MAY THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST, BE ALWAYS IN OUR HEART TO KEEP US HUMBLE, GRATEFUL, MERCIFUL, FORGIVING --- O GOD, BLESS ALL THAT IS COMING FROM YOU AND BREAK ALL THAT IS NOT COMING FROM YOU, AMEN --- This site is just a drop from the immeasurable ocean in JESUS, THE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, HOLY TRINITY ONE GOD - HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE - TEACHER, HEALER, REDEEMER --- The main purpose of this site is to make an easier access to Catholic Religion-related links. One hundred years have passed, since World War I was fought. It was a war that saw three major empires crumble, as the Austro-Hungarian, Prussian and Ottoman empire, became obsolete.
Pope phones Abbas and Peres, calls for greater commitment to cease-fire Published on 18 Jul 2014 40 days ago, Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas prayed for peace, along with the Pope at the Vatican. Since then, stalled peace talks deteriorated further into another bloody conflict, which has claimed the lives of at least 240 people, largely Palestinians
Mt 8:23-27 -- Jesus Calms the Storm - Ġesù jsikket it-tempesta
Ġesù jsikket it-tempesta [Mt:8:23] Ġesù tala' fuq dgħajsa, u d-dixxipli marru warajh.[Mt:8:24] U qamet taqliba kbira fuq il-baħar, hekk li l-mewġ beda jgħatti d-dgħajsa; iżda hu kien rieqed.[Mt:8:25] Id-dixxipli resqu fuqu, qajjmuh u qalulu: "Salvana, Mulej! Se nintilfu?"[Mt:8:26] U qalilhom: "Dan il-biża' kollu għalfejn, ja nies ta' fidi ċkejkna?" Mbagħad qam, ordna lill-irjieħ u lill-baħar, u waqgħet kalma kbira.[Mt:8:27] Dawk stagħġbu, u bdew jgħidu: "Dan xi bniedem hu, biex sa l-irjieħ u l-baħar jisimgħu minnu?"
Gesu' rieqed fid Dghajsa Parti 1 (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap)
Gesu' rieqed fid Dghajsa Parti 2 (Fr. Hayden Williams OFM Cap)