blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 07/28/10

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We have power over the devil - when we are faithful to GOD and the Sacraments - Per IPSUM, cum IPSO, et in IPSO...LORD i need YOU

I fix my eyes on You Jesus

Fr. Elija Vella OFM Conv. --- The devil's tactics to distract us away from JESUS

Veni, Creator Spiritus

God is omnipotent
   the devil is impotent = when we are one with God

God is the universal Conqueror
   the devil is the restless loser

God is unity - three persons in one - The Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
   the devil works alone - there is no unity among demons, more so among their human clients who fall to their evil misconceptions to power, popularity, pleasure...

God is selfless, unconditional love
   the devil is incessant envy and hatred

God - the Creator is humility and loyalty
   the devil never accepted this - that is why he is the proud, rebellious plunderer

Jesus is the all power in the inspired Word of the Holy Bible made flesh - Divinity and Humanity
   the devil still is constantly jealous of God - to be exalted like Him

God gives us free will
   the devil tries everything to invade us with his evil suggestions to sin - in order to separate us from God's happiness and wisdom.

God gives importance to our present wish to transform our lifestyle for the better.
   the devil torments us of our past - so that we feel ashamed to go to confession

God is Truth and nothing but the Truth.
   the devil is illusion, lies, vulgarity, dishonesty...

God is the spiritual beauty of the heart
  the devil is the evil spirit behind attractive temptation.

God chooses the humble who call for His guidance.
   the devil chooses our weak moments of isolation ...or success; the need to feel loved and appreciated ...or popular, surrounded by manipulate us with thoughts of self-pity ...or superiority... in order to fall to sin 

God is the dignity of our personality
   the devil is the degradation of our personality. 

God is self-control and respect
  the devil is instant gratification and abuse

God is righteousness
   the devil is wickedness

God is faithfulness
   the devil is deception

God is obedience
   the devil is rebellion

God is courage, calmness and trust
   the devil is fear, anxiety and stress

God is salvation
   the devil is damnation

God is pure light
   the devil is adulterated darkness

God is union and tolerance
   the devil is division and discrimination

God is compassion - He knows well our weak nature.
   the devil is insensitivity - he tries everything to inflict havoc of our weak nature

video published on 17 Mar 2013 - Pope's first Angelus:
God never gets tired of forgiving. We get tired of asking for forgiveness

God is forgiveness, and by repenting with a contrite heart and by the Sacrament of reconciliation our God forgives and forgets our sins forever
   the devil is the accuser and keeps on oppressing us of our sins ... even forgiven ones

Pope Francis: Confess to God without fear    

God is serenity
  the devil is confusion

God is eternal Heavenly joy
   the devil is eternal condemnation in Hell

God is peace in abundance, even in hard and difficult times
   the devil is spiritual warfare, even behind successful and enjoyable circumstances 

God is perseverance, maturing us in His mysterious ways and time
   the devil is desperation, accusing us that we are good for nothing ...or praising us that we are the best

God is pro-life of all creation
   the devil is pro-destruction - abortion; euthanasia; abuse of land, air and sea; ...attacks on priesthood and on the family...

God is mercy
   the devil is tyranny

Year of Mercy and Indulgences: Papal letter addresses abortion, prisoners, sick and elderly - Published on Sep 1, 2015

God listens
   the devil distracts

God is silence and wisdom  
   the devil is cacophony and irrational behaviour

God is praise
   the devil is curse

God is marriage between one man and one woman united in Him till death.
   the devil is divorce in all aspects. - from reality, from reason, from society, from family, even from my own self 

Pope Francis: Divorced people who remarry aren't excommunicated!

“I Am With You”: Struggling with Divorce

God humbles the proud and raises the humble
   the devil destroys the proud with illusions and ridicules the humble

God is always with us, ready to help us to come back to Him !
   the devil leaves us alone guilty in despair with our sins that he himself had lured us into.

God is freedom from our own self --- from our selfish emotions, from our senses, from our desires, from our reason, from our misconception --- by His grace of Heavenly joy from this earth - even during suffering injustice, ill-health, ridicule - forgotten and abandoned !
   the devil is slavery to our daily withering body - deceived to skin-deep beauty, to power, vengeance, envy, greed, self-centeredness - the dillusioned success that still keeps our heart empty, isolated from God - even while partying with 'friends' and having a 'great' time.

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus 
Hebrews 12:1-3  

Hebrews 12:1-3
Chapter 12
God Our Father.Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart.

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12. Id-dixxiplina tal-Mulej

[Lhud:12:1] Ladarba aħna wkoll għandna madwarna sħaba hekk kbira ta' xhieda, ejjew inwarrbu minna kull xkiel u kull dnub li malajr ifixkilna, u b'qalbna qawwija nibqgħu niġru t-triq tal-prova li għandna quddiemna; [Lhud:12:2] nżommu għajnejna merfugħa lejn Ġesù, li minnu tibda u fih tintemm il-fidi tagħna; hu li, flok l-hena li kellu quddiemu, qagħad għas-salib bla xejn ma qies l-għajb tiegħu, u issa qiegħed fuq in-naħa tal-lemin tat-tron ta' Alla. [Lhud:12:3] Aħsbu mela fih, li qagħad għal oppożizzjoni hekk kbira min-naħa tal-midinbin, biex ma tegħjewx u ma taqtgħux qalbkom.

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Pope's Angelus: Rid your heart of hypocrisy

La donna che schiaccia il serpente - The woman who crushes the serpent

