, xi traġedja (San Injazju ta’ Loyola); hemm min jiġi mkaxkar mill-vizzji li jara madwaru u jiċħad lil Alla,  imma wara jiġi f’sensieh (Ir-Re David, Santu Wistin, Sta Marija Madalena, Il-Beatu Bartolo Longo): U Alla juża’ kull esperjenza biex jeżżiżna – jurina kemm ninsew li Hu jaf kollox, imma li xorta nintelqu fl-inganni, fid-dnubniet, fis-sagrileġġi, saħansitra ma nindunawx li nsiru monstri mingħajru – Hu jreġġana lura għandu ħa jgħina nsibu l-paċi f’qalbna – jiġifieri li r-rieda tagħna tkun f’armonija mar-rieda tiegħu, għax meta nitilfu x’inhu Alla għalina, nitilfu d-dinjità tagħna l-bnedmin ... U kultant Alla jaqa’ fis-silenzju, jħallina nindunaw u nħossu n-nuqqas tiegħu ... [Is:49:14-15] U Sijon kienet tgħid: 'Ħallieni l-Mulej ,' u: 'Sidi nsieni.' Tista' mara tinsa t-tarbija tagħha, u ma tħennx għal bin ġufha? Mqar jekk din tinsa, jien ma ninsiek qatt!  M’hemmx qaddis mingħajr passat u m’hemmx midneb mingħajr futur... iva, hemm it-tama u l-għajnuna ta’ Alla - imma l-għażliet u d-deċiżjonijiet  f’idejja. = Irridu nżommu f’moħħna - speċjalment fis-sefsif ta’ għira – li l-fortuna ma teżistix Iżda hi l-PROVIDENZA TA’ ALLA - x’ħin irid Hu u kif irid Hu !

Alla tagħna huwa Alla żvinturat: Il-Bibbja kollha hija ġirja waħda tiegħu wara l-bniedem biex jgħallmu, iwissieh, jwiddbu, jrażżnu, jfejjqu, jeħilsu, jaħfirlu, jdewwieh, jipprovdilu, jsalvah ... u hekk għadu, u jibqa’ jagħmel minn kollox, biex kull ruħ ma tintilifx.

Alla tagħna hu l-ħallieq - hu li joħloq, hu li għad irid joħloq – Naraw kemm Alla tagħna huwa Alla żvinturat nerġa ngħid u xorta jibqa’ jfisset fil-bnieden: Fil-kapulavur tiegħu tal-ħolqien ried li jaqsmu ma’ kreatura XBIEHA TIEGĦU - [Ġen:2:7, 15-24] Il-Mulej Alla sawwar il-bniedem mit-trab ta' l-art u nefaħlu fi mnifsejh nifs il-ħajja, u l-bniedem sar ħlejqa ħajja. U l-Mulej Alla ħa lill-bniedem u qiegħdu fil-ġnien ta' l-Għeden biex jaħdmu u jħarsu. U l-Mulej Alla ordna lill-bniedem u qallu: “Mis-siġar kollha tal-ġnien tista' tiekol, imma mis-siġra ta' tagħrif it-tajjeb u l-ħażin, la tikolx minnha, għax dak in-nhar li tiekol minnha żgur li tmut.” U l-Mulej Alla qal: “M'hux sewwa li l-bniedem jibqa' waħdu. Ħa nagħmillu għajnuna tgħodd għalih.” U l-Mulej Alla sawwar mill-art annimali selvaġġi u t-tajr kollu ta' l-ajru, u ġiebhom quddiem il-bniedem biex jara xi jsemmihom; u skond ma jkun il-bniedem semma lil kull ħliqa ħajja, dak ikun isimha. U l-bniedem ta isem lil kull bhima u 'l kull tajra ta' l-ajru, u 'l kull annimal selvaġġ; imma għall-bniedem ma nstabet ebda għajnuna tgħodd għalih. U l-Mulej Alla tefa' nagħsa tqila fuq il-bniedem; u dan raqad. U ħadlu waħda minn kustiljih u flokha mlieh bil-laħam. U l-Mulej Alla sawwar il-kustilja, li kien ħa mill-bniedem, f'mara u ġiebha lill-bniedem. Mbagħad il-bniedem qal: “Din id-darba din hi għadma minn għadmi, u laħam minn laħmi, għalhekk tissejjaħ mara, għax mir-raġel ittieħdet hi.” Għalhekk ir-raġel iħalli lil missieru u lil ommu u jingħaqad ma' martu u jsiru ġisem wieħed ... u ma dan kollu Alla ra kif għas-sefsif tax-xitan - tqarrqu bil-kurżità ... imma minkejja li tkeċċew mill-ġnien ta’ Għeden, ħallihom jgħixu fil-libertà, iva, imma  b’konsegwenza tad-diżubbidjenza, jerfgħu r-responsabilità kollha ta’ għemilhom, jaħdmu bit-tbatija fiżika u fi ġlieda spiritwali; ... u ħallihom ikattru u jitkattru – għax Alla jħobb tassew - iħallina fil-libertà jekk irridux nirreċiprokaw imħabbtu jew le – Id-dinjità ta’ uliedu tinsab fil-libertà tagħhom ...

Imma kulħadd huwa msejjaħ għall-qdusija.

Wara ħafna ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ disfatti u fallimenti, Alla kellem lil bniedem xiħ, pagan [Ġen:12:1] U l-Mulej qal lil Abram: “Qum u itlaq minn artek, minn art twelidek, u minn dar missierek, lejn l-art li jien nurik. U minkejja li kien pagan, Abram emmen li qed ikellmu Alla u obdieh bis-sħih, għax telaq b’niesu u b’kollox, avolja ma kienx jaf fejn sejjer !!! U b’Abraham, Alla beda’ jibni poplu, poplu li kien għadu mingħajr pajjiz.

[Ġen:15:13] U l-Mulej qal lil Abram: “Frustier għad jgħammar nislek, f'art li ma tkunx tiegħu. Hemm iħaddmuhom u jgħakksuhom għal erba' mitt sena. Imma l-ġens li huma jaqdu nagħmel ħaqq minnu jien. Għaddew il-mijiet tas-snin u naraw kif Alla għin lil Mose jeħles il-poplu tiegħu mill-jasar fl-Eġittu, jiktiblu l-kmandamenti u jagħtih l-ordnijiet billi għamel Patt mal-poplu tiegħu ... imma l-bniedem jinsa malajr lil min l-aktar jixtieqlu l-vera ġid ... Hekk naraw kif mill-bidu tal-bniedem fuq din l-art,  ix-xitan ħataf l-opportunità biex jabbuża minn din il-libertà biex jinfiltra fil-ħajja tal-bniedem – Mhux ta’ b’xejn Ġesù jwissina [Lq:21:36] Ishru, mela, u itolbu l-ħin kollu, biex tkunu tifilħu tgħaddu minn kull ma għandu jiġri u tieqfu quddiem Bin il-bniedem."... u [Mt:10:16] "Ara, jiena qiegħed nibgħatkom bħal nagħaġ qalb l-ilpup. Kunu mela għaqlin bħas-sriep u safjin bħall-ħamiem.

Dan hu l-bombardiment kontinwu, riżultat tal-mibgħeda, tal-għira u l-indannazzjoni tax-xitan, li qatt ma aċċetta li ALLA jagħżel bniedem – anzi bniedma, verġni, imnissla bla dnub, mimlija bil-grazzja, biex issir omm ta’ Ibnu Ġesù u omm il-Knisja tiegħu, jitnissel bniedem bħalna minbarra d-dnub, jitwieled, jikber u jgħallem bil-qawwa kollha minkejja l-opposizzjoni u tfixkil, biex juri s-sbuħija tas-Sewwa (IL-VERITÀ) u jikxef it-tattiċi qarrieqa tax-xitan ... Fi tliet snin Ġesù għallem kif il-bniedem jista’ jkun kapaċi jgħix bix-xejn meta jkun sinċier miegħu nnifsu, u ħaġa waħda ma Alla. Meta nżommu il-Patt miegħU u nifhmu id-dinjità tal-Liġi tiegħu, il-prioritajiet li qabel konna nagħtu lilna nfusna, isiru irrilevanti. [Ġw:6:63] Hu l-ispirtu li jagħti l-ħajja, il-ġisem ma jiswa għal xejn. Il-kliem li jiena għedtilkom huwa spirtu u ħajja. F’imħabba u ubbidjenza mal-Missier, Ġesù  [Fil:2:8] ċekken lilu nnifsu, billi obda sal-mewt, anzi sal-mewt tas-salib, u wara li qam mill-mewt, baqa jibni lil appostli fil-Fidi, imlihom bil-qawwa tal-Ispirtu Qaddis, urihom u għadu jurihom kif huma għandhom imexxu l-Knisja tiegħu b’fedeltà dejjiema u sinċiera - missjunarji li jwassluh fid-dinja kollha bil-Kelma, bis-sagramenti, fl-Ewkaristija u bl-opri tal-ħniena.

GĦALHEKK ALLA, minkejja d-disappunti u l-abbandun tagħna, l-inganni u l-fallimenti tagħna, it-tagħlim tajjeb li ħrabna minnu, il-ħama u l-ħmieġ tagħna, it-taħwid u t-taqlib tagħna, minkejja l-mard u d-djufija tagħna, l-iskandli li nirċievu u anke l-iskandli li ngħatu – JIBQA’ JĦOBBNA GĦAX HU - ALLA LI ĦALAQNA GĦANDU FIDUĊJA FINA ! JIBQA’ JEMMEN U JIBQA’ JIBGĦAD GĦAJNUNA KIF NISTGĦU NINBIDLU GĦALL-AĦJAR ! – L-IMĦABBA TIEGĦU ppersonifikatha bil-patriarki, profeti, slaten ... u pperfezzjonatha fi Kristu Ġesù – minkejja li bi dnubna niċħduh, nittraduħ, niddubitawh, inżebilhuh, ngħajjruh, nirredikulawh, nabbandunawh, nisfidawh, nabbużaw mill-ħniena infinita tiegħu u mis-sagrament tal-Qrar ... Alla jibqa b’dirajh miftuħa jilqa’ lil kull min tiġih ix-xewqa li jinfatam mill-qerq u mill-vizzji li waqa’ fihom:    Il-ħażen iseħħ - bit-tendenza tad-dnub tan-nisel,  jew għax il-bniedem qatt ma sema bil-Kelma ta’ Alla jew għax ikun irid iwarrabha ħa jħossu komdu fid-dlam tad-dnub -  [Lhud:4:12] Il-kelma ta' Alla hi ħajja u qawwija, taqta' aktar minn xabla b'żewġt ixfar; hija tinfed sa tifred minn xulxin ir-ruħ u  l-ispirtu u l-ġogi u l-mudullun; u tgħarbel il-ħsibijiet u l-fehmiet  tal-qalb - timlina bil-perseveranza, bit-tama, bl-indiema sobiena ... u bil-qawwa t’Alla nkunu nifilħu nrażżnu u ngħelbu n-natura dgħajfa’ tagħna mis-sefsif u l-qerq tal-Ħażin. Inkunu nifilħu niffaċċjaw u ngħelbu lilna nnfusna mit-tendenzi negattivi fina – bħal nuqqas ta’ paċenzja, rabja, tpattija, biża, anzjetà, qtiegħ il-qalb, dubji, suppervja, vanità, vana-glorja ...

(Lk 6:27-38) Ħennu, bħalma hu ħanin Missierkom - MA NIĠĠUDIKAWX, lanqas bil-ħsieb – Biss biss ma ninsewx il-ħniena ta’ Ġesù ... waqt li hu jinsab imbiċċer, imdendel mas-salib, jitlob [Lq:23:34] "Missier, aħfrilhom, għax ma jafux x'inhuma jagħmlu."  Kif ukoll ma ninsewx il-maħfra mmedjata lil ħati li nidem meta qal [Lq:23:42-43] "Ġesù, ftakar fija meta tidħol fis-Saltna tiegħek." u Ġesù wieġbu: "Tassew ngħidlek, illum tkun fil-Ġenna miegħi." 

Alla jħobbna, kif ukoll iħobb lil min jagħmlilna l-bsaten fir-roti, lil min jipprovokana u jittormentana biex nirrispondu għall-inkejja u l-isfidi tiegħu għall-ħazen, lil min jogħbodna, lil min jixtieqilna d-deni, lil min biċċrilna l-paċi fil-familja, anke lil min jaħseb li mhux se jiġi milħuq minn Alla !   Alla hu l-aqwa psikologu għax Hu jaf li x-xitan isefsef il-ħażen f’moħħ il-bniedem, sa mill-bidu: Hu biss jaf minn x’hiex tkun għaddejja kull persuna – sew min jagħmel id-deni u sew il-vittma + l-familja tagħha ! Jibqa’ jħobb lil min jaqa’ għal kull livel ta’ kriminalità, għax Hu jara lil hinn x’ġegħlu jaqa’ daqshekk fil-baxx: Jista’ jkun li għaddej minn stress ta’ problemi, disperazzjoni u mard psikoloġiku ... imma jinfexx fid-dgħajjef li jara madwaru minnflok fl-għajnuna u l-kura; jista’ jkun trobbija b’eżemżji ħżiena u skandli; jista’ jkun ġie mmaqdar u bullied minn ċkunitu u jirribella; jista’ jkun intilef b’tentazzjonijiet ta’ poter u jabbuża mis-sitwazzjoni jew professjoni (eż. Tabib li suppost wiegħed li jagħmel minn kollox biex ma tintilifx il-ħajja u mbaghad jaqbel mal-abort, l-awtenażia u esperimenti illeċiti ) ... u Alla jibqa’ jħobb lil kull persuna l-istess, anke lil dik, li hu għadhu kif ħalaq - sew fil-ġuf u sew fil-laboratorju - avolja jsir abbuż xjentifiku – għax il-ħajja ta’ kull bniedem hi importanti u prezzjuża. Ħi rigal minn Alla l-Missier għall-eternità. B’hekk naraw u niġu konxji kif  



Min jaf kemm għad irridu niskantaw b’min ħa naraw fil-Ġenna ! (J’Alla li narawhom mill-viċin )

Għalhekk O Trinità Qaddisa aħna nitolbuk maħfra ta’ kemm il-darba niddiżappuntawk – aħna li rridu nwassluk lid-dinja anke f’kull prova – għax kull persuna li hija diffiċli, ta’ xkiel  f’hajjitna, Inti O Alla tkun qed tfakkarna li rridu nkunu mezz ta’ konverżjoni għaliha ... u għalina biex nibqgħu saqajna ma l-art u ma nitkabbrux li wasalna f’xi tarġa ‘l fuq minn ħaddieħor: Fakkarna nistaqsu lilna nfusna, ”Kieku int Ġesù x’tagħmel?” QABEL ma nwettqu xi azzjoni, qabel ma jiġina xi ħsieb li noġġezzjonaw u nikkritikaw. Ibnina ħalli bil-kalma, bis-silenzju u bit-talb, nwasslu biss il-Verità u l-ġustizzja perfetta tiegħek. Agħllimna naħfru lil min jonqosna, kif Int tgħadirna u taħfrilna fis-sagrament tal-qrar. Nirringrazzjawk tal-grazzja li timlina bis-sensittività għall-ħtiġijiet u l-bżonnijiet tal-oħrajn.

B’ħarsitna lejk biss O Alla nibqgħu f’sensina,  umli u leali  lejn il-Liġi tiegħek, għax Int tridna ngħożżu l-persuna tagħna u ta’ l-oħrajn ... bid-dinjità u r-rispett li jixraq it-tempju tiegħek fina ... bil-għajnuna u l-grazzja speċjali tal-Ispirtu Qaddis, flimkien ma l-eżempju, l-għajnuna u l-interċessjoni ta’ Ommna Marija u tal-qaddisin.

[Efes:4:1-6] Nħeġġiġkom jien, il-priġunier tal-Mulej, biex timxu sewwa skond is-sejħa li biha kontu msejjħin;  billi bl-umiltà kollha, bil-ħlewwa u bis-sabar, taħmlu u tħobbu 'l xulxin. Ħabirku biex iżżommu spirtu wieħed bir-rabta tas-sliem; ġisem wieħed u ruħ waħda, l-istess kif kontu msejjħa għal tama waħda:  Mulej wieħed, fidi waħda, magħmudija waħda;  Alla wieħed u Missier ta' kulħadd, li hu fuq kulħadd, b'kulħadd u f'kulħadd. [S:121:1-2] Nerfa' għajnejja lejn l-għoljiet; mnejn se tiġini l-għajnuna? L-għajnuna tiegħi mingħand il-Mulej, li għamel is-sema u l-art. [S:9:8-11] Imma l-Mulej isaltan għal dejjem, iwaqqaf għall-ħaqq it-tron tiegħu. Hu jagħmel ħaqq mid-dinja bil-ġustizzja, jiġġudika l-popli bis-sewwa.  Ikun il-Mulej kenn għal min hu mgħakkes, kenn għalih fi żmien id-dwejjaq. Fik jittama min jagħraf lil ismek, għax int, Mulej, ma titlaqx 'il min ifittxek.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Ex Opere Operato from 3 Minute Theology youtube Channel

--- ... ISSA Ftit teoloġija sagramentali ... ħalli x-xitan ma jidħaqx bina biex nitbgħedu mill-Knisja, mill-quddies, mis-sagramenti – b’hekk, kif jgħid sew San Ġorġ Preċa - it-tagħlim TAJJEB huwa l-għajn ta’ kull ġid !  – 

Ex Opere Operato li tinsab fil-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika 1128: Dan ifisser dak li tgħid il-Knisja: li s-sagramenti jaħdmu ex opere operato (letteralment “mill-fatt stess li qiegħed isir għemil”), jiġifieri bis-saħħa tal-ħidma għas-salvazzjoni ta’ Kristu, ħidma li saret darba għal dejjem. Minn dan jiġi li “s-sagrament ma jseħħx permezz tal-ġustizzja tal-bniedem li jagħti s-sagrament jew jirċevih, iżda bil-qawwa ta’ Alla”. Sakemm sagrament hu ċċelebrat skond il-fehma tal-Knisja, is-setgħa ta’ Kristu u ta’ l-Ispirtu tiegħu jaħdmu fih u permezz tiegħu, tkun xi tkun il-qdusija personali tal-ministru. Iżda l-frott tas-sagramenti jiddependi ukoll mid-diżposizzjonijiet ta’ min jirċevihom.

IS-SAGRAMENTI HUMA X-XOGĦOL TA’ KRISTU, LI JAĦDEM FIL-KNISJA TIEGĦU: Santu Wistin jgħid “Meta Pietru jgħammed, huwa Kristu li jgħammed, meta Ġuda jgħammed, huwa Kristu li jgħammed”. Mela iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tas-sagramenti ma jiddependux fuq il-qdusija personali tas-saċerdot li jkun qed jiċċelebrahom għax attwalment huwa Kristu li jkun qed jagħti l-grazzja li dak is-sagrament iseħħ - jekk ikun validu (ir-rit ikun bil-kliem propju u jintuża eż., l-ilma għall-mgħamudija u l-ħobż u nbid għall-Ewkaristija) u aħna jkonna l-grazzja li nirċevu lil Ġesù ... basta li nkunu fi stat ta’ grazzja li nirċevuh - jiġifieri mingħajr dnub mejjet.

--- Ma naqtgħux qalbna – Alla – li ħalaqna ... għandu fiduċja fina ! Grazzi Ġesù ---


N.B. The phrase - Scandalous Mercy (the title of the book by Sr. Emmanuel Maillard) impressed me so much from the first time i saw it, that I could not stop marvel about God's mercy from the beginning when He created man, in His own image.

Please note that I had not read Sr. Emmanuel Maillard's book when I wrote the above, ĦNIENA SKANDALUŻA even now I have not yet. 
I am certain that she has so much more to say and to testify about God's unconditional love for us all ! I recommend this very inspiring book. Thank you Sr. Emmanuel

SCANDALOUS MERCY - When God Goes Beyond the Boundaries 

by Sr. Emmanuel Maillard


Scandalous Mercy - Talk by Sr. Emmanuel



Reading of the day -

Thursday of week 24 in Ordinary Time

1 COR 15:1-11
I am reminding you, brothers and sisters,
of the Gospel I preached to you,
which you indeed received and in which you also stand.
Through it you are also being saved,
if you hold fast to the word I preached to you,
unless you believed in vain.
For I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures;
that he was buried;
that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures;
that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve.
After that, he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once,
most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.
After that he appeared to James,
then to all the Apostles.
Last of all, as to one born abnormally,
he appeared to me.
For I am the least of the Apostles,
not fit to be called an Apostle,
because I persecuted the Church of God.
But by the grace of God I am what I am,
and his grace to me has not been ineffective.
Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them;
not I, however, but the grace of God that is with me.
Therefore, whether it be I or they,
so we preach and so you believed.

Gospel of the day

LK 7:36-50
A certain Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him,
and he entered the Pharisee's house and reclined at table.
Now there was a sinful woman in the city
who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee.
Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment,
she stood behind him at his feet weeping
and began to bathe his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them with her hair,
kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment.
When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself,
"If this man were a prophet,
he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him,
that she is a sinner."
Jesus said to him in reply,
"Simon, I have something to say to you."
"Tell me, teacher," he said.
"Two people were in debt to a certain creditor;
one owed five hundred days' wages and the other owed fifty.
Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both.
Which of them will love him more?"
Simon said in reply,
"The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven."
He said to him, "You have judged rightly."
Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon,
"Do you see this woman?
When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet,
but she has bathed them with her tears
and wiped them with her hair.
You did not give me a kiss,
but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered.
You did not anoint my head with oil,
but she anointed my feet with ointment.
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven;
hence, she has shown great love.
But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little."
He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."
The others at table said to themselves,
"Who is this who even forgives sins?"
But he said to the woman,
"Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

Words of the Holy Father

The word salvation — ‘Your faith has saved you!’ — is only said to the woman, who is a sinner. And she says it because she managed to weep for her sins, so to speak. ‘I am a sinner’. On the contrary, he doesn’t say it to those people who, although they were not bad, these people actually “believed they weren’t sinners”. To them the sinners were the others: the publicans, the prostitutes. Salvation enters the heart only when we open the heart in the truth of our sins. (Santa Marta, 18 Sept 2014)


Lk 7:36-50 -- Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman - Dnubietha, li kienu ħafna, nħafrulha, għax ...

--- Her many sins have been forgiven, or she would not have shown such great love ---
OR Alternative Gospel Lk 7, 36-8:3
--- ---

Dnubietha, li kienu ħafna, nħafrulha, għax ħabbet ħafna
Lq 7, 36-50

Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa

F'dak iż-żmien,[Lq:7:36] Wieħed mill-Fariżej stieden lil Ġesù biex jiekol miegħu; Ġesù daħal għand il-Fariżew u qagħad għall-ikel. [Lq:7:37] Issa fil-belt kien hemm midinba magħrufa. Din saret taf li kien qiegħed għall-ikel fid-dar tal-Fariżew; ġiebet vażett ta' l-alabastru biż-żejt ifuħ; [Lq:7:38] u marret qagħdet warajh ħdejn riġlejh, tibki u xxarrablu riġlejh bi dmugħha u tixxuttahomlu b'xuxitha; mbagħad bisitlu riġlejh u dilkithomlu biż-żejt ifuħ.

[Lq:7:39] Kif ra hekk il-Fariżew li stiednu qal bejnu u bejn ruħu: "Dan, li kien profeta, kien ikun jaf min hi u x'mara hi din li qiegħda tmissu; kien ikun jaf, għax hi midinba!" [Lq:7:40] Imma Ġesù qabad u qallu: "Xmun, għandi ħaġa xi ngħidlek.""Għid, mgħallem" qallu dak. [Lq:7:41] "Tnejn min-nies kellhom id-dejn ma' wieħed li jislef il-flus; wieħed kellu jagħtih ħames mitt dinar u l-ieħor ħamsin. [Lq:7:42] Minn fejn iħallsu dejnhom ma kellhomx, u hu ħafrilhom it-tnejn. Min minnhom se jħobbu l-iżjed?" [Lq:7:43] Wieġeb Xmun u qal: "Jidhirli jien li dak li ħafirlu l-iżjed." "Ħsibtha tajjeb" qallu Ġesù.

[Lq:7:44] Mbagħad dar lejn il-mara u qal lil Xmun: "Qiegħed taraha lil din il-mara? Dħalt għandek, u ilma għal riġlejja ma tajtnix, iżda hi riġlejja xarrbithomli bi dmugħha u xxuttathomli b'xuxitha. [Lq:7:45] Bewsa ma tajtnix, iżda hi minn xħin daħlet ma waqfitx tbusli riġlejja. [Lq:7:46] Rasi ma dlikthilix biż-żejt, imma hi dilkitli riġlejja b'żejt ifuħ. [Lq:7:47] Għalhekk ngħidlek li dnubietha, li kienu ħafna, nħafrulha, għax ħabbet ħafna; imma min jinħafirlu ftit, ftit iħobb."

[Lq:7:48] Mbagħad qal lilha: "Dnubietek maħfura." [Lq:7:49] Dawk li kienu fuq il-mejda miegħu bdew jgħidu fihom infushom: "Dan min hu biex jaħfer id-dnubiet ukoll?" [Lq:7:50] Iżda hu qal lill-mara: "Il-fidi tiegħek salvatek; mur bis-sliem."

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifħir lilek Kristu

Pope in Santa Marta: The workhorse of the devil is hypocrisy - Published on 20 Sep 2018

Il-Papa f’Dar Santa Marta: Ix-xitan juża l-ipokriti, Ġesù jgħallem il-vera mħabba

Papa Francesco Messa a Santa Marta 2019-09-20

Pope at Santa Marta Mass: Jesus teaches true love - Thursday, 20 September 2018

In the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis calls us to be merciful like Jesus, and to not condemn others.

By Giada Aquilino

Let us ask Jesus, “with His mercy and His forgiveness,” always to protect our Church which “like a mother, is holy,” but is also “full of sinful children, like us.” This was the prayer of Pope Francis at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. The Holy Father was reflecting on the day’s readings, focusing on the words of Jesus: “her many sins have been forgiven; for she has shown great love.”

Jesus sees small acts of love

The Pope described three types of people in the day’s readings: Jesus and his disciples; Paul and the woman whose sins were forgiven; and the doctors of the law.
The woman in the Gospel is described as having “so much love towards Jesus,” while not hiding the fact that she is a sinner. Saint Paul, the Pope said, is similar in recognizing, and handing on to us, that “Christ died for our sins.” Both were seeking God “with love,” but their love was a kind of “half-love.” The Pope explained that when Paul was persecuting the Church, he thought that love was a law and his heart was closed to the revelation of Jesus Christ. He persecuted Christians out of zeal for the law; and this, the Pope said, was a love that was immature.
The woman, too, was seeking love, the “little love.” The Pharisees commented on the fact that she was a sinner, but Jesus explains: “This woman was forgiven much because she loved much.” The Pope puts a question in the mouth of the Pharisees:
“But how can she love? These people [sinners] do not know how to love.” [But] they seek love. And Jesus, speaking about these people, says – he once said – that they are before us, in the Kingdom of Heaven. “But what a scandal!” – the Pharisees [say] – “But these people!” Jesus looks upon the small gesture of love, the small gesture of good will, and takes it, and carries it forward. This is the mercy of Jesus: He always forgives, He always receives.

The scandal of the hypocrites

With regard to the “doctors of the law,” Pope Francis says that “they have an attitude that only the hypocrites use often: they are scandalized.” And they say:
“But look, what a scandal! You can’t live like that! We have lost our values. Now everyone has the right to enter into the church, even the divorced, everyone. But where are we?” The scandal of the hypocrites. This is the dialogue between the great love that forgives all, [the love of] Jesus; [and] the love “by halves” of Paul and of this woman, and also our [love], which is an incomplete love because none of us is a canonized saint. Let’s be honest. It is hypocrisy: the hypocrisy of the “just,” of the “pure,” of those who believe they are saved by their own proper external merits.

The Church historically persecuted by hypocrites

Jesus recognizes how such people show exteriorly that “all is well” – He speaks of “whitened sepulchers” – but within there is rot and decay. The Pope continued:
And the Church, when it journeys through history, is persecuted by hypocrites: hypocrites within and without. The devil has nothing to do with repentant sinners, because they look upon God and say, “Lord, I am a sinner, help me!” And the devil is impotent; but he is strong with hypocrites. He is strong, and he uses them to destroy, to destroy the people, to destroy society, to destroy the Church. The workhorse of the devil is hypocrisy, because he is a liar. He makes himself out to be a powerful prince, beautiful, and from behind he is an assassin.


Sunday, September 02, 2018

September 1, 2018 - Pope Francis: Care for water is urgent imperative

Pope Francis's message on the fourth annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Pope Francis: Care for water is urgent imperative

Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation focuses on water as a precious resource and describes access to it as a human right.
By Lydia O’Kane
At the heart of Pope Francis' message for the IV annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which the Church now celebrates in union with the Orthodox Church, is the vital resource that is water.
Describing it as a precious element, the Pope underlines that “access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights.” He also draws attention to the fact that access for many people is either difficult or impossible.
Noting the fundamental role of water in creation and human development, the Pontiff stresses that it is precisely for this reason that “care for water sources and water basins is an urgent imperative.”
He goes on to say, there is an urgent need for “shared projects and concrete gestures that recognize that every privatization of the natural good of water, at the expense of the human right to have access to this good, is unacceptable.”
Water a Christian perspective
Dwelling on water from a Christian perspective, Pope Francis says this fundamental resource “represents an essential element of purification and of life and comments that “Jesus, in the course of his mission, promised a water capable of quenching human thirst for ever”.
Threats to Seas and Oceans
In his message, the Pope also focuses on seas and oceans saying that “constant care for this inestimable treasure represents today an ineluctable duty and a genuine challenge. He goes on to say that, “we cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields of floating plastic. We need to pray as if everything depended on God’s providence, and work as if everything depended on us.”
Pope Francis then invites those in positions of authority, to look with a farsighted approach at, what he calls “the more sensitive questions of our day, such as those linked to movements of migration, climate change”.
On the issue of protection and preservation, the Pope prays for all those who are involved in safeguarding the seas and for those “who contribute to the development and application of international regulations on the seas in order to safeguard individuals, countries, goods, natural resources”.
Concluding his message Pope Francis expresses the hope that Christian communities, and young people too, “may contribute more and more concretely helping everyone to enjoy this indispensable resource, in respectful care for the gifts received from the Creator, and in particular rivers, seas and oceans.”
Listen to the report
Please find the full message below
Dear brothers and sisters!
            On this Day of Prayer, I wish first to thank the Lord for the gift of our common home and for all those men and women of good will committed to protecting it. I am likewise grateful for the many projects aimed at promoting the study and the safeguarding of ecosystems, for the efforts being made to develop more sustainable agriculture and more responsible nutrition, and for the various educational, spiritual and liturgical initiatives that involve Christians throughout the world in the care of creation.
            It must be acknowledged that we have not succeeded in responsibly protecting creation. The environmental situation, both on the global level and in many specific places, cannot be considered satisfactory. Rightly, there is a growing sense of the need for a renewed and sound relationship between humanity and creation, and the conviction that only an authentic and integral vision of humanity will permit us to take better care of our planet for the benefit of present and future generations. For “there is no ecology without an adequate anthropology” (Laudato Si’, 118).
            On this World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which the Catholic Church for several years now has celebrated in union with our Orthodox brothers and sisters and with participation of other Churches and Christian communities, I would like to draw attention to the question of water. It is a very simple and precious element, yet access to it is, sadly, for many people difficult if not impossible. Nonetheless, “access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. Our world owes a great social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water, because they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity” (ibid., 30).
            Water invites us to reflect on our origins. The human body is mostly composed of water, and many civilizations throughout history arose near great rivers that marked their identity. In an evocative image, the beginning of the book of Genesis states that, in the beginning, the spirit of the Creator “swept over the face of the waters (1:2)”.
            In considering the fundamental role of water in creation and in human development, I feel the need to give thanks to God for “Sister Water”, simple and useful for life like nothing else on our planet.  Precisely for this reason, care for water sources and water basins is an urgent imperative. Today, more than ever, we need to look beyond immediate concerns (cf. Laudato Si’, 36) and beyond a purely utilitarian view of reality, “in which efficiency and productivity are entirely geared to our individual benefit” (ibid., 159). We urgently need shared projects and concrete gestures that recognize that every privatization of the natural good of water, at the expense of the human right to have access to this good, is unacceptable.
            For us Christians, water represents an essential element of purification and of life.  We think immediately of baptism, the sacrament of our rebirth. Water made holy by the Spirit is the matter by which God has given us life and renewed us; it is the blessed source of undying life. For Christians of different confessions, baptism also represents the real and irreplaceable point of departure for experiencing an ever more authentic fraternity on the way to full unity. Jesus, in the course of his mission, promised a water capable of quenching human thirst for ever (cf. Jn 4:14).  He prophesied, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink (Jn 7:37). To drink from Jesus means to encounter him personally as the Lord, drawing from his words the meaning of life. May the words he spoke from the cross – “I thirst” (Jn 19:28) – echo constantly in our hearts. The Lord continues to ask that his thirst be quenched; he thirsts for love.  He asks us to give him to drink in all those who thirst in our own day, and to say to them, “I was thirsty and you gave me to drink” (Mt 25:35). To give to drink, in the global village, does not only entail personal gestures of charity, but also concrete choices and a constant commitment to ensure to all the primary good of water.
            I would like also to mention the issue of the seas and oceans. It is our duty to thank the Creator for the impressive and marvellous gift of the great waters and all that they contain (cf. Gen 1:20-21; Ps 146:6), and to praise him for covering the earth with the oceans (cf. Ps 104:6). To ponder the immense open seas and their incessant movement can also represent an opportunity to turn our thoughts to God, who constantly accompanies his creation, guiding its course and sustaining its existence (cf. St. John Paul II, Catechesis of 7 May 1986).
            Constant care for this inestimable treasure represents today an ineluctable duty and a genuine challenge. There is need for an effective cooperation between men and women of good will in assisting the ongoing work of the Creator. Sadly, all too many efforts fail due to the lack of effective regulation and means of control, particularly with regard to the protection of marine areas beyond national confines (cf. Laudato Si’, 174). We cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields of floating plastic. Here too, our active commitment is needed to confront this emergency. We need to pray as if everything depended on God’s providence, and work as if everything depended on us.
            Let us pray that waters may not be a sign of separation between peoples, but of encounter for the human community. Let us pray that those who risk their lives at sea in search of a better future may be kept safe. Let us ask the Lord and all those engaged in the noble service of politics that the more sensitive questions of our day, such as those linked to movements of migration, climate change and the right of everyone to enjoy primary goods, may be faced with generous and farsighted responsibility and in a spirit of cooperation, especially among those countries most able to help.
            Let us pray too, for all those who devote themselves to the apostolate of the sea, for those who help reflect on the issues involving maritime ecosystems, for those who contribute to the development and application of international regulations on the seas in order to safeguard individuals, countries, goods, natural resources – I think, for example, of marine fauna and flora, and coral reefs (cf. ibid., 41) or sea beds – and to guarantee an integral development in view of the common good of the entire human family and not particular interests. Let us remember, too, all those who work to protect maritime areas and to safeguard the oceans and their biodiversity, that they may carry out this task with responsibility and integrity.
            Finally, let us be concerned for the younger generation and pray for them, that they may grow in knowledge and respect for our common home and in the desire to care for the essential good of water, for the benefit of all. It is my prayerful hope that Christian communities may contribute more and more concretely helping everyone to enjoy this indispensable resource, in respectful care for the gifts received from the Creator, and in particular rivers, seas and oceans.
From the Vatican, 1 September 2018

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Un nouveau lieu de pèlerinage sur les traces de Mère Marie-Adèle Garnier

Le 15 août 2018, les Soeurs de Tyburn fêteront l'ouverture à Grancey-le-Château dans le diocèse de Dijon, de la maison natale de Mère Marie-Adèle Garnier, fondatrice de la Congrégation des Bénédictines du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre, comme lieu de pèlerinage. En 1872, Adèle Garnier, institutrice, lit un article parlant de la construction de la Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre à Paris. Elle fonde alors une communauté religieuse dans ce lieu pour vivre une vie centrée sur l´adoration perpétuelle. La première communauté doit ensuite s´exiler en Angleterre suite aux lois de 1901 sur les Congrégations religieuses, puis elle reviendra s´installer en Belgique et en France. A l´occasion du 180ème anniversaire de Mère Marie-Adèle, le retour dans la maison de leur fondatrice est un moment émouvant pour la Congrégation.
Reportage du 16/08/2018.

Un nouveau lieu de pèlerinage sur les traces de Mère Marie-Adèle Garnier


Tuesday, August 07, 2018

DIFFERENT ... Between the Worlds of human nature and Divinity ... in humility, even humiliation ... Ex Opere Operato

 Pope Francis: Pray in good times and bad
 24 June 2020


Every level of sin we let ourselves fall into, we are abusing God's mercy.

How foolish of us to be deceived by the devil - who was defeated forever and for all by the suffering, crucifixion, death and the resurrection of Jesus-God, who humbled Himself so - to become human, experience the bombardment of evil ; teaching the Truth and uncovering the deceitful tactics of the devil: Jesus fills us with the grace of His omnipotent power over our weakness of lack of self-control.
The devil's 'pleasure' lasts momentarily and fades like vapour into emptiness and the consequences of guilt remain in front of our eyes, tormenting us, till the last breath of our life ...

Between the Worlds of human nature and Divinity ... in humility, even humiliation ...

TO KEEP IN MIND --- especially in circumstances of ingratitude, misjudgement, mockery, ridicule, provocation, abuse, intimidation, insult, persecution; AND also in the temptation to answer back to any such situations --- that Jesus who is God, went all through this...and so, so much more ... IN SILENCE ... AND IN PRAYER

 U.S. Bishops approve third-party hotline for sexual abuse complaints

While it is important to seek support and assistance from professional services, God teaches us how to live in true peace and harmony together, trusting in His omnipotence and yet merciful love - open-armed, welcoming each person who is feeling that there is something missing in his life ...

Changing Tracks: Sally Read  

Change your lifestyle now - Do not let peer pressure and immoral cultures steal you from the real Beauty of the true love that Jesus has for you, whatever you were deceived into - because His mercy is unfathomable and His personal attention for you is amazing !

Homily on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, in Year B.


Full text: Letter by Pope Francis to the People of God

“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26).  These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once more the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons.  Crimes that inflict deep wounds of pain and powerlessness, primarily among the victims, but also in their family members and in the larger community of believers and nonbelievers alike.  Looking back to the past, no effort to beg pardon and to seek to repair the harm done will ever be sufficient.  Looking ahead to the future, no effort must be spared to create a culture able to prevent such situations from happening, but also to prevent the possibility of their being covered up and perpetuated.  The pain of the victims and their families is also our pain, and so it is urgent that we once more reaffirm our commitment to ensure the protection of minors and of vulnerable adults.

1.      If one member suffers…

In recent days, a report was made public which detailed the experiences of at least a thousand survivors, victims of sexual abuse, the abuse of power and of conscience at the hands of priests over a period of approximately seventy years. Even though it can be said that most of these cases belong to the past, nonetheless as time goes on we have come to know the pain of many of the victims.  We have realized that these wounds never disappear and that they require us forcefully to condemn these atrocities and join forces in uprooting this culture of death; these wounds never go away. The heart-wrenching pain of these victims, which cries out to heaven, was long ignored, kept quiet or silenced.  But their outcry was more powerful than all the measures meant to silence it, or sought even to resolve it by decisions that increased its gravity by falling into complicity.  The Lord heard that cry and once again showed us on which side he stands.  Mary’s song is not mistaken and continues quietly to echo throughout history.  For the Lord remembers the promise he made to our fathers: “he has scattered the proud in their conceit; he has cast down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty” (Lk 1:51-53).  We feel shame when we realize that our style of life has denied, and continues to deny, the words we recite.
With shame and repentance, we acknowledge as an ecclesial community that we were not where we should have been, that we did not act in a timely manner, realizing the magnitude and the gravity of the damage done to so many lives.  We showed no care for the little ones; we abandoned them.  I make my own the words of the then Cardinal Ratzinger when, during the Way of the Cross composed for Good Friday 2005, he identified with the cry of pain of so many victims and exclaimed: “How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to [Christ]!  How much pride, how much self-complacency!  Christ’s betrayal by his disciples, their unworthy reception of his body and blood, is certainly the greatest suffering endured by the Redeemer; it pierces his heart.  We can only call to him from the depths of our hearts: Kyrie eleison – Lord, save us! (cf. Mt 8:25)” (Ninth Station).

2.   … all suffer together with it

The extent and the gravity of all that has happened requires coming to grips with this reality in a comprehensive and communal way.  While it is important and necessary on every journey of conversion to acknowledge the truth of what has happened, in itself this is not enough.  Today we are challenged as the People of God to take on the pain of our brothers and sisters wounded in their flesh and in their spirit.  If, in the past, the response was one of omission, today we want solidarity, in the deepest and most challenging sense, to become our way of forging present and future history.  And this in an environment where conflicts, tensions and above all the victims of every type of abuse can encounter an outstretched hand to protect them and rescue them from their pain (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 228).  Such solidarity demands that we in turn condemn whatever endangers the integrity of any person.  A solidarity that summons us to fight all forms of corruption, especially spiritual corruption.  The latter is “a comfortable and self-satisfied form of blindness.  Everything then appears acceptable: deception, slander, egotism and other subtle forms of self-centeredness, for ‘even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light’ (2 Cor 11:14)” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 165).  Saint Paul’s exhortation to suffer with those who suffer is the best antidote against all our attempts to repeat the words of Cain: “Am I my brother's keeper?” (Gen 4:9).
I am conscious of the effort and work being carried out in various parts of the world to come up with the necessary means to ensure the safety and protection of the integrity of children and of vulnerable adults, as well as implementing zero tolerance and ways of making all those who perpetrate or cover up these crimes accountable.  We have delayed in applying these actions and sanctions that are so necessary, yet I am confident that they will help to guarantee a greater culture of care in the present and future.
Together with those efforts, every one of the baptized should feel involved in the ecclesial and social change that we so greatly need.  This change calls for a personal and communal conversion that makes us see things as the Lord does.  For as Saint John Paul II liked to say: “If we have truly started out anew from the contemplation of Christ, we must learn to see him especially in the faces of those with whom he wished to be identified” (Novo Millennio Ineunte, 49).  To see things as the Lord does, to be where the Lord wants us to be, to experience a conversion of heart in his presence.  To do so, prayer and penance will help.  I invite the entire holy faithful People of God to a penitential exercise of prayer and fasting, following the Lord’s command.[1]  This can awaken our conscience and arouse our solidarity and commitment to a culture of care that says “never again” to every form of abuse.
It is impossible to think of a conversion of our activity as a Church that does not include the active participation of all the members of God’s People.  Indeed, whenever we have tried to replace, or silence, or ignore, or reduce the People of God to small elites, we end up creating communities, projects, theological approaches, spiritualities and structures without roots, without memory, without faces, without bodies and ultimately, without lives.[2]  This is clearly seen in a peculiar way of understanding the Church’s authority, one common in many communities where sexual abuse and the abuse of power and conscience have occurred.  Such is the case with clericalism, an approach that “not only nullifies the character of Christians, but also tends to diminish and undervalue the baptismal grace that the Holy Spirit has placed in the heart of our people”.[3]   Clericalism, whether fostered by priests themselves or by lay persons, leads to an excision in the ecclesial body that supports and helps to perpetuate many of the evils that we are condemning today.  To say “no” to abuse is to say an emphatic “no” to all forms of clericalism.
It is always helpful to remember that “in salvation history, the Lord saved one people.  We are never completely ourselves unless we belong to a people.  That is why no one is saved alone, as an isolated individual.  Rather, God draws us to himself, taking into account the complex fabric of interpersonal relationships present in the human community.  God wanted to enter into the life and history of a people” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 6).  Consequently, the only way that we have to respond to this evil that has darkened so many lives is to experience it as a task regarding all of us as the People of God.  This awareness of being part of a people and a shared history will enable us to acknowledge our past sins and mistakes with a penitential openness that can allow us to be renewed from within.  Without the active participation of all the Church’s members, everything being done to uproot the culture of abuse in our communities will not be successful in generating the necessary dynamics for sound and realistic change.  The penitential dimension of fasting and prayer will help us as God’s People to come before the Lord and our wounded brothers and sisters as sinners imploring forgiveness and the grace of shame and conversion.  In this way, we will come up with actions that can generate resources attuned to the Gospel.  For “whenever we make the effort to return to the source and to recover the original freshness of the Gospel, new avenues arise, new paths of creativity open up, with different forms of expression, more eloquent signs and words with new meaning for today’s world” (Evangelii Gaudium, 11).
It is essential that we, as a Church, be able to acknowledge and condemn, with sorrow and shame, the atrocities perpetrated by consecrated persons, clerics, and all those entrusted with the mission of watching over and caring for those most vulnerable.  Let us beg forgiveness for our own sins and the sins of others.   An awareness of sin helps us to acknowledge the errors, the crimes and the wounds caused in the past and allows us, in the present, to be more open and committed along a journey of renewed conversion.
Likewise, penance and prayer will help us to open our eyes and our hearts to other people’s sufferings and to overcome the thirst for power and possessions that are so often the root of those evils.  May fasting and prayer open our ears to the hushed pain felt by children, young people and the disabled.  A fasting that can make us hunger and thirst for justice and impel us to walk in the truth, supporting all the judicial measures that may be necessary.  A fasting that shakes us up and leads us to be committed in truth and charity with all men and women of good will, and with society in general, to combatting all forms of the abuse of power, sexual abuse and the abuse of conscience.
In this way, we can show clearly our calling to be “a sign and instrument of communion with God and of the unity of the entire human race” (Lumen Gentium, 1).
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it”, said Saint Paul.  By an attitude of prayer and penance, we will become attuned as individuals and as a community to this exhortation, so that we may grow in the gift of compassion, in justice, prevention and reparation.  Mary chose to stand at the foot of her Son’s cross.  She did so unhesitatingly, standing firmly by Jesus’ side.  In this way, she reveals the way she lived her entire life.  When we experience the desolation caused by these ecclesial wounds, we will do well, with Mary, “to insist more upon prayer”, seeking to grow all the more in love and fidelity to the Church (SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, Spiritual Exercises, 319).  She, the first of the disciples, teaches all of us as disciples how we are to halt before the sufferings of the innocent, without excuses or cowardice.  To look to Mary is to discover the model of a true follower of Christ.
May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of conversion and the interior anointing needed to express before these crimes of abuse our compunction and our resolve courageously to combat them.


Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors ‘feel supported’ by Pope’s letter
The Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors issues a statement on Tuesday, saying they are encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God regarding clerical abuse.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp
Members of the Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) issued a statement on Tuesday, just one day after Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God.
The Commission begins by saying it is encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter and thanked him for “his strong words recognizing the pain and suffering endured by people who have suffered sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by some members of the church”.

Zero tolerance and accountability

In addition, they state that “members of the Commission feel supported by the Holy Father’s call…to ‘implement zero tolerance’ ” and to make accountable “ ‘those who perpetrate or cover up’ ” crime. The PCPM said that they heard reinforced in Pope Francis' letter their own message that “zero tolerance and accountability are a pre-requisite in safeguarding vulnerable people from abuse”.

Abuse of power

Commission member and canon lawyer Prof. Myriam Wijlens summarized Pope Francis’ letter into three points. The first is the clearly expressed “connection between sexual abuse, abuse of power and abuse of conscience” which, Prof Wijlens says, “many do not want to see connected". Second, is that the abuse of power has two levels: “There are those who use their position to sexually abuse minors and vulnerable adults and…those in leadership positions” who cover the abuse up.

Children's safety comes first

The third point Prof. Wijlens write of is that a looking backward approach consisting of “asking for pardon and seeking repair” is not sufficient. The approach that looks forward “implies asking for a radical change of culture where the safety of children enjoys top priority”. She says that the Church’s reputation requires “putting the safety of children first”, a task requiring “radical change” which “the clergy alone will not be able to bring about”. Thus the need for “humility” and of asking for and receiving “help from the whole community”, Prof. Wijlens concludes.



STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Meditations from Saint Faustina's Way of The Cross

How to go to confession when you haven’t gone in years

A practical guide for those hesitant about returning to the sacraments.

Going to confession for the first time in 5, 10, 20, 30 (or more) years can be daunting. We know we should do it, but there is part of us that is still reluctant or even afraid of going back to the sacraments.
Besides feelings of shame, we may simply have forgotten how to go to confession.
For those who are hesitant to receive the mercy of God, here is a practical guide to the various steps of going to confession.

Step 1: Examine your conscience

This is the most necessary part of confession. Before you can confess your sins you need to know them. Typically a person goes to confession and tells the priest the sins they can remember since their last confession. If their last confession was 20 years ago, it might be rather difficult. The key is to tell the priest all mortal sins that you remember (to the best of your ability).
We typically remember those “big” sins, but if you need some help, here is a handy examination of conscience provided by the USCCB. When telling them to the priest, say the sin itself and the number of times you committed it (or at least a general estimation, like, “I didn’t go to Mass for 20 years”).

When thinking of these sins remember that the priest has heard everything before. You are not going to surprise or shock him.
Also, think about confession as going to a doctor. If you don’t tell the doctor your arm hurts, he won’t be able to diagnose it and offer a cure. Similarly, if you don’t tell the priest a sin, he won’t be able to offer absolution for it and help heal that spiritual wound.

Step 2: Look up the local confession times or schedule a time with the priest

Sometimes if it has been a while, it is best to schedule a separate time with the local priest. However, if you don’t know the priest it might be daunting to think about it. Instead, find the nearest parish and inquire about their confession times.
It is also important to go early and try to be near the front of the line.

Step 3: Go into the confessional or Reconciliation room and start your confession

If you haven’t been to confession in many years, you might not know that many parishes no longer use the old-style confessional booths, or may offer them as an option along with one or more Reconciliation rooms. In a room, you still have the option of confessing anonymously behind a movable screen, but you will usually sit in a chair rather than kneel. You may also choose to confess face-to-face. Penitents line up outside the closed door to a Reconciliation room just as they do outside a confessional booth, entering when the person ahead of them leaves.
Wherever confession takes place, the priest typically will start first, saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Then it will be your turn to talk. Since it is your first time in a while, it is best to let the priest know that, and say something like, “Father, this is my first confession in x amount of years. These are my sins.”
Then you go ahead and start telling the priest your sins. Do your best to remember them. If you need to, write them on a piece of paper ahead of time.

Step 4: Listen to the priest’s consoling words and say your act of contrition

The priest will respond with words meant to encourage you on your journey of faith. He will then give you a specific “penance,” which could be a number of prayers (like saying 5 Our Fathers), or something related to your sins. After that he will invite you to make an act of contrition, a prayer expressing your sorrow for your sins. If you are worried about that, most confessionals have the act of contrition printed and visible to see. If they don’t, then let the priest know and he will guide you through it.
Alternatively you can print your own copy of the following prayer.
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.

Step 5: Bask in the mercy of God and say your penance.

Take a while in the church to thank God for what just happened. God just wiped your sins away! They’re gone. Praise him and allow God’s peace to flood your soul. Then do whatever penance the priest gave you.
Re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, and as you leave the church, start a new chapter in your life. God is always there whenever we fall. Trust in his mercy and allow his grace to permeate every aspect of your life. Plan to head to confession again soon


Pope Francis warns priests against living a double life

Pope on cover-up and abuse scandals

Pope Francis asks to pray against the division sown by the devil - October 1st, 2018


Ex Opere Operato --- from the Catechism of the Catholic Church - CCC 1128 

A little sacramental theology this week on 3MT! 
This Latin phrase reminds us that the sacraments don't depend on the worthiness of their minister.


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika
KKK 1128

1128   Dan ifisser dak li tgħid il-Knisja: li s-sagramenti jaħdmu ex opere operato (letteralment “mill-fatt stess li qiegħed isir għemil”), jiġifieri bis-saħħa tal-ħidma għas-salvazzjoni ta’ Kristu, ħidma li saret darba għal dejjem. Minn dan jiġi li “s-sagrament ma jseħħx permezz tal-ġustizzja tal-bniedem li jagħti s-sagrament jew jirċevih, iżda bil-qawwa ta’ Alla”. Sakemm sagrament hu ċċelebrat skond il-fehma tal-Knisja, is-setgħa ta’ Kristu u ta’ l-Ispirtu tiegħu jaħdmu fih u permezz tiegħu, tkun xi tkun il-qdusija personali tal-ministru. Iżda l-frott tas-sagramenti jiddependi ukoll mid-diżposizzjonijiet ta’ min jirċevihom.


Omelia di Papa Francesco a Santa Marta del 10 ottobre 2017

L-Omnipotenza ta’ Alla tidher fil-ħniena tiegħu 

It-Tlieta 10 ta’ Ottubru 2017. Omelija tal-Papa Franġisku fid-Dar Santa Marta.
Il-Papa Franġisku fakkar lill-fidili kollha li l-ħniena bla tarf t’Alla tiżboq kollox, imma wissiena li m’għandniex inkunu riġidi u għandna nkunu dejjem qlubna miftuħin.
Franġisku kien qed jitkellem waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tad-Dar Santa Marta fejn għamel riflessjoni, għat-tieni jum wara l-ieħor, dwar qari mill-Ktieb tal-Profeta Ġona. Il-Papa qal li hi biss il-ħniena t’Alla li tiftħilna qlubna u tirbaħ kollox.
Ġona, qal Franġisku, kien bniedem rasu iebsa, kien marid bir-riġidità, ruħ imġewħa. Fl-istorja tal-Bibbja, Alla jitlob lil Ġona biex jikkonverti l-belt ta’ Ninwè. Għall-ewwel il-Profeta rrifjuta u ħarab, imbagħad wettaq l-amar ta’ Alla u qeda dmiru sew. Madankollu, osserva l-Papa, Ġona hu mgħaddab u nkurlat għax Alla ħafer lill-poplu li b’qalb miftuħa wera sogħba.
Dawk li qalbhom hi stinata ma jifhmux x’inhi l-ħniena t’Alla. Huma bħal Ġona, qal il-Papa, ma jafux jiftħu qalbhom għall-Mulej. Dawn il-bnedmin huma ta’ qalb dgħajfa: qlub ċkejknin, magħluqin għall-ħniena u marbutin biss mar-rettitudni stretta. Jinsew li l-ġustizzja t’Alla saret laħam f’Ibnu, saret ħniena u maħfra. Jinsew li l-qalb t’Alla hi dejjem miftuħa għall-maħfra.
Jinsew xi ħaġ’oħra, issokta l-Papa. Jinsew li l-omnipotenza ta’ Alla turi
ruħha primarjament fil-ħniena u l-maħfra tiegħu.
Mhux faċli nifhmu l-ħniena t’Alla. Jeħtieġ li nitolbu ħafna għax din hi grazzja. U aħna mdorrijin bl-attitudni ta’ tpattija li tfisser li għalina l-ġustizzja hi li tħallas għal dak li tkun għamilt. Madankollu rridu niftakru li Ġesù ħallas għalina u għadu jħallas.
Lil Ġona Alla seta’ abbandunah u ħallieh mar-ras iebsa u r-riġidità tiegħu. Minflok, mar ikellmu u kkonvinċieh; salvah bħalma salva lill-poplu ta’ Ninwè. Alla hu Alla tal-paċenzja, li jaf imelles, li jaf kif għandu jiftaħ il-qlub.
Il-qofol tal-messaġġ tal-ktieb tal-Profeta, kompla jgħid il-Papa, insibuh fid-djalogu bejn il-profezija, il-penitenza, il-ħniena u l-qalb dgħajfa jew ir-ras iebsa. U minn dan naraw li l-ħniena t’Alla dejjem toħroġ minn fuq għax l-omnipotenza tiegħu tidher fil-ħniena tiegħu.
Intikom parir, temm il-Papa, li llum taqraw il-Ktieb ta’ Ġona. Hu ktieb żgħir ħafna, tliet faċċati biss, u taraw kif jaħdem il-Mulej, kif il-ħniena tiegħu tittrasforma qlubna, u niżżu ħajr ‘l Alla talli hu tant ħanin.
Ħajr lill-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet ta’ Radju Marija
