blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: February 27 - St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows - The model and patron of Youth - San Gabiriel ta l-Addolorata

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27 - St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows - The model and patron of Youth - San Gabiriel ta l-Addolorata

New Shrine of St. Gabriele dell'Addolorata to be inaugurated

on September 21st 2014

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (born Francesco Possenti March 1, 1838 -- February 27, 1862) was an Italian Passionist clerical student. Born to a professional family, he gave up hopes of a secular career to enter the Passionist Conregation. His life in the monastery was not extraordinary, yet he followed the rule of the congregation perfectly and was known for his great devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary. He died from tuberculosis at the age of 23. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920

San Gabiriel ta' l-Addolorata

San Gabriel tal-Addolorata (1838-1862). Qaddis żagħżugħ Taljan imwieled f'familja professjonali. Iddeċieda li jitlaq il-ħajja tal-familja tiegħu u jingħaqad mal-Passjonisti. Għex ħajja sempliċi fil-monasteru u wera devozzjoni kbira lejn il-Verġni Marija. Qaddis protettur taż-żgħażagħ u l-istudenti
