Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jekk tistgħu tifirħu meta it-tim tagħhkom jiskorja, tistgħu tfaħħru lil Alla - il-Papa Franġisku - Pope\'s Mass: sometimes Christians look down on those who praise God

Pope\'s Mass: sometimes Christians look down on those who praise God

Prayers of praise for God aren't just for charismatics, Pope Francis said in a morning homily.

"We find it easy to understand praying to ask God for something and also to thank the Lord," he said Jan. 28 at his early morning Mass. But prayers of praise "don't come so spontaneously."

According to a report in Vatican Radio, Pope Francis focused his homily on a line from the day's first reading, which described David as "dancing before the Lord with abandon."

Pope Francis said he could imagine someone objecting, "but, Father, that's for people in the Renewal in the Spirit, not for all Christians."

"No," he said, "prayers of praise are Christian prayer."

In fact, the pope said, the Psalms are filled with prayers of praise and that's what the Sanctus or "Holy, Holy" and the Gloria recited at Mass are.

Returning to possible objections, he said he knows some people might think they just can't pray that way. He said he would counter, "You're able to shout when your team makes a goal, but you cannot sing the Lord's praises?"

Explaining more of the biblical story from the 6th chapter of the Second Book of Samuel, Pope Francis noted how Michal, the daughter of Saul, reproached David for dancing in public and making a spectacle of himself. The chapter ends abruptly with the line, "Saul's daughter Michal was childless to the day she died."

"I wonder how many times we scorn in our hearts good people who praise the Lord naturally, spontaneously," rather than formally or with great dignity, he said.

When the Bible says Michal remained childless, it is telling believers that "prayers of praises make us fruitful," he said, while "those who close themselves up in the formality of a cold, careful prayer might end up like Michal in the sterility of her formality."


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

JANUARY 28 - St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas and The Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God  

Bishop Barron on St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas


Saċerdot u Duttur tal-Knisja:  1225 – 1274

San Tumas twieled fil-Belt ta’ Aquino qrib Monte Cassino, fl-1225, minn familja nobbli.  Hu kien is-seba’ wieħed fost ħames subien u ħames bniet.
Ta’ ħames snin beda jmur għand il-Patrijiet Benedittini ta’ Monte Cassino biex jitgħallem l-iskola.
Fl-1239, meta kellu erbatax-il sena, daħal l-Universita’ ta’ Napli.  Hemm iltaqa’ mal-Patrijiet Dumnikani, u daħal magħhom.
Tal-familja ma riduhx isir patri Dumnikan.  Fl-1224, ħutu, fuq ordni tal-ġenituri, qabduh uġabuh lura d-dar bil-fors, u żammewh qisu priġunier f’wieħed mill-kastelli tal-familja, u għamlu minn kollox biex idawrulu fehmtu, bla ma rnexxielhom.  Bil-għajnuna ta’ oħtu li kienet iġġiblu l-kotba, studja sew il-Bibbja u l-filosofija.
Meta tawh il-liberta’ fl-1245, reġa’ ngħaqad mad-Dumnikani, u s-Superjuri bagħtuh Cologne, il-Ġermanja, jistudja taħt San Albertu l-Kbir.
Wera intelliġenza u għerf kbar.  Fl-1251, ta’ 26 sena, sar saċerdot, u fil-1252, mar jgħallem fl-Universita’ ta’ Pariġi.
Fl-1266, beda jikteb is-Summa Theologica, iżda waqaf ħesrem fis-6 ta’ Diċembru 1273, meta kellu esperjenza profonda waqt li kien qed jitlob wara li qaddes.  Meta xi ħadd staqsieh għaliex kien waqaf, wieġeb: ”Dak kollu li ktibt jidher qisu tiben ħdejn dak li ġie rrelevat lili”.
Kellu mħabba kbira lejn Ġesù Ewkaristija.  Kiteb ħafna innijiet, fosthom it-Tantum Ergo u O Salutaris Hostia.
Darba kien qed jitlob quddiem il-kurċifiss u sama’:  ”Ktibt tajjeb fuqi, Tumas.  Xi trid bħala rigal?”  San Tumas wieġeb: ”Xejn ħlief lilek, Mulej!”
Miet fis-7 ta’ Marzu 1274, ta’ 49 sena, wara li rċieva l-vjatku, meta kien fi triqtu biex fuq talba tal-Papa Girgor X jieħu sehem fil-Konċilju ta’ Lyons.
Infaħħruk Mulej, u nirringrazzjawk ta’ l-intellett li bih Int għoġbok iżżejjen il-bniedem.
