Wednesday, September 01, 2010


John 8:44b ... the devil was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


Jesus Christ – Conqueror of Satan


"Discouragement comes always from the evil one"

Saint Anthony's War Against Demons - Published on Aug 15, 2016
Saint Anthony of the Desert not only engaged in fierce battles against the devil through prayer and fasting, but they mocked, sneered and abused him. For his triumphs over the devil God promised that he would make his name known everywhere


" Renounce to the evil one...Do it after Holy Communion, when you are full of JESUS

"In Jesus' Name, I renounce to any evil spirit in me or against me." 


This video is without the interpreter's translation

Fr Elija Vella OFM Conv. --- Oslobodenie od Zlého - Deliverance from the evil one

Ex satanista mette in guardia dai pericoli di Halloween




P. Elias Vella biela a čierna mágia - Fr Elia Vella on white and black magic

P. Elias Vella reika a psychotronika - Fr Elia Vella on  reiki and psychic,

Taf li jekk tkun paci m’Alla, jiġifieri [Lq:10:27]...tħobb il-Mulej, Alla tiegħek, b'qalbek kollha, u b'ruħek kollha, bil-qawwa tiegħek kollha, u b'moħħok kollu, u lill-proxxmu tiegħek bħalek innifsek.", tersaq lejn is-sagramenti tal-qrar u tqarbin, tapprezza d-dinjità tal-Kmandamenti , tieħu sehem fil-quddies, anke quddies ta' fejqan u ħelsien, tidhol f’xi prayer group, tattendi rtiri, iġġor il-kuruna dejjem fuqek u titlob it-talba tar-Rużarju….int protett, iva protett mill-ħażen li wieħed ikun jixtieqlek. Anzi, id-deni li jkun xtaq lilek jerga' jmur għal fuqu - bħal boomerang ! Tidħaq ? Hekk iridek ix-xitan ma temminx bil-qawwa omnipotenti t'Alla u tal-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa. Imma x-xitan jemmen bil-qawwa tagħhom u għalhekk jinganna l-bniedem u jċaħħdu mill-paċi f'qalbu billi jġgħelu jinfexx fil-mibgħeda u s-saħta...

Taf li l-oroskopju, palm reading, qari tal-karti, qari tax-xorti, qari tal-futur, ouija board, kuntatt mal-ispirti, spiritiżmu, black, white magic, New Age - dawn huma kollha ħaġa waħda max-xitan. Għadek tidħaq ? Hekk iridek ix-xitan, mazzun: Tesperjenza din 'l-avventura' mal-okkult u l-ispiritiżmu - biex tbexxaqlu t-tieqa ħa jidħol f'ħajtek... u wara tispiċċa f’dipressjoni, kif ukoll f’disperazzjoni ta' rabja, mibgħeda, vendetta.

Alla Huwa l-ħajja, il-kalma, ir-Rebħa;
ix-xitan huwa l-mewt, indannazzjoni, it-tellief, il-giddieb.

Ġesù, Alla jgħidilna - aħfru w itolbu għal min jagħmlilkom id-deni, (kemm hi diffiċli għal bniedem hux, imma bil-qawwa u bil-għajnuna t’Alla iva possibli.) Alla biss jixtieq il-ġid lil kulhadd u min irid jimxi warajH, hekk irid jaghmel - jitlob għal min jgħobodu, ibierek lil min jistħu...X’IMHABBA ALTRUISTA HI L-IMHABBA TA' ALLA ! Hu jagħti ċ-ċans, ħalli anke min ikun jixtieq il-ħsara, jiġi konxju tad-deni li jkun qed jagħmel lilu nnifsu stess; ħalli jindemm u jersaq għas-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni (il-Qrar) u jkun jista' jerġa' jibda' jesperjenza il-paċi vera f 'qalbu:

Din hi l-vera xewqa ta' kull bniedem - li jħossu maħbub u li jgħix fil-paċi, miegħu nnifsu u mal-proxxmu ! 

Alla Hu t-triq, il-Verità u l-Ħajja. Ammen Alleluja.

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Sib ħin, aqra u tgħallem mill-Bibbja – (tal-Għaqda Biblika Maltija)
Ara xi tgħid il-Kelma ta' Alla :-

- Levitiku 19:31 --- [Lev:19:31] La tmurx għand is-saħħara li jsejjħu l-erwieħ u la tfittxux lil min jeħber; la tiċċappsux bihom:  Jiena l-Mulej Alla tagħkom.

- Dewteronomju 18:9-12 --- [Dt:18:9] Meta inti tidħol fl-art li l-Mulej, Alla tiegħek, se jagħtik, titgħallimx timxi fuq id-drawwiet koroh ta' dawn il-ġnus. [Dt:18:10] Ma għandu jkun hemm ħadd f'nofsok li jgħaddi min-nar lil ibnu jew lil bintu, lanqas min jeħber, min jitkixxef il-ġejjieni, [Dt:18:11] min jagħmel il-magħmul u s-sħarijiet, min isejjaħ l-erwieħ, min jobsor u jistħarreġ il-mejtin. [Dt:18:12] Għax mistkerrah quddiem il-Mulej kull min jagħmel dawn il-ħwejjeġ; u minħabba dawn id-drawwiet koroh li l-Mulej, Alla tiegħek, se jkeċċihom minn quddiemek.

- Isaija 47:12-15 ---
[Is:47:12] Żomm sħiħ, mela, fil-magħmul tiegħek,

fil-kotra ta' sħarijietek,

li fihom stinkajt sa minn żgħożitek.

Għandhom mnejn jiswewlek;

għandek mnejn tbażża' n-nies bihom.

[Is:47:13] Fnietek il-kotra tal-kunsillieri tiegħek!

Ħa jqumu issa u jgħinuk,

l-għarriexa tas-smewwiet,

li jħarsu lejn il-kwiekeb,

u ta' kull xahar jgħidulek

x'se jkun li ġej għalik.

[Is:47:14] Ara, bħat-tiben jaħraqhom in-nar;

ma jeħilsuhiex mis-setgħa tan-nirien.

Ma jkunx ġamar għas-sħana,

ma jkunx nar li toqgħod ħdejh.

[Is:47:15] Hekk ikunu għalik dawk li fnewk,

is-saħħara li kellek sa minn żgħożitek;

kulħadd jitlaq għal rasu,

ħadd ma jibqa' hemm biex jgħinek.

- Galatin 5:19-21--- [Gal:5:19] L-għemejjel tal-ġisem huma magħrufa: żína, faħx, nuqqas ta' rażan, [Gal:5:20] idolatrija, seħer, mibegħda, ġlied, għira, korla, ambizzjoni, firda, partiti, [Gal:5:21] invidja, sokor, tbahrid, u ħwejjeġ bħal dawn. Nwissikom, bħalma wissejtkom qabel, min jagħmel dawn il-ħwejjeġ ma jiritx is-saltna ta' Alla. 

- Efesin 6:13-18 --- [Efes:6:13] Għalhekk ħudu fuqkom  l-armatura ta' Alla, ħalli tkunu tistgħu tieqfu fi żmien il-ħażen, u, wara li tkunu għamiltu ħilitkom kollha, żżommu weqfin. [Efes:6:14] Żommu sħiħ, mela, ħażżmu ġenbejkom bil-verità, ilbsu l-kurazza tal-ġustizzja, [Efes:6:15] u xiddu riġlejkom bil-ħeġġa ta' l-Evanġelju tas-sliem; [Efes:6:16] ħudu f'idejkom it-tarka tal-fidi; li biha tistgħu titfu l-vleġeġ kollha tan-nar tal-Ħażin; [Efes:6:17] ilbsu l-elmu tas-salvazzjoni u aqbdu x-xabla ta' l-Ispirtu li hi l-kelma ta' Alla. [Efes:6:18] Itolbu dejjem fl-Ispirtu, b'kull xorta ta' talb u f'kull ħtieġa, ishru fih bla ma tieqfu, u itolbu għall-ħtiġiet tal-qaddisin kollha.

- Gwanni 3:16 --- [Ġw:3:16] Għax Alla hekk ħabb lid-dinja li ta lil Ibnu l-waħdieni, biex kull min jemmen fih ma jintilifx, iżda jkollu l-ħajja ta' dejjem.

                                - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AND   ---  




PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT - during Liberation Mass - Ħelsien mis-sataniżmu -- Fr Elija (Elias) Vella OFM Conv.


Monday, August 30, 2010


The Church in Malta - Archdiocese of Malta
28 Aug 2010

The Church considers it a duty before God and a service to the nation to proclaim what it believes on many topics, including Marriage and the Family. This Pastoral Note is meant to convey the position of the Catholic Church for those who look towards the Church for direction. Through it, the Church also wants to share its outlook with Maltese Society at large.

The Church has always spoken about the beauty and importance of marriage, the basis of the family as a fundamental gift from God. This is valid for marriage as a sacrament as well as for marriage as a natural institution.

The Church bases its faith on marriage especially on the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “Have you not read that the Creator from the beginning ‘made them male and female’, and that he said ‘This is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes attached to his wife, and the two become one flesh?’ They are no longer two, therefore, but one flesh. So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide’ (Mt 19, 4-6: The New Jerusalem Bible translation).

This Christian heritage which we have received through the Catholic Church has helped most families throughout the centuries to be reared in stable marriages, even in times of poverty and emigration. Even today, in their desire to form a family, most spouses still look towards entering into a stable marriage. Thank God most spouses in Malta still live faithfully this commitment. But now, unfortunately, we are confronted with an increasing number of marriage breakdowns. Each breakdown of a marriage brings much suffering, to the spouses themselves, to their immediate relatives, but especially to children. It is a challenge which the Church and Maltese society at large have to confront.

The Church has helped couples in preparing for marriage, and has sustained them throughout. It has also offered its help when marriages break down. For decades it has provided services, and still does, for couples with problems. It has also provided shelter for children and young people, and victims of violence in the home. It is convinced that only by investing in more stable marriages will this suffering decrease. The Church promotes marriage and defends it because ultimately this will result in fewer breakdowns. How can one now expect that it will not be speaking out for preventive measures by promoting and defending the stability of marriage? This is the reason why it always produces statistics and studies which prove that society suffers both in human terms and financially from the introduction of divorce.

The Church is committed to convey these values: for its members who seek its direction, and for many others in society who would like to hear alternative views so as to be able to make a better enlightened choice as responsible citizens. In a pluralistic society there should never be just one opinion voiced and it is a disservice to democracy to try to silence other points of view! As there are those who promote divorce in a pluralistic society, the Church’s mission is to promote the stability of marriage, insisting on the moment of consent as the focal point of one’s commitment. In divorce there is a shift from this focal point towards each moment which is presented as giving the spouse a potential right to consider his/her consent and commitment thus ending one’s marriage (see Catechism of the Catholic Church nn. 1650 – 1; 2382-6).

The Church always seeks to make its members ever more aware and willing to carry also personally the responsibility of promoting Christian values in society. This includes stability in marriage. It also urges its members to choose marriage as a value: promoting and defending it. In this way they will be in conformity with what they believe in.

Each and every member of the Church is committed to fulfill the values of the Kingdom of God. They should realise that they are responsible to promote and defend the dignity of each person, justice in society, the environment. How can one reason that each member of the Church is not also responsible for the plan of God on marriage and the family?

Every Christian is accountable before the Lord for his/her every action. We as Bishops have spoken on many occasions about the accountability of every person even in this matter. It should be a great privilege for every committed member of the Church to say before the Lord that he/she has done his part in promoting and defending these values that Jesus insisted so much upon in His teachings.

We urge committed members of the Church, both on a personal level, according to one’s state in life and responsibility in society, and in ecclesial groups, to contribute and to contribute positively to this debate. They will be doing a service not only to the Church but to the whole of Maltese society. We ask everybody who contributes to this debate not to distort the love for each person ingrained in the Christian message by embarking on some kind of crusade, even in the case of clear signs of provocation. A ‘crusade’ implies seeking a victory over the other person of different belief and opinion, by whatever means. Spreading the Good News must never be just a reaction. It implies respecting even those who do not agree with us to a point that one wants in love and humility to share one’s convictions with them without fear, but in convincing love.

Pope Benedict has given us a mission to perform. At the welcoming ceremony, on his arrival to Malta, he told us: “Your nation should continue to stand up for the indissolubility of marriage as a natural institution as well as a sacramental one, and for the true nature of the family, just as it does for the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, and for the proper respect owed to religious freedom in ways that bring authentic integral development to individuals and society.” May his words encourage us to carry out this mission for our Maltese society!

+ Paul Cremona O.P.
Archbishop of Malta

+ Mario Grech
Bishop of Gozo

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Change Your Routine --- Prov 4:20-21, 23 --- Prov 15:1-7, 23

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them [the Words of God] not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.... Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
- Proverbs 4:20-21, 23

[Prov:4:20] Ibni, agħti widen għal kliemi,
iftaħ widnejk għal dak li ngħid jien.
[Prov:4:21] Tħallihomx iwarrbu minn quddiemu għajnejk,
żommhom fil-qiegħ ta' qalbek.

[Prov:4:23] Ħares lil qalbek bir-reqqa kollha,
għax minnha ġejja l-ħajja.
So many people walk around saying things like, "Well, I'm just so tired...I'm so weak...Things are looking so bad." Then suddenly, they think they're going to jerk their faith out from under the table and raise the dead with it. Well, they're not going to do it because spiritual things don't work that way. Faith needs to be taken out from under the table, all right, but not to just use it to get out of a jam and then toss it aside again. Keep it in action every day so it can grow. According to Proverbs 4, God says you must keep His Word constantly in your ears and in your heart. He says to guard your heart diligently. To be diligent means to be "hard-working, industrious, persevering." Why do you have to be so diligent with the Word? Because the devil is diligent with his junk. He's constantly throwing fiery darts at you. He works diligently to make sure the world is surrounding you with fear and sickness and poverty and every other kind of garbage he can use to destroy you. But you can protect your spirit from those things by conditioning yourself to respond to every one of them with the Word of God. Change your routine, and make a decision right now to begin that spiritual conditioning. Start today and make speaking the Word part of your daily life.

by Kenneth Copeland

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:1-7, 23

[Prov:15:1] Tweġiba ħelwa ttaffi l-korla,
kelma iebsa tqajjem l-għadab.
[Prov:15:2] Lsien l-għorrief ixerred it-tagħlim;
fomm il-boloh iferragħ il-bluha.
[Prov:15:3] Kullimkien iħarsu għajnejn il-Mulej,
jgħassu fuq il-ħżiena u fuq it-tajbin.
[Prov:15:4] Lsien ħelu bħal siġra tal-ħajja,
imma lsien ħażin imewwet il-qalb.
[Prov:15:5] L-iblah jistmell tagħlim missieru;
bil-għaqal hu min jaf jilqa' t-twiddib.
[Prov:15:6] F'dar il-ġust hemm ġid kbir,
imma qligħ l-inġust iġib l-għawġ.
[Prov:15:7] Xufftejn għorrief ixerrdu t-tagħlim;
minn qalb il-boloh joħroġ il-qerq.

[Prov:15:23] Jifraħ min jaf jagħti tweġiba tajba;
kelma f'waqtha, kemm hi sabiħa!

Pursuit of His Presence -- Daily Devotional August 16, 2010

Friday, August 06, 2010

JESUS HELP ME ! - With You I am never alone...

In every need let me come to You with humble trust, saying: Jesus, help me!

In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations: Jesus, help me!

In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials: Jesus, help me!

In the failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrows: Jesus, help me!

When others fail me, and Your Grace alone can assist me: Jesus, help me!

When I throw myself on Your tender Love as a Father and Saviour: Jesus, help me!

When my heart is cast down by failure, at seeing no good come from my efforts: Jesus, help me!

When I feel impatient, and my cross irritates me: Jesus help me!

When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely: Jesus, help me!

Always, always, in spite of weakness, falls, and shortcomings of every kind: Jesus, help me and never forsake me.

Ma' Gesù qatt ma jien wahdi...WITH JESUS I AM NEVER ALONE

You're not alone sung by John Canaan
