Friday, April 27, 2018


San Giorgio, onomastico del Papa: auguri da tutto il mondo 2018 04 23

Published on 22 Apr 2018


L-omelija tal-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta' Għawdex, fil-Festa liturġika ta' San Ġorġ, nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta' April 2018, fil-Bażilika ta' San Ġorġ, il-Belt Victoria.

Gaudete et Exsultate - Omelija f'Jum San Ġorġ 2018

Mingħajr martri m’hemmx Knisja

Omelija fil-Festa liturġika ta’ San Ġorġ Martri
Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ, il-Belt Victoria
It-Tnejn 23 ta’ April 2018

L-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex

Gaudete et exsultate – ‘Ifirħu u thennew’, jgħid Ġesù lil dawk li huma ppersegwitati jew umiljati minħabba f’ismu” (GE, 1). Dawn huma l-ewwel kelmiet tal-Eżortazzjoni appostolika li l-Papa Franġisku tana xahar ilu!
“Ifraħ u tenna” jgħid Ġesù lill-Patrun tagħna San Ġorġ Martri, illum fis-Solennità tal-Festa tiegħu.
“Ifirħu u thennew” itenni llum lil dawk fostna li huma mgħajra, ikkalunnjati, issuttati, imżebilħa u mwarrba sempliċiment għax huma konvinti li dak li jgħid il-Vanġelu jeħlisna mill-jasar u jwassalna biex nagħrfu d-dinjità umana tagħna – għax jgħollu leħinhom biex il-verità tal-Vanġelu dwar il-bniedem tiġi mħarsa! “Il-Mulej jitlobna kollox, u dak li joffrilna hu l-ħajja vera, il-ferħ li għalih ġejna maħluqin. Hu jridna qaddisin u jistenna minna li ma nikkuntentawx ruħna b’ħajja ta’ nofs kedda u medjokri, imxejna, ikonsistenti” (GE, 1).
Il-Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-awtur tal-Ittra lil-Lhud isemmi bosta xhieda li jagħmlulna l-qalb biex “nibqgħu niġru t-triq tal-prova li għandna quddiemna” (12:1). Huwa jsemmi lil Abraham, Sara, Mosè, Gidgħon u oħrajn (ara 11:1-12:3). “Aħna mistednin nagħrfu li ‘għandna madwarna sħaba hekk kbira ta’ xhieda’ (12:1) li jixprunawna biex ma niqfux f’nofs ta’ triq, iħeġġuna nissoktaw mexjin lejn id-destinazzjoni” (GE, 3).
Jilma fost dawk li “jixprunawna biex ma niqfux fin-nofs u jħeġġuna nissoktaw mexjin lejn id-destinazzjoni”, hemm il-Qaddis ta’ Lidda li ħa l-martirju għax-xhieda tiegħu fil-Kappadoċja. Quddiem it-theddida ta’ Djoklezjanu li kien qed joħloq diżordni soċjali sħiħ, it-Tribun, iben Ġeronzju u Polikronja, għolla leħnu favur is-sewwa. Imma billi kliemu kien skomdu għax niggeż il-kuxjenzi, “Ġorġi tagħna” ngħata l-martirju.
B’ċertezza ngħoddu lil San Ġorġ ma’ dawk il-martri li jsemmi l-awtur tal-Apokalissi meta jgħid: “Rajt taħt l-altar l-erwieħ ta’ dawk li kienu qatluhom minħabba l-Kelma ta’ Alla, u minħabba x-xhieda li kienu taw; u għollew leħenhom u qalu: ‘Sid Qaddis u Veru, kemm se ddum ma tagħmel ħaqq u titħallas ta’ demmna minn dawk li jgħammru fl-art?’” (6:9-1). Nistgħu ngħidu li aħna “mseħbin, immexxija u ggwidati mill-ħbieb ta’ Alla. […] M’għandix għalfejn inġorr waħdi dak li, fil-verità, qatt ma stajt inġorr waħdi. Il-qaddisin kollha ta’ Alla qegħdin hemm iħarsuni, jgħinuni u jerfgħuni” (GE, 4).
Għalhekk il-Papa jgħidilna biex “inħallu jħeġġuna s-sinjali ta’ qdusija li l-Mulej iqegħdilna quddiemna fl-iżjed membri ċkejkna ta’ dak il-poplu li għandu sehem ukoll mill-uffiċċju profetiku ta’ Kristu meta jxandar ix-xhieda ħajja tiegħu, l-aktar billi jgħix tassew il-fidi u l-karità” (GE 1) – inħallu jħeġġuna s-sinjali ta’ qdusija li l-Mulej qed iqegħdilna quddiemna fil-persuna ta’ San Ġorġ. “Ejja naħsbu, kif tissuġġerilna Santa Tereża Benedetta tas-Salib, li permezz ta’ ħafna minnhom qed tinbena l-istorja vera: ‘Fl-iktar lejl mudlam iqumu l-ikbar profeti u qaddisin. Madankollu, il-kurrent tal-ħajja mistika li tagħti l-ħajja jibqa’ moħbi. Bla dubju, il-ġrajjiet deċiżivi tal-istorja tad-dinja ġew essenzjalment influwenzati minn erwieħ li dwarhom xejn ma jingħad fil-kotba tal-istorja’. U liema huma l-erwieħ li għad irridu nirringrazzjaw għall-ġrajjiet deċiżivi tal-ħajja personali tagħna, hi ħaġa li għad insiru nafu biss dakinhar li dak kollu li hu moħbi għad jinkixef” (GE, 8).
Huma l-martri li jagħmlu l-Knisja. Mingħajr il-martri, il-Knisja mhix Knisja! Dan jgħodd ukoll għall-Knisja lokali. Il-martri huma dawk li “ġejjin mit-taqbid il-kbir u l-ilbiesi tagħhom ħasluhom u bajduhom fid-demm tal-Ħaruf” (Apok 7:14). Huma kellhom il-grazzja li jieħdu l-mewt għaliex stqarrew quddiem kulħadd li huma ta’ Ġesù u li jemmnu fil-kelma tiegħu. Il-martri huma dawk li biex ma jiċħdux lil Ġesù, laqgħu s-salib li għabbiehom ħaddieħor.
Il-kawża ta’ kull persekuzzjoni hija l-mibegħda. Ġesù nnifsu jgħidilna li d-dinja tobgħodna għax kellha mibegħda lejh u lejn il-Vanġelu tiegħu! Ġesù, li kien jogħxa jitkellem fuq l-imħabba, ifakkarna wkoll kemm tista’ tkun qalila u qattiela l-mibegħda. Kieku San Ġorġ kellu jbexxaq fommu u jitkellem, huwa jgħidilna x’bata minħabba l-mibegħda li Djoklezjanu u sħabu kellhom għalih, għall-Knisja u għal Kristu!
Aħna nistgħu nħarsu lejn San Ġorġ bħala t-tribun eroj; imma jekk nilbsu n-nuċċali tal-fidi, f’San Ġorġ naraw “bniedem imżejjen bil-grazzja ta’ Alla”, għax hija l-grazzja u mhux il-kuraġġ li tagħmel il-martri.
Għalhekk, jekk tistaqsuni x’inhu dak li teħtieġ il-Knisja llum, ngħidilkom li l-Knisja teħtieġ Insara qaddisa! B’din l-Eżortazzjoni li semmejtilkom aktar ’il fuq, il-Papa Franġisku jfakkarna fis-sejħa għall-qdusija li l-Mulej jagħmel lil kull wieħed u waħda minna, dik is-sejħa li qed jagħmel lilek ukoll: “‘Għandkom titqaddsu, u tkunu qaddisin, għax jien qaddis’ (Lev 11:44; 1 Piet 1:16). Il-Konċilju Vatikan II xeħet dawl fuq dan b’ċerta qawwa: ‘Mogħnija lkoll b’tant mezzi u b’mezzi daqshekk kbar ta’ salvazzjoni, il-fidili, ikunu xi jkunu l-istat u l-kundizzjoni ta’ ħajjithom, jissejħu mill-Mulej, kull wieħed minnhom fit-triq tiegħu, għall-perfezzjoni tal-qdusija li biha l-Missier innifsu huwa perfett’” (GE, 10).
Ġustament il-Missier tagħna l-Papa jgħid li “ħafna drabi naħsbu li l-qdusija hi riservata għal dawk li għandhom il-possibbiltà li jżommu ’l bogħod mit-taħbit ta’ kuljum, biex jiddedikaw ħafna ħin għat-talb. Mhuwiex hekk. Ilkoll aħna msejħin inkunu qaddisin billi ngħixu bi mħabba u noffru x-xhieda tagħna fil-ħidmiet ta’ kuljum, kull fejn inkunu. Int persuna kkonsagrata? Tqaddes billi tgħix l-għotja tiegħek bil-ferħ. Miżżewweġ jew miżżewġa? Tqaddes billi tħobb u tieħu ħsieb ta’ żewġek jew ta’ martek, kif għamel Kristu mal-Knisja. Taħdem? Tqaddes billi twettaq b’onestà u kompetenza l-ħidma tiegħek b’servizz għal ħutek. Int ġenitur jew nanna jew nannu? Tqaddes billi tgħallem bis-sabar lit-tfal kif jimxu wara Ġesù. Qiegħed fl-awtorità? Tqaddes billi titqabad b’riżq il-ġid komuni u tagħti dahrek lill-interessi personali” (GE, 14).
Bħalma għamel San Ġorġ, “int agħmel li kollox f’ħajtek ikun miftuħ għal Alla u għalhekk agħżel lilu, agħżel dejjem mill-ġdid lil Alla. Taqtax qalbek, għax int għandek il-qawwa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu biex dan jagħmlu possibbli, u l-qdusija, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, hi l-frott tal-Ispirtu s-Santu fil-ħajja tiegħek (ara Gal 5:22-23). Meta tħoss it-tentazzjoni li tingħalaq fid-dgħufija tiegħek, erfa’ ħarstek lejn il-Kurċifiss u għidlu: ‘Mulej, jiena msejken, imma int tista’ twettaq il-miraklu li tagħmilni xi ftit aħjar’. Fil-Knisja, qaddisa u magħmula mill-midinbin, sa ssib dak kollu li teħtieġ biex tikber lejn il-qdusija. Il-Mulej għanieha bid-doni tal-Kelma, tas-Sagramenti, is-santwarji, il-ħajja tal-komunitajiet, ix-xhieda tal-qaddisin, u ġmiel ta’ kull bixra ħiereġ mill-imħabba tiegħu, ‘bħal għarusa tlellex bil-ġawhar tagħha’ (Iż 61:10)” (GE, 15).
Din il-qdusija ma tikbirx b’ġesti straordinarji, imma b’ġesti żgħar. Il-Papa jagħtina dan l-eżempju sempliċi meħud mill-ħajja ordinarja: meta “waħda mara tmur il-ħanut tagħmel ix-xirja tagħha, tiltaqa’ ma’ ġara tagħha u jibdew ipaċpċu, u jibdew izekzku u jikkritikaw. Imma din il-mara tgħid bejnha u bejn ruħha: ‘Le, mhux sa ngħid xejn ħażin fuq ħadd’. Dan hu pass lejn il-qdusija. Imbagħad, id-dar, binha jitlobha toqgħod tisimgħu jkellimha fuq il-fantasiji tiegħu u, imqar jekk tħossha għajjiena, tpoġġi bilqiegħda ħdejh tisimgħu b’sabar u mħabba. Araw offerta oħra li tqaddes. Imbagħad jiġiha mument ta’ diqa, imma tiftakar fl-imħabba tal-Verġni Marija, taqbad il-kuruna tar-rużarju u tibda titlob bil-fidi. Din hi triq oħra ta’ qdusija. Wara, toħroġ fit-triq, tiltaqa’ ma’ fqir u tieqaf titkellem miegħu bi ħlewwa u tjieba. Anki dan hu pass ’il quddiem” (GE, 16).
San Ġorġ illum qed jgħidilna biex ma nibżgħux mill-qdusija. “Il-qdusija mhix ħa teħodlok saħħa, ħajja u ferħ” (GE, 32). Kull Nisrani, skont kemm jitqaddes, jagħmel iżjed frott fid-dinja (ara GE, 33). Il-qaddis protettur tagħna San Ġorġ ma sarx qaddis għax għamel ħafna tajjeb; imma għamel it-tajjeb għax kien qaddis – għax ħabrek biex jilqa’ l-grazzja ta’ Alla. San Ġorġ ma sarx qaddis għax ingħata l-martirju, imma wera l-qawwa quddiem dawk li tawh il-martirju għax kien qaddis.
Nagħlaq b’appell imqanqal li jagħmel il-Papa Franġisku: “Tibżgħux timmiraw iżjed fil-għoli, li tħallu lil Alla jħobbkom u jeħliskom. Tibżgħux tħallu lill-Ispirtu s-Santu jmexxikom. Il-qdusija ma tagħmlekx inqas bniedem milli int, għax hi l-laqgħa tad-dgħufija tiegħek mal-qawwa tal-grazzja. Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar… fil-ħajja ‘m’hemmx ħlief niket wieħed, […] dak li ma nkunux qaddisin’” (GE, 34).
Ritratt: Andrew Formosa



Efficacious Protection Prayer to St George, Valiant Warrior, Deliverance, Healing, Military, Safety

Published on 24 Aug 2017
Is your faith challenged? Are you under some form of attack? Here's an ancient, yet potent protection prayer to St George, the valiant martyr of Christ. A great role model for all those in authority, several stories have been attached to Saint George, the best known of which is the Golden Legend. In it, a dragon lived in a lake near Silena, Libya. Whole armies had gone up against this fierce creature, and had gone down in painful defeat. The monster ate two sheep each day; when mutton was scarce, lots were drawn in local villages, and maidens were substituted for sheep. Into this country came Saint George. Hearing the story on a day when a princess was to be eaten, he crossed himself, rode to battle against the serpent, and killed it with a single blow with his lance. George then held forth with a magnificent sermon, and converted the locals. Given a large reward by the king, George distributed it to the poor, then rode away. Due to his chivalrous behavior (protecting women, fighting evil, dependence on faith and might of arms, largesse to the poor), devotion to Saint George became popular in the Europe after the 10th century. In the 15th century his feast day was as popular and important as Christmas. Many of his areas of patronage have to do with life as a knight on horseback.


Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr, Saint George; favored by God with the gift of faith, and inflamed with an ardent love of Christ, thou didst fight valiantly against the dragon of pride, falsehood, and deceit. Neither pain nor torture, sword nor death could part thee from the love of Christ. I fervently implore thee for the sake of this love to help me by thy intercession to overcome the temptations that surround me, and to bear bravely the trials that oppress me, so that I may patiently carry the cross which is placed upon me; and let neither distress nor difficulties separate me from the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Valiant champion of the Faith, assist me in the combat against evil, that I may win the crown promised to them that persevere unto the end. Amen.

I will go dressed and armed with the weapons of Saint George so that my enemies, having feet will not reach me; having hands will not trap me; having eyes will not see me, neither with thought can they cause me harm.

Firearms will not reach my body; knives and swords will break without touching my body, ropes and chains will break without tying my body.

Jesus Christ protects and defends me with the power of His Holy and Divine Grace.

The Virgin of Nazareth covers me with her sacred and divine mantle, protecting me in all my dolors and afflictions.

And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful arms, defending me with your strength and your greatness; and may my enemies underneath your feet become humble and submissive to you.

So Be it in the Power of God, of Jesus Christ and of the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen

May God arise and let His enemies be scattered and let those who hate Him flee before His Face! Hallelujah!
May the thrice Holy Name of God overthrow all their plans! Hallelujah!
May the Holy Name of the Living God split them up by disagreements! Hallelujah!
May the terrible Name of the God of Eternity stamp out all their godlessness! Hallelujah!
Lord, I do not desire the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Amen!

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


Full prayer text here :

Prayer to St George

Glory to thee, O God, glory to thee.

O heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art everywhere present and fillest all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and abide in us and cleanse us from every stain and save our souls, O Good One.

+Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

+Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

+Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

All Glory Be... Amen.

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy name’s sake.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

All Glory Be... Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

St. George, Heroic Catholic soldier and defender of your Faith, you dared to criticize a tyrannical Emperor and were subjected to horrible torture. You could have occupied a high military position but you preferred to die for your Lord. Obtain for us the great grace of heroic Christian courage that should mark soldiers of Christ.  Amen.


Almighty and eternal God! With lively faith and reverently worshipping Thy divine Majesty, I prostrate myself before Thee and invoke with filial trust  Thy supreme bounty and mercy. Illumine the darkness of my intellect with a ray of Thy heavenly light and inflame my heart with the fire of Thy Divine love,  that I may contemplate the great virtues and merits of the Saint in whose honor I make this prayer,  and following his example imitate, like him, the life of Thy Divine Son. Moreover, I beseech Thee to grant graciously, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through him I humbly place before Thee,  devoutly saving, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Vouchsafe graciously to hear it, if it redounds to  Thy greater glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

O GOD, who didst grant to Saint George strength and constancy in the various torments which he sustained for our holy faith; we beseech Thee to preserve, through his intercession, our faith from wavering and doubt, so that we may serve Thee with a sincere heart faithfully unto death. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be..


Litany of St George

Lord, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy,
Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy.

Christ, hear us,
Christ, hear us.

Christ, receive our prayers,
Christ, receive our prayers.

Eternal God the Father,
Have mercy on us.

Son of God who saved the world,
Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity One God,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary,
Pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Virgins,
Pray for us.

Holy Mother of Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy Mother of the Church,
Pray for us.

Holy Queen of Martyrs,
Pray for us.

Holy George,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Martyr of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Friend of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Warrior of Christ’s army,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Leader of the Christian armies,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Defender of the Catholic Church,
Pray for us.

Holy George, most faithful soldier of Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, courageous soldier of the Christian faith,
Pray for us.

Holy George, soldier ever-victorious,
Pray for us.

Holy George, zealous tiller of the Lord’s field,
Pray for us.

Holy George, glorious and great testimony,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Light that testifies for Holy Truth,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Preacher of the Holy Gospel,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who proclaimed the Son of God without fear,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who worked hard to know the thoughts of God,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who art victorious over the greatest sufferings,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who worked miracles,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who died in the body but art alive in Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, whose name is great among the martyrs of Heaven,
Pray for us.

Holy George, who art venerated in the entire Church,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Great Martyr,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Noble Martyr,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Martyr renowned,
Pray for us.

Holy George, joyous Defender of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Noble Soldier of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, faithful Testimony of Jesus Christ,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Star that radiates most gloriously,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Victorious Trophy-Bearer of the Banner of Christ Resurrected,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Victorious with Christ in the good fight,
Pray for us.

Holy George, Saint of great power and mercy,
Pray for us.

Show us mercy,
Save us, O Lord.

From every evil,
Save us, O Lord.

From every sin,
Save us, O Lord.

From sickness, hunger and war,
Save us, O Lord.

From unattended death,
Save us, O Lord.

From everlasting death,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of Your Death and Passion,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of St George’s merits and prayers,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his true faith,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his encompassing hope,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his zealous love,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his constance in difficulty,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his perseverance until the end,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his victory over the world, the body and the devil,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of the sufferings he endured,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his endurance during the martyrdom,
Save us, O Lord.

In honour of his holy death,
Save us, O Lord.

Us sinners,
Hear us, O Lord.

So that for St George’s prayers,
Hear us, O Lord.

You will continue to protect your Church,
Hear us, O Lord.

You may strengthen the Pope and your bishops,
Hear us, O Lord.

The Church’s rights are always defended,
Hear us, O Lord.

The soldiers abide by their duties in righteousness,
Hear us, O Lord.

All Christians are united in one body,
Hear us, O Lord.

All erroneous teaching will be put aside,
Hear us, O Lord.

All sinners are attracted to you,
Hear us, O Lord.

The sick and the elderly find solace in you,
Hear us, O Lord.

Our love for the Heavenly kingdom is strengthened,
Hear us, O Lord.

We obtain all the spiritual graces we ask of you,
Hear us, O Lord.

Our children may receive good instruction,
Hear us, O Lord.

Our youth find every protection in you,
Hear us, O Lord.

We may have trust in your love,
Hear us, O Lord.

You may defend our diocese and our Bishop,
Hear us, O Lord.

You may protect our priests and religious,
Hear us, O Lord.

You may protect our parish,
Hear us, O Lord.

You may protect our industrious laity in the parish,
Hear us, O Lord.

May you protect our Christian community,
Hear us, O Lord.

You call to yourself all sinners,
Hear us, O Lord.

We may become saints,
Hear us, O Lord.

Jesus, Son of the Living God,
Hear us, O Lord.

Christ, hear us,
Christ, hear us.

Christ, receive our prayers,
Christ, receive our prayers.


Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr, Saint George; favored by God with the gift of faith, and inflamed with an ardent love of Christ, thou didst fight valiantly against the dragon of pride, falsehood, and deceit. Neither pain nor torture, sword nor death could part thee from the love of Christ. I fervently implore thee for the sake of this love to help me by thy intercession to overcome the temptations that surround me, and to bear bravely the trials that oppress me, so that I may patiently carry the cross which is placed upon me; and let neither distress nor difficulties separate me from the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Valiant champion of the Faith, assist me in the combat against evil, that I may win the crown promised to them that persevere unto the end. Amen.

I will go dressed and armed with the weapons of Saint George so that my enemies, having feet will not reach me; having hands will not trap me; having eyes will not see me, neither with thought can they cause me harm.

Firearms will not reach my body; knives and swords will break without touching my body, ropes and chains will break without tying my body.

Jesus Christ protects and defends me with the power of His Holy and Divine Grace.

The Virgin of Nazareth covers me with her sacred and divine mantle, protecting me in all my dolors and afflictions.

And God, with His Divine Mercy and great power, is my defender against the evils and persecutions of my enemies.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful arms, defending me with your strength and your greatness; and may my enemies underneath your feet become humble and submissive to you.

So Be it in the Power of God, of Jesus Christ and of the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen

May God arise and let His enemies be scattered and let those who hate Him flee before His Face! Hallelujah!
May the thrice Holy Name of God overthrow all their plans!  Hallelujah!
May the Holy Name of the Living God split them up by disagreements!  Hallelujah!
May the terrible Name of the God of Eternity stamp out all their godlessness!  Hallelujah!
Lord, I do not desire the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Amen!

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.



Wednesday, April 25, 2018



Festa ta' SAN MARK
Evanġelista: l-Ewwel Seklu
San Mark aktarx li kien it-tifel ta’ Marija, dik il-mara armla prominenti fil-komunita’ Nisranija ta’ Ġerusalemm, li kienet iżżomm laqgħat ta’ l-Insara fid-dar tagħha: u li San Pietru meta ġie meħlus mill-ħabs mar dritt għandha (Atti 12:13).
Probabbilment San Mark ġie mgħammed minn San Pietru stess.
Meta San Pawl u San Barnaba, li kien kugin ta’ Mark, ġew Ġerusalemm bil-karita’ li kienu ġabru minn Antjokja, Mark issieħeb magħhom u mar magħhom fl-ewwel vjaġġ missjunarju ta’ San Pawl, iżda għal xi raġuni meta kienu f’Perge tal-Pamfilja telaqhom u rritorna Ġerusalemm (Atti 13:13). Minħabba f’hekk San Pawl ma riedx lil Mark jakkompanjah fit-tieni vjaġġ tiegħu, u floku ħa lil Silas. Fuq hekk San Barnaba ma marx ma’ San Pawl, iżda flimkien ma' Mark mar Ċipru, art twelidu.
Fis-sena 61, insibu li Mark kien ma’ San Pawl f’Ruma, l-ewwel darba li San Pawl kien fil-ħabs.
Minn Ruma x’aktarx li mar Kolossi, fl-Asja żgħira. Dan nafuh mill-ittra ta’ San Pawl lill-Kolossin fejn talabhom jaqgħtuh merħba (Kol. 4:10).
Meta San Mark reġa’ mar Ruma, ħadem ma San Pietru, u kien f’dan iż-żmien li kiteb il-Vanġelu tiegħu, l-iqsar vanġelu, u kitbu bil-Grieg, għax x’aktarx li kien għall-Ġentili kkonvertiti ta’ Ruma. Ħafna minn dak li kiteb sar jafu mingħand San Pietru li kien isejjaħlu ”ibni”. L-iljun bil-ġwienaħ hu s-simbolu tal-Vanġelu tiegħu għax fih iddeskriva ’l San Ġwann Battista bħala ”vuċi tgħajjat fid-deżert”, vuċi ta’ ljun; u l-ġwienaħ għax Eżakiel kien ra viżjoni ta’ erba’ annimali bil-ġwienaħ. Mar Efesu. Dan nafuh mill-ittra ta’ San Pawl lil San Timotju fejn talbu jġib lil Mark miegħu (2 Tim. 4:11). Tradizzjoni tgħid li wara l-mewt ta’ L-Appostli, San Mark mar waqqaf il-Knisja f’Lixandra fejn x’aktarx miet martri.
Illum hu kważi ċert li dak iż-żgħażugħ li ħarab għarwien mill-Ġetsemani meta arrestaw lil Ġesù , li hu jsemmi fil-Vanġelu tiegħu, kien hu nnifsu.
Kristu bagħatni nxandar l-Evanġelju mhux bi kliem il-għerf sabiex ma jiġix fix-xejn is-salib ta’ Kristu. Il-predikazzjoni tas-salib hija bluha għal dawk li jintilfu: imma għal dawk li jsalvaw, għalina, hi l-qawwa ta’ Alla. (1 Kor. 1:17)


5 Things We Can Learn From St. Mark the Evangelist

On April 25, is the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist. The gospel that bears his name is similar in some respects to those of Matthew and Luke, and biblical scholars believe these three accounts of the public life of Jesus’ have a common source, known as the Q document. However, each of these gospels are still distinct. So what can we learn from St. Mark?
  • Mark shows Jesus in a very natural and human light. His gospel tells of Jesus being angry (3:5) and sympathetic (5:36, 6:34.) Mark also tells us that Jesus admits to things He doesn’t know, such as the appointed time for the end of the world (13:32.) [St. Joseph Edition of the New American Bible, 1970]
  • “This shortest of all New Testament gospels is likely the first to have been written, yet it often tells of Jesus’ ministry in more detail than either Matthew or Luke.”
  • Even though Mark recounts the miracles and healings Jesus performed, Jesus’ messianic identity isn’t revealed until his entrance into Jerusalem (on the day we refer to as Palm Sunday.)
  • Mark concentrates one half of his short account  to just one week of Jesus’ life: from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. “The storyline of Mark begins on the banks of the River Jordan in the wilderness, moves into Galilee then across the Jordan to Jericho and then up to Jerusalem, where Jesus’ identity is fully revealed as Messiah, Suffering Servant and Eucharistic Lord.”
  • Unlike most of the other disciples, Matthew was not a fisherman, but a tax collector. Just as today, tax collectors were not exactly popular folks. And for Mark, his job gave him the opportunity to steal money. Yet all it took for Matthew to become a disciple was for Jesus to speak two words: “Follow me.” (Mt. 10:3) Matthew immediately answered that call, and he did it wholeheartedly.
So what can we learn from St. Mark?  We learn that our relationship with Christ should be very personal, and remember that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. We learn from Mark that, in an incredibly short time, the world can change. And Mark’s life illustrates for us that even sinners and outcasts are welcomed by Jesus.

St. Mark the Evangelist, you gave yourself completely to Christ and left behind sinful ways. Pray that we too can give ourselves to Christ with our whole hearts. Your witness to Jesus’ public life is a treasure for us; pray that we can stand grounded in the Gospel truth. We know, just as you did, that the life of a Christian is one meant to share the Good News. Pray that we may do that in every moment, every day of our life. Good St. Mark, pray for us! Amen.



Wednesday, April 18, 2018

MASS ATTENDANCE: A REALITY CHECK - Vicar General, Fr Joe Galea Curmi - from: The Sunday Times of Malta on April 15, 2018

Mass attendance: a reality check
An article by the Vicar General, Fr Joe Galea Curmi, published on The Sunday Times of Malta
The Church in Malta, through Discern (the Institute of the Church for research),  commissioned a research by means of a census that took place during the first weekend of December 2017,  as well as a survey that was carried out in the following days. The Church has done this reality check because it wants to be aware of the true picture of contemporary society in order to be more pastorally effective in the coming years.
This helps us to avoid two pitfalls – one is self delusion, that is fooling ourselves by seeing what in actual fact does not exist and thus falling into complacency; the other is self flagellation, beating ourselves up and letting our pessimism hinder us from seeing what is good. We are interested in the real picture.
The preliminary results of this research show that a great number of Maltese profess the Catholic faith – 92%. Of these, a substantial number attended Mass when the census was carried out – 122,000. When children under the age of 7, the elderly and the sick in hospitals or housebound are deducted, the percentage of those who attend Mass every Sunday amounts to around 40%.
The findings of the survey also reveal that a substantial number of respondents have some contact with the Church but go to Mass less regularly, once or twice a month. Therefore, the percentage of Maltese Catholics who go to Mass at least once a month stands at around 70%. The study also deals with other matters, such as prayer, that are related to the religious life of the Maltese people.
In the light of this research, particularly with regards to Mass attendance, the believer rightly asks what will be the response of the Church? For this reason, the Archbishop is in the process of establishing a pastoral commission that will work with experts to help the Church answer such questions. I will list three points that I consider as being central to the pastoral work of the Church in the coming months.
Firstly, we must work hard so that the celebration of Mass will truly be a meaningful celebration that helps people in their encounter with the Risen Christ. Efforts  are already in place in several parishes, where we find many examples of good practice with the participation of several lay people. These efforts must be more widely known, appreciated and encouraged. We must put more heart in our endeavours so that the people who come to church are made to feel welcome. We must work hard so that the people do not deem going to Mass as something tedious and boring, but as a source of energy and life. Above all, we must underscore the intimate bond of the celebration of the Eucharist to the daily life of believers. The challenges are great, especially when one considers that, as the census has indicated, there are close to one thousand Masses held in Malta every weekend.
Secondly, we must work hard to see that young Maltese Catholics  recognise the duty, the necessity and the value of the weekly Sunday Mass. A great deal depends on how strong this conviction is from a very young age. Therefore it is the Christian family that has to sow the seed of conviction in the young ones. A striking factor that emerges from the survey is the large number of respondents who go to Mass on Sunday not regularly but every so often. This phenomenon is not unique to Malta but is prevalent in other countries around the world. These people enjoy some sort of bond but sadly it is not consistent. They are truly missing out on their journey of faith. If one is convinced about going to Mass, one will make time for it.
Thirdly, we must strive to reach out to those who have severed all contact with the Church. It emerges very clearly from the study that there are a number of Maltese people who profess to be Catholic but do not come to church. In our pastoral work, we must never be only content with those who show up, but we must also include in our hearts and prayers those that never do, those who are in the periphery, and reach out to them. While totally respecting their free life choices, we must also show these people the great value of the Mass in life and show them that they are missing an essential link to their life of faith.
In conclusion, the fundamental question about why we should go to Mass every Sunday was answered by Pope Francis himself last December: “Without Christ we are condemned to be dominated by the fatigue of everyday life, with its preoccupations and the fear of tomorrow. Meeting the Lord on Sunday gives us the strength to live today with trust and courage, and to move forward with hope. …We do not go to Mass in order to give something to God, but to receive what we truly need from him” (13.12.17). May this reality check help us to always search for the truth and drink from this life-giving source.

Fr Joe Galea Curmi
Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Malta

This article was published today, 15th April 2018, on The Sunday Times of Malta. Link:


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Vatican, 8th April 2018 - Pope Francis' letter to Chilean bishops - L-ittra tal-Papa Franġisku lill-Isqfijiet taċ-Ċilì

Pope Francis' letter to Chilean bishops

The letter by Pope Francis to the Bishops of Chile, following the submission of the report by Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta. This unofficial translation to English has been provided by Catholic News Agency
Dear brothers in the episcopate,
The reception last week of the final documents which complete the report delivered to me by my two special envoys to Chile on March 20, 2018, with a total of more than 2,300 pages, moves me to write this letter. I assure you of my prayers and I want to share with you the conviction that the present difficulties are also an occasion to re-establish trust in the Church, a trust broken by our errors and sins and in order to heal the wounds that do not cease to bleed in the whole of Chilean society.
Without faith and without prayer, fraternity is impossible. Thus, on this second Sunday of Easter, on the day of mercy, I offer you this reflection with the desire that each one of you accompany me on the inner journey that I have been traveling in recent weeks, so that it would be the Spirit who would guide us with his gift, and not our interests, or even worse, our wounded pride.
Sometimes when so many evils frighten the soul and throw us listlessly into the world buttoned up in our comfortable “winter palaces,” the love of God comes out to meet us and purifies our intentions in order to love as free, mature, and judicious men. When the media shames us, presenting a Church almost always in the darkness of the new moon, deprived of the Sun of justice, we have the temptation of doubting the Paschal victory of the Risen One. I believe that like Saint Thomas the Apostle we must not fear doubt but rather fear the pretension of wanting to see without trusting the testimony of those who heard from the lips of the Lord the most beautiful promise.
Today I want to speak to you not of assurances, but rather of the one thing that the Lord offers us to experience every day: the joy, the peace of forgiveness of our sins and the action of his grace.
In that regard I wish to express my gratitude to His Excellency Charles Scicluna, the Archbishop of Malta and to Rev. Jordi Bertomeu Farnós, official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, for his prodigious work in considerately and empathetically listening to the 64 testimonies he recently gathered both in New York and Santiago de Chile. I sent them to listen from the heart and with humility. Later on, when they delivered to me the report and, in particular, its juridical and pastoral assessment of the gathered information, they acknowledged before me of having felt overwhelmed with the pain of so many victims of grave abuses of conscience and power and, in particular, of the acts of sexual abuse committed by various consecrated men of your country against minors, those who were not taken seriously then and were even robbed of their innocence.
The most heartfelt and cordial gratitude we must express as pastors to those who with honesty, courage and the sense of the Church requested a meeting with my envoys and showed them the wounds of their souls. Bishop Scicluna and Rev. Bertomeu have told me how some bishops, priests and deacons, lay men and women of Santiago and Osorno came to Holy Name parish in New York or to the office of Sotero Sanz, in Providencia, with a maturity, respect and kindness that was overwhelming.
In addition, the days following that special mission, have witnessed another meritorious fact that we should keep very much in mind for other occasions, because not only has the climate of confidentiality achieved during the visit been maintained, but at no time has the temptation been yielded to to turn this delicate mission into a media circus. In that regard, I wish to thank the different organizations and media for their professionalism in treating such a delicate case, respecting the right of citizens to the information and the good reputation of the declarants.  
Now, after a careful reading of the proceedings of this “special mission,” I believe I can affirm that the collected testimonies speak in a stark way, without additives or sweeteners, of many crucified lives and I confess to you that that causes me pain and shame.
Taking all this into account, I am writing to you, meeting together in the 115th Plenary Assembly, to humbly request your collaboration and assistance in discerning the short, mid and long term measures that must be adopted to re-establish ecclesial communion in Chile, with the goal of repairing as much as possible the scandal and re-establishing justice.
I plan to call you to Rome to discuss the conclusions and the aforementioned visit and my conclusions. I have thought of that meeting has a fraternal moment, without prejudices or preconceived ideas, with the only goal of making the truth shine forth in our lives. Regarding the date, I entrust it to the Secretary of the Bishops' Conference to show me the possibilities.
As for my own responsibility, I acknowledge, and I want you to faithfully convey it that way, that I have made serious mistakes in the assessment and perception of the situation, especially because of the lack of truthful and balanced information. Right now I ask forgiveness from all those I offended and I hope to be able to do so personally, in the coming weeks, in the meetings I will have with representatives of the people who were interviewed.
Abide in me: these words of the Lord resound again and again in these day. They speak of personal relationships, of communion, of fraternity which attracts and summons. United to Christ as the branches are to the vine, I invite you graft into your prayers in the coming days a magnanimity that prepares us for the aforementioned meeting and will then allow what we will have reflected on to be translated into concrete actions.
It maybe even be opportune to have the Church in Chile be in ongoing prayer. Now more than ever we cannot fall back into the temptation of verbiage or dwell in “generalities.” These days, let us look at Christ. Let us look at his life and his gestures, especially when he shows compassion and mercy to those who have erred. Let us love in truth, let us ask for wisdom of heart and let us be converted.
Waiting for news from you and asking His Excellency Santiago Silva Retamales, President of the Chilean Conference of Bishops, to publish this letter as quickly as possible, I impart my blessing and ask you to please keep praying for me.
Vatican, 8th April 2018

