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Monday, June 14, 2021

The Holy See's Dicasteries


The Holy See's Dicasteries recounted from the inside: history, goals and mission - a look at how the offices work that support the Pope's ministry. The prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, describes the work of his office in this interview.



Monday, June 07, 2021

Complete album Mladifest - Song for Eucharistic Adoration - Medjugorje


One hour of Catholic songs from Medjugorje

Complete album Mladifest - Song for Eucharistic Adoration - Medjugorje 00:00 Dona La Pace - Medjugorje Full Album Song Mladifest 01:40 Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya / Vieni a noi Signor, vieni a noi, 06:43 Vieni Sancte Spiritus / Come Holy Spirit 11:27 Jesus I belive / Gesus io credo in Te 17:12 Gospodine Isuse smiluj nam se / Signore Gesù abbi pietà di noi 22:30 Jesu / Gesus 28:00 Daruj nam mir / Dona la pace / Give us your peace 34:44 Solo grazie 40:04 O Christe Domine Jesu 44:22 Hvala Isuse / Grazie Gesus / Thank you Jesus 52:52 Gospa, majka moja 55:33 O Regina della pace

