Tuesday, August 07, 2018

DIFFERENT ... Between the Worlds of human nature and Divinity ... in humility, even humiliation ... Ex Opere Operato

 Pope Francis: Pray in good times and bad
 24 June 2020


Every level of sin we let ourselves fall into, we are abusing God's mercy.

How foolish of us to be deceived by the devil - who was defeated forever and for all by the suffering, crucifixion, death and the resurrection of Jesus-God, who humbled Himself so - to become human, experience the bombardment of evil ; teaching the Truth and uncovering the deceitful tactics of the devil: Jesus fills us with the grace of His omnipotent power over our weakness of lack of self-control.
The devil's 'pleasure' lasts momentarily and fades like vapour into emptiness and the consequences of guilt remain in front of our eyes, tormenting us, till the last breath of our life ...

Between the Worlds of human nature and Divinity ... in humility, even humiliation ...

TO KEEP IN MIND --- especially in circumstances of ingratitude, misjudgement, mockery, ridicule, provocation, abuse, intimidation, insult, persecution; AND also in the temptation to answer back to any such situations --- that Jesus who is God, went all through this...and so, so much more ... IN SILENCE ... AND IN PRAYER

 U.S. Bishops approve third-party hotline for sexual abuse complaints

While it is important to seek support and assistance from professional services, God teaches us how to live in true peace and harmony together, trusting in His omnipotence and yet merciful love - open-armed, welcoming each person who is feeling that there is something missing in his life ...

Changing Tracks: Sally Read  

Change your lifestyle now - Do not let peer pressure and immoral cultures steal you from the real Beauty of the true love that Jesus has for you, whatever you were deceived into - because His mercy is unfathomable and His personal attention for you is amazing !

Homily on the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, in Year B.


Full text: Letter by Pope Francis to the People of God

“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26).  These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once more the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons.  Crimes that inflict deep wounds of pain and powerlessness, primarily among the victims, but also in their family members and in the larger community of believers and nonbelievers alike.  Looking back to the past, no effort to beg pardon and to seek to repair the harm done will ever be sufficient.  Looking ahead to the future, no effort must be spared to create a culture able to prevent such situations from happening, but also to prevent the possibility of their being covered up and perpetuated.  The pain of the victims and their families is also our pain, and so it is urgent that we once more reaffirm our commitment to ensure the protection of minors and of vulnerable adults.

1.      If one member suffers…

In recent days, a report was made public which detailed the experiences of at least a thousand survivors, victims of sexual abuse, the abuse of power and of conscience at the hands of priests over a period of approximately seventy years. Even though it can be said that most of these cases belong to the past, nonetheless as time goes on we have come to know the pain of many of the victims.  We have realized that these wounds never disappear and that they require us forcefully to condemn these atrocities and join forces in uprooting this culture of death; these wounds never go away. The heart-wrenching pain of these victims, which cries out to heaven, was long ignored, kept quiet or silenced.  But their outcry was more powerful than all the measures meant to silence it, or sought even to resolve it by decisions that increased its gravity by falling into complicity.  The Lord heard that cry and once again showed us on which side he stands.  Mary’s song is not mistaken and continues quietly to echo throughout history.  For the Lord remembers the promise he made to our fathers: “he has scattered the proud in their conceit; he has cast down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty” (Lk 1:51-53).  We feel shame when we realize that our style of life has denied, and continues to deny, the words we recite.
With shame and repentance, we acknowledge as an ecclesial community that we were not where we should have been, that we did not act in a timely manner, realizing the magnitude and the gravity of the damage done to so many lives.  We showed no care for the little ones; we abandoned them.  I make my own the words of the then Cardinal Ratzinger when, during the Way of the Cross composed for Good Friday 2005, he identified with the cry of pain of so many victims and exclaimed: “How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to [Christ]!  How much pride, how much self-complacency!  Christ’s betrayal by his disciples, their unworthy reception of his body and blood, is certainly the greatest suffering endured by the Redeemer; it pierces his heart.  We can only call to him from the depths of our hearts: Kyrie eleison – Lord, save us! (cf. Mt 8:25)” (Ninth Station).

2.   … all suffer together with it

The extent and the gravity of all that has happened requires coming to grips with this reality in a comprehensive and communal way.  While it is important and necessary on every journey of conversion to acknowledge the truth of what has happened, in itself this is not enough.  Today we are challenged as the People of God to take on the pain of our brothers and sisters wounded in their flesh and in their spirit.  If, in the past, the response was one of omission, today we want solidarity, in the deepest and most challenging sense, to become our way of forging present and future history.  And this in an environment where conflicts, tensions and above all the victims of every type of abuse can encounter an outstretched hand to protect them and rescue them from their pain (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 228).  Such solidarity demands that we in turn condemn whatever endangers the integrity of any person.  A solidarity that summons us to fight all forms of corruption, especially spiritual corruption.  The latter is “a comfortable and self-satisfied form of blindness.  Everything then appears acceptable: deception, slander, egotism and other subtle forms of self-centeredness, for ‘even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light’ (2 Cor 11:14)” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 165).  Saint Paul’s exhortation to suffer with those who suffer is the best antidote against all our attempts to repeat the words of Cain: “Am I my brother's keeper?” (Gen 4:9).
I am conscious of the effort and work being carried out in various parts of the world to come up with the necessary means to ensure the safety and protection of the integrity of children and of vulnerable adults, as well as implementing zero tolerance and ways of making all those who perpetrate or cover up these crimes accountable.  We have delayed in applying these actions and sanctions that are so necessary, yet I am confident that they will help to guarantee a greater culture of care in the present and future.
Together with those efforts, every one of the baptized should feel involved in the ecclesial and social change that we so greatly need.  This change calls for a personal and communal conversion that makes us see things as the Lord does.  For as Saint John Paul II liked to say: “If we have truly started out anew from the contemplation of Christ, we must learn to see him especially in the faces of those with whom he wished to be identified” (Novo Millennio Ineunte, 49).  To see things as the Lord does, to be where the Lord wants us to be, to experience a conversion of heart in his presence.  To do so, prayer and penance will help.  I invite the entire holy faithful People of God to a penitential exercise of prayer and fasting, following the Lord’s command.[1]  This can awaken our conscience and arouse our solidarity and commitment to a culture of care that says “never again” to every form of abuse.
It is impossible to think of a conversion of our activity as a Church that does not include the active participation of all the members of God’s People.  Indeed, whenever we have tried to replace, or silence, or ignore, or reduce the People of God to small elites, we end up creating communities, projects, theological approaches, spiritualities and structures without roots, without memory, without faces, without bodies and ultimately, without lives.[2]  This is clearly seen in a peculiar way of understanding the Church’s authority, one common in many communities where sexual abuse and the abuse of power and conscience have occurred.  Such is the case with clericalism, an approach that “not only nullifies the character of Christians, but also tends to diminish and undervalue the baptismal grace that the Holy Spirit has placed in the heart of our people”.[3]   Clericalism, whether fostered by priests themselves or by lay persons, leads to an excision in the ecclesial body that supports and helps to perpetuate many of the evils that we are condemning today.  To say “no” to abuse is to say an emphatic “no” to all forms of clericalism.
It is always helpful to remember that “in salvation history, the Lord saved one people.  We are never completely ourselves unless we belong to a people.  That is why no one is saved alone, as an isolated individual.  Rather, God draws us to himself, taking into account the complex fabric of interpersonal relationships present in the human community.  God wanted to enter into the life and history of a people” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 6).  Consequently, the only way that we have to respond to this evil that has darkened so many lives is to experience it as a task regarding all of us as the People of God.  This awareness of being part of a people and a shared history will enable us to acknowledge our past sins and mistakes with a penitential openness that can allow us to be renewed from within.  Without the active participation of all the Church’s members, everything being done to uproot the culture of abuse in our communities will not be successful in generating the necessary dynamics for sound and realistic change.  The penitential dimension of fasting and prayer will help us as God’s People to come before the Lord and our wounded brothers and sisters as sinners imploring forgiveness and the grace of shame and conversion.  In this way, we will come up with actions that can generate resources attuned to the Gospel.  For “whenever we make the effort to return to the source and to recover the original freshness of the Gospel, new avenues arise, new paths of creativity open up, with different forms of expression, more eloquent signs and words with new meaning for today’s world” (Evangelii Gaudium, 11).
It is essential that we, as a Church, be able to acknowledge and condemn, with sorrow and shame, the atrocities perpetrated by consecrated persons, clerics, and all those entrusted with the mission of watching over and caring for those most vulnerable.  Let us beg forgiveness for our own sins and the sins of others.   An awareness of sin helps us to acknowledge the errors, the crimes and the wounds caused in the past and allows us, in the present, to be more open and committed along a journey of renewed conversion.
Likewise, penance and prayer will help us to open our eyes and our hearts to other people’s sufferings and to overcome the thirst for power and possessions that are so often the root of those evils.  May fasting and prayer open our ears to the hushed pain felt by children, young people and the disabled.  A fasting that can make us hunger and thirst for justice and impel us to walk in the truth, supporting all the judicial measures that may be necessary.  A fasting that shakes us up and leads us to be committed in truth and charity with all men and women of good will, and with society in general, to combatting all forms of the abuse of power, sexual abuse and the abuse of conscience.
In this way, we can show clearly our calling to be “a sign and instrument of communion with God and of the unity of the entire human race” (Lumen Gentium, 1).
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it”, said Saint Paul.  By an attitude of prayer and penance, we will become attuned as individuals and as a community to this exhortation, so that we may grow in the gift of compassion, in justice, prevention and reparation.  Mary chose to stand at the foot of her Son’s cross.  She did so unhesitatingly, standing firmly by Jesus’ side.  In this way, she reveals the way she lived her entire life.  When we experience the desolation caused by these ecclesial wounds, we will do well, with Mary, “to insist more upon prayer”, seeking to grow all the more in love and fidelity to the Church (SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, Spiritual Exercises, 319).  She, the first of the disciples, teaches all of us as disciples how we are to halt before the sufferings of the innocent, without excuses or cowardice.  To look to Mary is to discover the model of a true follower of Christ.
May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of conversion and the interior anointing needed to express before these crimes of abuse our compunction and our resolve courageously to combat them.


Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors ‘feel supported’ by Pope’s letter
The Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors issues a statement on Tuesday, saying they are encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God regarding clerical abuse.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp
Members of the Vatican Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) issued a statement on Tuesday, just one day after Pope Francis’ letter to all the People of God.
The Commission begins by saying it is encouraged by Pope Francis’ letter and thanked him for “his strong words recognizing the pain and suffering endured by people who have suffered sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by some members of the church”.

Zero tolerance and accountability

In addition, they state that “members of the Commission feel supported by the Holy Father’s call…to ‘implement zero tolerance’ ” and to make accountable “ ‘those who perpetrate or cover up’ ” crime. The PCPM said that they heard reinforced in Pope Francis' letter their own message that “zero tolerance and accountability are a pre-requisite in safeguarding vulnerable people from abuse”.

Abuse of power

Commission member and canon lawyer Prof. Myriam Wijlens summarized Pope Francis’ letter into three points. The first is the clearly expressed “connection between sexual abuse, abuse of power and abuse of conscience” which, Prof Wijlens says, “many do not want to see connected". Second, is that the abuse of power has two levels: “There are those who use their position to sexually abuse minors and vulnerable adults and…those in leadership positions” who cover the abuse up.

Children's safety comes first

The third point Prof. Wijlens write of is that a looking backward approach consisting of “asking for pardon and seeking repair” is not sufficient. The approach that looks forward “implies asking for a radical change of culture where the safety of children enjoys top priority”. She says that the Church’s reputation requires “putting the safety of children first”, a task requiring “radical change” which “the clergy alone will not be able to bring about”. Thus the need for “humility” and of asking for and receiving “help from the whole community”, Prof. Wijlens concludes.



STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Meditations from Saint Faustina's Way of The Cross

How to go to confession when you haven’t gone in years

A practical guide for those hesitant about returning to the sacraments.

Going to confession for the first time in 5, 10, 20, 30 (or more) years can be daunting. We know we should do it, but there is part of us that is still reluctant or even afraid of going back to the sacraments.
Besides feelings of shame, we may simply have forgotten how to go to confession.
For those who are hesitant to receive the mercy of God, here is a practical guide to the various steps of going to confession.

Step 1: Examine your conscience

This is the most necessary part of confession. Before you can confess your sins you need to know them. Typically a person goes to confession and tells the priest the sins they can remember since their last confession. If their last confession was 20 years ago, it might be rather difficult. The key is to tell the priest all mortal sins that you remember (to the best of your ability).
We typically remember those “big” sins, but if you need some help, here is a handy examination of conscience provided by the USCCB. When telling them to the priest, say the sin itself and the number of times you committed it (or at least a general estimation, like, “I didn’t go to Mass for 20 years”).

When thinking of these sins remember that the priest has heard everything before. You are not going to surprise or shock him.
Also, think about confession as going to a doctor. If you don’t tell the doctor your arm hurts, he won’t be able to diagnose it and offer a cure. Similarly, if you don’t tell the priest a sin, he won’t be able to offer absolution for it and help heal that spiritual wound.

Step 2: Look up the local confession times or schedule a time with the priest

Sometimes if it has been a while, it is best to schedule a separate time with the local priest. However, if you don’t know the priest it might be daunting to think about it. Instead, find the nearest parish and inquire about their confession times.
It is also important to go early and try to be near the front of the line.

Step 3: Go into the confessional or Reconciliation room and start your confession

If you haven’t been to confession in many years, you might not know that many parishes no longer use the old-style confessional booths, or may offer them as an option along with one or more Reconciliation rooms. In a room, you still have the option of confessing anonymously behind a movable screen, but you will usually sit in a chair rather than kneel. You may also choose to confess face-to-face. Penitents line up outside the closed door to a Reconciliation room just as they do outside a confessional booth, entering when the person ahead of them leaves.
Wherever confession takes place, the priest typically will start first, saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Then it will be your turn to talk. Since it is your first time in a while, it is best to let the priest know that, and say something like, “Father, this is my first confession in x amount of years. These are my sins.”
Then you go ahead and start telling the priest your sins. Do your best to remember them. If you need to, write them on a piece of paper ahead of time.

Step 4: Listen to the priest’s consoling words and say your act of contrition

The priest will respond with words meant to encourage you on your journey of faith. He will then give you a specific “penance,” which could be a number of prayers (like saying 5 Our Fathers), or something related to your sins. After that he will invite you to make an act of contrition, a prayer expressing your sorrow for your sins. If you are worried about that, most confessionals have the act of contrition printed and visible to see. If they don’t, then let the priest know and he will guide you through it.
Alternatively you can print your own copy of the following prayer.
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.

Step 5: Bask in the mercy of God and say your penance.

Take a while in the church to thank God for what just happened. God just wiped your sins away! They’re gone. Praise him and allow God’s peace to flood your soul. Then do whatever penance the priest gave you.
Re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, and as you leave the church, start a new chapter in your life. God is always there whenever we fall. Trust in his mercy and allow his grace to permeate every aspect of your life. Plan to head to confession again soon


Pope Francis warns priests against living a double life

Pope on cover-up and abuse scandals

Pope Francis asks to pray against the division sown by the devil - October 1st, 2018


Ex Opere Operato --- from the Catechism of the Catholic Church - CCC 1128 

A little sacramental theology this week on 3MT! 
This Latin phrase reminds us that the sacraments don't depend on the worthiness of their minister.


Mill-Katekiżmu tal-Knisja Kattolika
KKK 1128

1128   Dan ifisser dak li tgħid il-Knisja: li s-sagramenti jaħdmu ex opere operato (letteralment “mill-fatt stess li qiegħed isir għemil”), jiġifieri bis-saħħa tal-ħidma għas-salvazzjoni ta’ Kristu, ħidma li saret darba għal dejjem. Minn dan jiġi li “s-sagrament ma jseħħx permezz tal-ġustizzja tal-bniedem li jagħti s-sagrament jew jirċevih, iżda bil-qawwa ta’ Alla”. Sakemm sagrament hu ċċelebrat skond il-fehma tal-Knisja, is-setgħa ta’ Kristu u ta’ l-Ispirtu tiegħu jaħdmu fih u permezz tiegħu, tkun xi tkun il-qdusija personali tal-ministru. Iżda l-frott tas-sagramenti jiddependi ukoll mid-diżposizzjonijiet ta’ min jirċevihom.


Omelia di Papa Francesco a Santa Marta del 10 ottobre 2017

L-Omnipotenza ta’ Alla tidher fil-ħniena tiegħu 

It-Tlieta 10 ta’ Ottubru 2017. Omelija tal-Papa Franġisku fid-Dar Santa Marta.
Il-Papa Franġisku fakkar lill-fidili kollha li l-ħniena bla tarf t’Alla tiżboq kollox, imma wissiena li m’għandniex inkunu riġidi u għandna nkunu dejjem qlubna miftuħin.
Franġisku kien qed jitkellem waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tad-Dar Santa Marta fejn għamel riflessjoni, għat-tieni jum wara l-ieħor, dwar qari mill-Ktieb tal-Profeta Ġona. Il-Papa qal li hi biss il-ħniena t’Alla li tiftħilna qlubna u tirbaħ kollox.
Ġona, qal Franġisku, kien bniedem rasu iebsa, kien marid bir-riġidità, ruħ imġewħa. Fl-istorja tal-Bibbja, Alla jitlob lil Ġona biex jikkonverti l-belt ta’ Ninwè. Għall-ewwel il-Profeta rrifjuta u ħarab, imbagħad wettaq l-amar ta’ Alla u qeda dmiru sew. Madankollu, osserva l-Papa, Ġona hu mgħaddab u nkurlat għax Alla ħafer lill-poplu li b’qalb miftuħa wera sogħba.
Dawk li qalbhom hi stinata ma jifhmux x’inhi l-ħniena t’Alla. Huma bħal Ġona, qal il-Papa, ma jafux jiftħu qalbhom għall-Mulej. Dawn il-bnedmin huma ta’ qalb dgħajfa: qlub ċkejknin, magħluqin għall-ħniena u marbutin biss mar-rettitudni stretta. Jinsew li l-ġustizzja t’Alla saret laħam f’Ibnu, saret ħniena u maħfra. Jinsew li l-qalb t’Alla hi dejjem miftuħa għall-maħfra.
Jinsew xi ħaġ’oħra, issokta l-Papa. Jinsew li l-omnipotenza ta’ Alla turi
ruħha primarjament fil-ħniena u l-maħfra tiegħu.
Mhux faċli nifhmu l-ħniena t’Alla. Jeħtieġ li nitolbu ħafna għax din hi grazzja. U aħna mdorrijin bl-attitudni ta’ tpattija li tfisser li għalina l-ġustizzja hi li tħallas għal dak li tkun għamilt. Madankollu rridu niftakru li Ġesù ħallas għalina u għadu jħallas.
Lil Ġona Alla seta’ abbandunah u ħallieh mar-ras iebsa u r-riġidità tiegħu. Minflok, mar ikellmu u kkonvinċieh; salvah bħalma salva lill-poplu ta’ Ninwè. Alla hu Alla tal-paċenzja, li jaf imelles, li jaf kif għandu jiftaħ il-qlub.
Il-qofol tal-messaġġ tal-ktieb tal-Profeta, kompla jgħid il-Papa, insibuh fid-djalogu bejn il-profezija, il-penitenza, il-ħniena u l-qalb dgħajfa jew ir-ras iebsa. U minn dan naraw li l-ħniena t’Alla dejjem toħroġ minn fuq għax l-omnipotenza tiegħu tidher fil-ħniena tiegħu.
Intikom parir, temm il-Papa, li llum taqraw il-Ktieb ta’ Ġona. Hu ktieb żgħir ħafna, tliet faċċati biss, u taraw kif jaħdem il-Mulej, kif il-ħniena tiegħu tittrasforma qlubna, u niżżu ħajr ‘l Alla talli hu tant ħanin.
Ħajr lill-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet ta’ Radju Marija


Sunday, July 08, 2018


Pope Francis - Holy Mass and Procession 2018-06-03

From the Parish Church of St Monica in Ostia - Holy Mass presided over by Pope Francis on the Feast of Corpus Christi, followed by a Procession to the Parish of Our Lady of Bonaria, and concluding with the Eucharistic Blessing


Pope Francis celebrated the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Italian seaside town of Ostia June 3, 2018


Sunday, June 24, 2018

JUNE 22 - 22 ta' ĠUNJU - IL-FESTA TAS-SEJĦA TAL-MADONNA TA' PINU - Inawgurazzjoni tat-Tlestija tar-Restawr tal-Kwadru, 20 ta' Gunju, 2020

Restawr tal-Kwadru tal-Madonna Ta' Pinu - 19/06/2020

Servizz fuq TVM News dwar ir-restawr tal-Kwadru tal-Madonna Ta' Pinu - 19/06/2020

Inawgurazzjoni tat-Tlestija tar-Restawr tal-Kwadru tal-Madonna Ta' Pinu - 20/06/2020



Ta' Pinu National Shrine - Gozo, Malta

Diocese of Gozo

L-EVANĠELJU fit-22 ta' Ġunju, f'Jum il-Festa

Jn 2:1-11 -- Jesus Changes Water Into Wine - Dan li għamel Ġesù f’Kana tal-Galilija kien l-ewwel

L-Isqof Mario Grech - Jum il-Festa Ta' Pinu(Il-Ġimgħa, 22 ta' Ġunju 2018)

The Referred Gospel in Homily:

Omelija fil-Festa tas-Sejħa tal-Verġni Mbierka Ta’ Pinu Santwarju Nazzjonali tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, l-Għarb Il-Ġimgħa 22 ta’ Ġunju 2018 L-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex
Meta xi ħadd iċedi quddiem xi ħadd ikbar minnu, ħafna drabi nittimbrawh bħala dgħajjef, beżżiegħi, tellief jew ġifa. Fil-fatt, ħafna jippreferu jkunu determinati, deċiżi, riżoluti.
Meta naqra r-rakkont tat-tieġ ta’ Kana jolqotni l-fatt li Ġesù jċedi għat-talba insistenti ta’ Ommu. Meta Marija titolbu jagħmel xi ħaġa għax kien spiċċa l-inbid, Ġesù jweġibha li kienet għadha ma waslitx is-siegħa li jagħmel il-mirakli. Imma minkejja li kellimha hekk, quddiem il-karba ta’ Ommu, Ġesù jċedi u jibdel l-ilma fl-inbid. Huwa jasal biex iċedi proprju għax huwa qawwi. F’Kana, Ġesù mhux biss iċedi minħabba Ommu, imma wkoll minħabba l-pressjoni li kienet inħolqot f’dak l-ambjent peress li kienet ser titħassar il-festa għax l-inbid spiċċa. Quddiem din il-miżerja, Ġesù jintrebaħ. Il-miżerja umana żżarma l-qalb ta’ Kristu.
Fil-Vanġelu hemm diversi ġrajjiet fejn Ġesù jaqa’ għall-bniedem. Insemmi l-episodju fejn mara Kangħanija (pagana) titlob lil Ġesù jħenn għal bintha li kellha xitan fiha. Ġesù jweġibha li hu kien mibgħut għan-nagħaġ li ntilfu mid-dar ta’ Iżrael u li mhux sew li l-ħobż tal-ulied jingħata lill-ġriewi. Imma meta dik il-mara tkompli tinsisti, Ġesù jwaqqa’ r-reżistenzi tiegħu u jilqa’ t-talba tagħha (ara Mt 15:21-28).
Din id-dgħufija ta’ Alla fir-relazzjoni tiegħu mal-bnedmin mhix rivelazzjoni li nsibu biss fil-vanġeli. Biżżejjed niftakru dak li Alla jistqarr ma’ Mosè: “Jien ħarist u rajt it-tbatija tal-poplu tiegħi fl-Eġittu. U jien smajt il-karba tagħhom minħabba fl-argużini tagħhom u għaraft l-uġigħ tagħhom. Issa nżilt biex neħlishom minn idejn l-Eġizzjani u biex intellagħhom minn dik l-art u neħodhom f’art tajba, f’art tnixxi ħalib u għasel” (Eż 3:7-8).
Dan hu Alla tagħna! Dan hu li għandu jmissilna qalbna aħna u nisimgħu t-tħabbira tal-Vanġelu. Dan iċ-ċediment u dgħufija ta’ Alla huma konsegwenza tal-fatt li Ġesù jħossu mqanqal mill-miżerikordja infinita tiegħu. Peress li meta nitkellmu dwar Alla, ħafna drabi aħna nużaw kriterji mondani, kapaċi nieħdu skandlu meta nisimgħu li Alla huwa dgħajjef. Imma San Pawl stess jitkellem fuq id-“dgħufija ta’ Alla” – huwa jgħid li “l-bluha ta’ Alla hija għarfa iktar mill-bnedmin u d-dgħufija ta’ Alla hija aqwa mill-bnedmin” (1 Kor 1:25). Teologu Protestant, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, jitkellem dwar Alla żarmat mill-qawwa! Huwa jgħid li “Alla huwa dgħajjef u bla saħħa (powerless) fid-dinja u dan huwa l-mod, l-uniku mod, li bih huwa jista’ jieqaf magħna u jgħinna. Kristu jieqaf magħna mhux għax hu omnipotenti, imma għax bid-dgħufija u t-tbatija tiegħu” (Letters and papers from prison, 360).
It-tweġiba għaliex Alla huwa daqshekk dgħajjef fil-konfront tagħna jagħtiha wieħed mill-Missirijiet tal-Knisja, Teodoru minn Ancira, li kien jgħix fis-seklu ħamsa. Huwa jgħid: “Kif jista’ jkun dgħajjef dak li b’kelma waħda ħalaq l-univers? Alla huwa dgħajjef għax refa’ fuqu d-dgħufija tagħna u hekk ġab fit-tmiem id-dgħufija umana”.
Il-Papa Benedettu XVI jgħallimna li Alla jċedi għax għandu qalb paterna: “‘Bħalma jħenn il-missier għal uliedu, hekk iħenn il-Mulej għal min għandu l-biża’ tiegħu’ (Salm 103:13). Iċ-ċkunija tagħna, in-natura umana dgħajfa tagħna, id-dgħufija tagħna jsiru appell għall-miżerikordja ta’ Alla biex din tidher fil-kobor u l-ħlewwa tal-Missier li jgħinna, jaħfrilna u jsalvana” (Udjenza ġenerali, 30 ta’ Jannar 2013).
Santu Wistin jgħidilna li Alla jċedi quddiem it-talb tal-poplu tiegħu. F’Kana, mhux it-talba ta’ Marija kienet li wasslet biex Ġesù waqa’ għaliha? Quddiem it-talba ta’ Marija, li tirrappreżenta lilna lkoll, Alla jċedi. Hekk jagħmel illum! Kif jikkummenta l-Papa Franġisku, “il-qawwa tal-bniedem huwa t-talb u t-talba tal-bniedem umli hija d-dgħufija ta’ Alla (Omelija f’Santa Marta, 16 ta’ Novembru 2013).
Għalhekk, ħa nersqu quddiem dan Alla. Is-soltu ngħidu li għandu qalb kbira, imma llum ngħidilkom li Alla għandu qalbu żgħira, u għalhekk ma jagħmel ebda reżistenza quddiem it-tnehid tagħna.
Jekk aħna xrobna ħafna nbid u dan tant tela’ għal rasna li skirna u bdejna nitfgħu l-ġawhar taħt riġlejna – fost dan il-ġawhar hemm id-don tal-ħajja –, ħa mmorru għand Ġesù bid-diffikultajiet kollha li għandna, bil-konfużjoni kollha li hemm f’moħħna u f’qalbna. Quddiem dan kollu, il-qalb ta’ Alla tinħall. Alla mhux wieħed li jżomm il-ponta, imma jċedi u jgħinna nerġgħu nqiegħdu l-affarijiet f’posthom. Jekk min-naħa l-oħra naqasna l-inbid, fis-sens li naqsuna l-fidi, it-tama u l-karità, ma naqtgħux qalbna. Ejjew immorru għand Ġesù, li mhux ser joqgħod ifittex dak li hu tiegħu, imma jieqaf magħna u jipprovdilna l-ferħ. Niftakru li l-miżerikordja tikkoreġi l-ġustizzja ta’ Alla. Kif semmejt aktar ’il fuq, it-talba tagħna hija d-dgħufija ta’ Alla.
F’din il-ġurnata tant għażiża għall-poplu Malti u Għawdxi, nitolbu lill-Madonna Ta’ Pinu tinterċedi għalina quddiem Binha Ġesù biex iċedi għalina billi jkun ħanin magħna u jagħtina l-faraġ tiegħu.

Published on 24 Apr 2010
- JUNE 22 - Is-Sejha tal-Madonna ta' Pinu - From the Gospel of John 2:1-11
(video on 23rd April 2010 - Gozo, Malta - Madonna ta' Pinu)
Fit-22 ta’ Ġunju 1883, Karmela Grima, xebba bidwija mill-Għarb, kienet ġejja lura lejn darha, mill-għalqa tagħhom in-naħa tal-Ġurdan, filwaqt li kienet qed tgħid xi talbiet privati tagħha. Kienu qrib l-għaxra ta’ filgħodu, u xħin kienet għaddejja ħdejn il-kappella Ta’ Pinu, semgħet għal darbtejn jew tlieta leħen isejħilha: “EJJA, EJJA”. Ħarset lura, u billi ma rat lil ħadd, baqgħet miexja. Imma l-leħen ta’ qabel tenna: “EJJA LLUM, GĦALIEX QABEL SENA MA TKUNX TISTA’ TIĠI”.
Għalhekk, hija reġgħet xi passi lura sabiex taqbad il-passaġġ u bdiet miexja bil-mod u beżgħana lejn il-kappella. Xħin waslet, talbet għal ħin wieħed fis-skiet u ġarrbet hena mhux tas-soltu; u xħin spiċċat, qagħdet ittella’ u tniżżel x’sejra titlob iżjed. F’dak il-ħin, l-istess leħen reġa’ qalilha: “GĦID TLIET AVE B’TIFKIRA TAT-TLITT IJIEM LI ĠISMI DAM FIL-QABAR”.
Wara dawn il-ġrajjiet id-devozzjoni lejn il-Madonna Ta’ Pinu baqgħet dejjem tiżdied. Xhieda ta’ dan hi l-istess inkurunazzjoni tal-kwadru tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu: ħaġa li f’dawk iż-żminijiet kienet riservata għall-Kapitlu tal-Bażilika tal-Vatikan. Filfatt din l-inkurunazzjoni saret bl-approvazzjoni tal-Papa Piju XI, nhar l-20 ta’ Ġunju 1935.
Ma dan ma nistgħux ma nsemmux iż-żjara li l-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II għamel lis-Santwarju nhar is-26 ta’ Mejju 1990, u l-Warda tad-Deheb li nhar it-18 ta’ April 2010 il-Papa Benedettu XVI qiegħed quddiem x-xbieha mirakoluża tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu. F’din l-okkażjoni hu kien qalilna: “ITOLBUHA U SEJĦULHA SULTANA TAL-FAMILJA”.

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AUDIO --- soundcloud - Isqof Mario Grech 


22nd June 2019, Feast of the calling of Our Lady of Ta' Pinu

    Note from Diocese of Gozo, Facebook

Is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu: Klinika tal-Ispirtu

Omelija fil-Festa tas-Sejħa tal-Madonna Ta’ PinuSantwarju Nazzjonali tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, l-Għarb
Is-Sibt 22 ta’ Ġunju 2019
L-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex
F’Kana għandna żewġ għarajjes friski mriegħxa għax ma kienx fadlilhom inbid għall-mistednin. Nistħajjel li meta ntebħu bil-problema, l-għarajjes riedu l-art tinfetaħ u tiblagħhom għax waqgħu għaċ-ċajt. Bl-intervent tiegħu Ġesù mhux biss ipprovdielhom l-inbid, imma serrħilhom rashom u mliehom bit-tama. F’ċertu sens fil-miraklu ta’ Kana Ġesù ma kienx tant dak li jimla l-ġarar bi nbid ġdid, imma huwa t-tabib li fejjaq il-qalb miksura u muġugħa ta’ din il-koppja.
Għal ħafna mill-Missirijiet tal-Knisja Ġesù huwa t-tabib. Sant’Ambroġ jikteb li “l-kelma ta’ Kristu hija l-mediċina li għandha l-qawwa tagħlaq il-ġerħat”.[1]U fi kliem Santu Wistin, “Ġesù huwa tabib tal-kuxjenza li f’idu għandu xafra li tfejjaq u din hija l-kelma tiegħu”.[2]Oriġene jgħallem li Alla ħejja għalqa bil-ħxejjex mediċinali bid-diskorsi li nsibu fil-Bibbja.[3] Hu jtenni li l-“mediċina tal-Ispirtu tinsab fih”.[4]
Il-Missirijiet tal-Knisja jgħallmu li filwaqt li Kristu huwa “archiatrus” (it-tabib ewlieni), huwa għadda din il-missjoni lill-oħrajn. Hekk San Ġrolmu jagħraf lill-profeti bħala “tobba tal-Ispirtu”[5]u Oriġene jsostni li din il-missjoni medika rċevewha wkoll dawk li wara l-Appostli jagħmlu parti mill-Knisja u lilhom ġiet fdata l-missjoni li jfejqu l-feriti.[6]Jekk il-profeti u s-suċċessuri tal-Appostli huma wkoll “tobba tal-Ispirtu”, bir-raġun nistgħu nżommu li wkoll Marija, Sultana tal-Appostli, hija esperta li tfejjaq lill-bniedem miġruħ.
Fil-fatt Kristu t-tabib ma kienx waħdu f’Kana imma kellu miegħu lil Marija Ommu. Meta hija titlob lil Ġesù biex jgħin lill-għarajjes, nistħajjilha l-“infermiera” li tkun mat-tabib waqt li jkun idur fis-sala tal-isptar. Marija għandha l-kwalitajiet kollha biex tkun infermiera tajba: għax barra li bħala mara mżejna bil-ġenju femminili għandha bedside manners tajbin ħafna, hija Omm dawk li jeħtieġu l-kura tat-tabib. Liema omm ser tittraskura lil uliedha morda jew mhix ser tirrakkomandahom lit-tabib, aktar u aktar meta t-tabib huwa Binha wkoll? Barra minn hekk, din l-infermiera taf kemm hija effettiva l-mediċina li jagħti dan it-tabib: Marija taf li l-kelma ta’ Ġesù tagħti l-ħajja. Kien għalhekk li f’Kana lill-għarajjes tgħidilhom: “Agħmlu dak li jgħidilkom hu”.
F’dan il-kuntest illum nilmaħ f’dan is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu dak li l-Papa San Pawlu VI sejjaħ “klinika tal-Ispirtu”: “Dak li forsi ma jersaqx biex jirċievi l-grazzja ta’ Alla fil-parroċċa, jagħmel il-qalb u jmur għand Marija”.[7]L-istess ħsieb tennieh dan l-aħħar il-Papa Franġisku meta qal li “s-santwarji [huma] mkejjen kważi sagramentali ta’ Knisja sptar fuq il-kamp tal-battalja, li jħarsu l-memorja ta’ poplu fidil li qalb it-tiġrib tiegħu ma jegħja qatt ifittex l-għajn tal-ilma ħaj mnejn iġedded it-tama tiegħu”.[8]Iva, is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu huwa “klinika tal-Ispirtu” fejn iservu Kristu t-tabib u Marija l-infermiera.
Huwa fatt irreġistrat fl-istorja li x-xniegħa li l-Madonna kienet tkellmet ma’ tnejn min-nies mill-Għarb, Karmni Grima u Franġisku Portelli, bdiet tixtered fl-1886 (tliet snin wara li seħħet il-ġrajja tas-Sejħa) kawża ta’ fejqan mirakuluż ta’ Ċensa, omm Franġisku. “Ċensa minħabba marda tal-qalb kienet waslet f’xifer il-qabar. Uliedha Franġisk, Nikola u Nardu marru jżuru l-Kappella Ta’ Pinu u wara li qalu r-rużarju għall-fejqan ta’ ommhom, għamlu wegħda li jdendlu lampier quddiem ix-xbieha tal-Madonna u li kull meta jkunu jistgħu jixegħluh. L-għada ommhom bdiet ġejja għat-tajjeb u wara ftit irnexxielha teħles mill-periklu ta’ ħajjitha u għexet għal sentejn u nofs oħra”.[9]
Biex ngħid hekk, Ċensa Portelli kienet l-ewwel pazjenta f’din il-“klinika” Ta’ Pinu u minn dakinhar huma bla għadd dawk li ġew f’dan is-Santwarju jfittxu fejqan ta’ kull xorta. Meta din is-sena nedejna s-Sena Marjana, kelli f’moħħi li bħala Knisja f’Għawdex nibagħtu messaġġ qawwi biex infakkru li hawn din il-“klinika” li tilqa’ fiha lil kull min qed iħoss is-saħħa tonqoslu – kemm is-saħħa fiżika, affettiva, psikoloġika, morali u spiritwali. Barra l-mard personali hemm il-mard li qed jifni ż-żwiġijiet u l-familji tagħna, hemm mard li jżarma lill-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa, hemm mard li jheżżeż l-istrutturi soċjali tagħna, hemm mard li qed iċajpar il-viżjoni tagħna tad-dinjità umana, hemm mard li qed imermer l-ekonomija, hemm mard li qed iħawwad lill-ħassieba u x-xjenzati, hemm mard li laqat il-Knisja u n-nies tagħha.
Kulħadd huwa milqugħ f’din il-klinika – kemm dawk li huma qrib u kemm dawk li huma fil-bogħod, kemm dawk li huma Nsara prattikanti u kemm dawk li abbandunaw il-fidi, kemm dawk li huma mgħammda u kemm dawk li għandhom twemmin ieħor, kemm dawk li huma vittmi tad-deni li għamel ħaddieħor u kemm dawk li huma responsabbli tal-ħsara li tkun saret.
Ħadd ma għandu jaqta’ qalbu mill-fejqan, anki jekk il-marda tkun ilha s-snin fuqu. Ma hemm ebda marda li ma titfejjaqx; anki jekk l-esperti tad-dinja ma jsibux tarf, xorta waħda nfittxu kenn f’din il-klinika għax it-tabib (Ġesù) huwa Alla u l-infermiera (Marija) hija Omm Alla. Forsi ma naqilgħux l-għamla ta’ fejqan li nkunu nixtiequ, imma kif jgħid San Ġustinu, il-fatt li Ġesù huwa qrib tagħna u nħossuh jerfa’ fuqu parti mit-tbatija tagħna diġà huwa mediċina. San Pietru Krisologu jgħallem: “Ġesù sar bniedem biex jieħu fuqu l-mard tagħna u minflok lilna jagħtina l-virtujiet tiegħu, jieħu fuqu l-uman u jagħtina d-divin, jissaporti t-tbatija u jagħtina s-saħħa. It-tabib li ma jerfax il-mard ma jafx ifejjaq u min mhux marid ma’ min hu marid, ma jafx ifejjaq”.
Kif f’Kana Marija daħlet quddiem Ġesù biex tfejjaq lil dawk l-għarajjes, hekk f’dan is-Santwarju-klinika Ta’ Pinu Marija tibqa’ tressaqna għand Ġesù biex jagħtina l-mediċina għall-fejqan. Ħa jkun magħruf li hawnhekk f’Ta’ Pinu hawn “Knisja sptar fuq il-kamp tal-battalja” fejn Marija hija l-infermiera li kollha tenerezza u mħabba lesta tilqa’ u tisma’ lil kull min qed iħossu magħsur bil-piż ta’ mard u tressqu quddiem Ġesù, dak li Klement ta’ Lixandra sejjaħ “it-tabib li jfejjaq l-infermità tal-bnedmin u jirbaħ ir-ruħ marida”.[10]Niżbaljaw jekk naħsbu li biex tidħol fid-dar ta’ Marija trid tkun “imfejjaq”, u għalhekk hemm min, għax konxju mill-mard tiegħu, partikularment dak spiritwali u morali, jibqa’ barra. Nerġa’ ntenni: is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu huwa “sptar” u “klinika” li għandu l-bibien tiegħu miftuħa biex ikebbes it-tama fil-qalb ta’ dawk kollha li jkunu tilfuha. Bħal kull sptar, dan is-Santwarju ma jagħlaq qatt. Hija xewqa tiegħi li jitwessa’ l-orarju tal-ftuħ ta’ dan is-Santwarju u jkunu ħinijiet li jirriflettu ż-żminjiet tal-lum. Marija, Saħħa tal-morda, itlob għalina.
[1] Expositio Evangelii secundum Lucam, 7,75.
[2] Enarrationes in Psalmos, 93,7.
[3] Homilia 1 super Psalmum, 37.
[4] Homilia in Leviticum, 8.
[5] Commentaria in Malachiam, PL 25.
[6] Ara Homiliam in Psalmos, 37.
[7] Messaġġ, 1 ta’ Diċembru 1965.
[8] Omelija, Santwarju ta’ Sumuleu-Ciuc, 1 ta’ Ġunju 2019.
[9] Nikol Ġ. Cauchi, Karmni Grima – ix-xebba li semgħet il-leħen tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, 26.
[10] Il pedagogo, 1,6,1.

Ritratti: Uffiċċju Komunikazzjoni Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta


Omelija tal-Isqof Teuma - 22.06.2021


Sunday, June 03, 2018

THE STATIONS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST - & - Meditation on the Stations of the Cross together with the Stations of the Eucharist

The Stations of the Holy Eucharist 

The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration in Hanceville, Alabama (formerly led by EWTN founder Mother Angelica), are strong promoters of this devotion and have developed beautiful meditations for each station. They explain the purpose of this devotion on their website.


The purpose of the Stations of the Eucharist is to help the faithful deepen both their understanding and appreciation of the Source and Summit of our faith: The Most Holy Eucharist, especially during 2005, THE YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST, and, for all ages. Through the whole of salvation history, God, our Father has prepared His people for the Gift of His Beloved Son, and also for the Gift of His Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist.  Throughout the Old Testament, the Eucharist was prefigured.  And in the New Testament, these shadows give way to Reality.
~Opening Prayer~
Lord, open my mind and heart to the treasures of Your Truth as revealed in the Doctrine of the Real Presence. Grant that my eyes may see through faith’s vision, the wonders of Your Love in the Most Holy Eucharist. As I meditate on the mystery of Your Hidden Presence, I entreat You to increase my faith, enkindle my hope, and deepen my love for You, my Eucharistic King. Amen.
At each Station of the Eucharist, pray:  O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.”
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind,
'You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.'
(Psalm 110:4)
Jesus, King of Peace, Your priesthood was foreshadowed by the priesthood of Melchizedek. Like him, You made an offering of bread and wine, but the bread and wine You offered to the Father was transubstantiated into Your own Flesh and Blood. You, Yourself, were both the Priest and the Victim. Plant within our hearts a deep respect and love for all priests. Following Abraham’s example when he sought the blessing of Melchizedek, grant us the humility ever to seek the blessing of Your ordained ministers, for it is from their hands that we are fed with the Food of Everlasting Life.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
“Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts
and the lintel of the houses in which they eat them… It is the Lord’s
Passover.  And when I see the blood, I will pass over you , and no
plague shall fall upon  you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.”
(Exodus 12:7, 11, 13)
Lord, the Chosen People of old would put the blood of the Passover lamb on  their doorposts.  Being people of the New Covenant, You give us Your very Blood to drink and thus protect us from all evil. At the Last Supper in the course of the Passover meal, You instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. You, Yourself, are the Lamb of Sacrifice, Who takes away the sins of the world. Increase our gratitude for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and grant that through the worthy reception of Holy Communion, we may be delivered, like the Israelites of old, from all slavery to sin.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

"Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Behold, I will
rain down bread from heaven for you."'
(Exodus 16:4)
Lord, Your Chosen People were sustained with manna for forty years in the desert. The Church, the new Israel, is now on pilgrimage to the Eternal Promised Land and Her members are sustained with the new Manna, the Most Holy Eucharist. Again, You have rained down Bread for Your Chosen People. Grant that all who eat of this new Manna may never die. Increase our hunger for the Eucharist, for without such Food it is difficult to persevere in the life of grace.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
“The glory of the Lord filled the House of God...Then Solomon said:
'The Lord has said that He would dwell in thick darkness. I have
 built thee an exalted house, a place for thee to dwell in for ever
—But will God dwell indeed with man on the earth?”
(2Chromcles 5:14; 6:1, 2, 18)
Lord, truly You were with Your Chosen People in the Old Testament. But Your Presence among us in the Most Blessed Sacrament far surpasses anything that Solomon would have even dared to imagine. Your glory fills every Temple, no matter how humble, so long as Your Sacramental Presence abides there.  Thank You for dwelling among men in the Most Blessed Sacrament to the consummation of the ages.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"And the angel of the Lord came again a second time, and touched him, and
 said, ‘Arise and eat, else the journey will journey will be too great for you.'
And he arose, and ate and drank, and went in strength of that  food
 for forty days and forty nights to Horeb the mount of God."
(1 Kings 19:1-8)
Lord, Your angel fed the Prophet Elijah and in this food we see a prefigurement of the Eucharist. As pilgrims traveling towards that Eternal Life which is the true Mount of God, we are in need of the strength Your Sacrament provides. Without this nourishment, we would never have the vigor to climb so steep a mountain, we would faint with weariness; we would die of hunger; for without You, Lord, we can do nothing!
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are little to be
among the clans of Judah,  from you shall come forth
 for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose origin
 is from of old,  from ancient days."
(Micah 5:2)
Lord, You are the Word made Flesh and You dwell among us to this very day. How fitting it is that You chose to be born in Bethlehem, "the House of Bread." Your Holy Mother wrapped You in swaddling bands and laid You in the manger, a feeding trough, for there was no room for You in the Inn. Even as a Babe, You revealed that You truly are the Bread of Life. Each Tabernacle is another Bethlehem for us. We find You there and welcome You with joy to the Inn of our hearts.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

Cana, place of Jesus' first miracle  18 Jan 2022

"'Jesus said to them, 'Fill the jars with water.'  And they filled them up to the
brim...the steward of the feast tasted the water now become wine...and said to him,
 'Every man serves the good wine first...but you have kept the good wine until now."'
(John 2:7,9,10)
Lord, in the Wedding Feast at Cana, we see Your power over the elements of nature as You turned water into wine in answer to Your Mother's request. This miracle is like ointment to our wounded faith, for possessing the power to change water into wine, You also possess the power to change wine into Your Blood. O Wonderful Reality! In this Your first public miracle, You are already enlarging Your disciples' hearts to accept the changing of wine into Your Precious Blood. Enlarge our hearts and turn the water of our unbelief into the wine of childlike faith!
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
“And taking the five loaves and two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed,
 and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to set before  the people,
 and he divided the two fish among them all. And they all ate and were
satisfied. And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men."
(Mark 6:41'-42, 44)
This miracle, Lord, among all of Your miracles is so markedly Eucharistic, as we see You say the blessing, break the bread, and distribute it through Your disciples to the multitude. Five loaves among five thousand men. This prefigures Your feeding (through the hands of Your priests) the countless faithful with the Bread of Life, the Most Holy Eucharist. So long as there is the Mass, there is the Eucharist, and the multitudes are fed. Not only do You feed us, but You satisfy us. Grant that we may always be satisfied with You alone.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life.
I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers ate manna in the
wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes
 down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die."
(John 6:41-50)
Lord, of all the foreshadowings given to us, Your Bread of Life discourse is the most explicit. The shadows were falling away as the reality of Holy Thursday approached. Your words assuage all doubts. Your words cannot deceive. When the eyes fail to see and the senses fail to fathom, faith listens to Your words and puts therein all trust. This discourse was not a parable — it was a glimpse into Your Heart, which could not bear to leave us orphans. My God, teach us to be grateful for so great a Gift!
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for  us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"And He took bread, and when He had given thanks He
broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is My Body."
(Luke 22:19)
Here we are, Lord, at the pinnacle of the Eucharistic mystery, on the very eve of Your Passion.  This Passover would not be like any other, for the Old Covenant was about to pass away. The New and everlasting Covenant was about to be instituted. O Blessed Fulfiller of Promises! With the Apostles, we listen to Your words. They are the words of a Friend, of a Brother, of a Priest. But most of all, they are the words of the Incarnate Word, the well-beloved Son of the Eternal Father. With what affectionate love did You say the sacred words of consecration, the very words that have echoed through the centuries from the lips of Your priests: 'This is My Body. This is My Blood."
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

“When He was at table with them, He took the bread and
blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were
 opened and they recognized Him; and He vanished out of their sight."
(Luke 24:30-31)
Lord, when You walked with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, You listened to all they had to say. Besieged by their own worries and disappointment, they did not recognize You as the One of Whom they spoke. They did not recognize You until "the Breaking of the Bread." Their eyes were then opened, but You had vanished from their sight. In the Holy Eucharist, though not visible to our bodily sight, we recognize You in "the Breaking of the Bread." As we listen in silent adoration, our hearts — like those of Your disciples — burn within us. And we repeat to You now the disciples’ plea and bid You to stay with us; for it is nearly evening. Stay with us, Lord, and may we always be with You.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray  for us!
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine.
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.
"Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory,
 for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and
His Bride has made herself ready.......
Blessed are those who are admitted to the
marriage supper of the Lamb."
(Revelation 19:7, 9)
Lord, in the Holy Eucharist, Your reign over the hearts of men has truly begun. Each Holy Communion can be compared to the marriage of the Lamb with the soul. Yet Your Presence is veiled and we look forward with blessed hope to that day when we shall see You as You are. We anticipate that day when You will say to us: Come blessed of My Father, enter into the joy of the Lord. In Holy Communion, You give us a foretaste of the joy that will be ours in the Kingdom. We ask that You continue to increase our desire for union with You at the Eternal Wedding Feast of Heaven.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us!
~Closing Prayer~
Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself to mankind, for sacrificing Yourself for our salvation, and for remaining with us in the Most Holy Eucharist. You are the Maker, the Fulfiller, and the Fulfillment of the Promise: "I am the Living Bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this Bread, he will live forever; and the Bread which I shall give for the life of the world is My Flesh." (John 6:51)  Make of me a true apostle of the Eucharist.  During my time of adoration, fill my heart with Your grace and light that I may shine with Your own radiance in the world and thus lead many souls to the Eucharistic Throne of Your Mercy. Deepen my understanding of the Sacrament of our Salvation, that I may courageously defend You, even to the shedding of my blood.
May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament
be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at
 every moment, in all the Tabernacles of the world, even
until the end of time.  Amen.


And From the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word:


The purpose of the Stations of the Holy Eucharist is to help the faithful deepen both their understanding and appreciation of the Source and Summit of our Faith: The Most Holy Eucharist. The original stations of the holy Eucharist are located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, AL.
The First Station
In the first station of the cross, Jesus is condemned to death. The high priest sends Jesus to Pilate because he cannot put someone to death. Jesus is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. He freely lays down His life for all people past, present, and future. Jesus is priest and victim.

In the first Eucharistic station we see the high priest Melchizedek make an offering of bread and wine to Abram. In the future, Jesus will take the substance of bread and wine and change it into His body and blood. We are able to receive the body and blood of Jesus every day if want. Jesus will give us the strength to take up our cross daily and follow Him into Heaven.

The Second Station
In the second station of the cross Jesus carries His cross. He submitted to be struck down and did not open His mouth. He was led to the slaughter, like a sheep that is dumb before the shearers.

In the second Eucharistic station we think of the Paschal lamb. The Israelite people are commanded by the Lord to offer a special sacrificial lamb for the Passover. Over a thousand years later, St. John the Baptist would proclaim, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Jesus is the sacrificial lamb. We are all able to eat His flesh and drink His blood at every Holy Mass.

The Third Station
In the third station Jesus falls the first time. We are all weak human beings. We will fall many times. Jesus shows us that we must get up. He will always give us the strength to get up.

In the third Eucharistic station God gives manna to the Israelite people after they fall. They complained against God and Moses because they had no food. This manna God gave them is a foreshadowing of the body and blood of Jesus that we receive in Holy Communion. Jesus gives us the strength to get up after we fall when we eat His flesh and blood.

The Fourth Station
In the fourth station Jesus meets His mother as He carries His cross. Mary carried Jesus in her womb for nine months. Jesus gave each one of us to Mary as her adopted children. She helped Jesus carry His cross and she will help each one of us carry our crosses to the very end.

In the fourth Eucharistic station we think about the temple built by Solomon. Jesus says, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” He is talking about His body the temple of God. When we receive Holy Communion Jesus dwells in us. Our bodies are temples of God. The Blessed Mother was the first person to hold Jesus in her body. Now we can be like our adopted mother and have Jesus dwelling in us when we receive Holy Communion.

The Fifth Station
In the fifth station Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus bear His cross. God does not need us, but we need God. Jesus let Simon help Him, but it was Jesus who was teaching Simon how to take up his cross and follow Him.

In the fifth Eucharistic station Elijah is fleeing for his Life. He gives us not caring if he is killed. An angel brings him hearth cakes and water. With this food he travels forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God. When we receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass we are given the strength to take up our cross and follow Jesus all the way to Heaven.
The Sixth Station
In the sixth station Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Jesus says when you do it to the least of my brothers you do it to me. We must be there to comfort and wipe away the tears of those who suffer.

In the sixth Eucharistic station we think of Bethlehem. It means the house of bread. The Blessed Mother wipes the face of baby Jesus. Mary shows us how to take care of Jesus. Jesus takes bread and wine and changes it into His body and blood. When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion we are in union with His passion, death, and resurrection. Jesus sacrificed Himself for us and showed us how to do the same.

The Seventh Station
In the seventh station Jesus falls the second time. He shows us how we must get up no matter how many times we fall.

In the seventh Eucharistic station Jesus changes water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. The husband and wife fail to have enough wine for all their guests. The Blessed Mother sees this and asked Jesus to help them. Jesus works His first miracle by changing water into wine. In every Holy Mass Jesus works a miracle. He changes wine and bread into His body and blood. Jesus gives us His flesh and blood to eat so we are able to get up and carry our cross after Him.

The Eighth Station
In the eighth station Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. Jesus told them do not weep for Him but weep for yourselves and your children. Jesus shows them His love by His comforting words.

In the eighth Eucharistic station we think of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. The people are hungry to Jesus multiples bread and fish. At every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Jesus multiplies Himself to feed all His children. Jesus is always there to comfort us in our time of need.

The Ninth Station
In the ninth station Jesus falls the third time. We will fall many times in our lives but we can get up with the help of Jesus.

In the ninth Eucharistic station we think of the bread of life discourse. You need to read John 6:25-71. Jesus said I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life on the world. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has life everlasting. Many of His disciples left. Jesus said to the twelve, will you also go away. He did not change His teaching about the Holy Eucharist even though it is hard to accept. When we eat His flesh and drink His blood we receive the strength to get up no matter how many times we fall.

The Tenth Station
In the tenth station Jesus is stripped of His garments. Jesus is God man and yet He freely allows Himself to be stripped. See the humility of Jesus.

In the tenth Eucharistic station we think of the Last Supper. At the Last Supper Jesus shows His twelve apostles how they are to be the servants of others. Jesus washes their feet and tells them they must do the same. Jesus then gives them His body and blood to eat and drink. He knows they cannot be the servants of others on their own strength.

The Eleventh Station
In the eleventh station Jesus is nailed to the cross. Two criminals were nailed with Him. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” God forgives us many times because we have a hard time seeing the truth.

In the eleventh Eucharistic station we think about the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jesus shows the two disciples how He must suffer, die and rise again using Old Testament scriptures. They did not come to understand until the breaking of the bread. The more time we spend adoring Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist. The more we will understand how much Jesus loves us, and how He loves to forgive us. Jesus knows how weak we are and He will strengthen us with His body and blood.

The Twelfth Station
In the twelfth station Jesus dies on the cross. Afterwards a soldier stabbed His side with a lance, and at once there was a flow of blood and water.

In the twelfth Eucharistic station we think about the marriage supper of the lamb. This is the hold sacrifice of the Mass. At Mass we have the representation of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus in an unbloody manner. Jesus died so we can live. We cannot live without food, therefore Jesus gives us His flesh to eat and blood to drink. When we go to the Holy Mass we receive what we need to die to self and rise a new person. When we receive the Eucharist we will have the strength to do the work of God.

The Thirteenth Station
In the thirteenth station Jesus is taken down from the cross. He is laid in His mother’s arms.

If they had a thirteenth Eucharistic station it would be the Blessed Mother receiving Holy Communion. Mary was always there for her son. Jesus the perfect son is always there for His mother. Mary held Jesus is her womb for nine months. After receiving Holy Communion she is able to hold Jesus in her body. Let us be like Mary and hold Jesus in our bodies. Remember our bodies are temples of God.

The Fourteenth Station
In the fourteenth station Jesus is laid in the tomb. Jesus is God man. His human nature can die but His divine nature cannot. Therefore God remained in the tomb three days and then rose from the dead.

If they had a fourteenth Eucharistic station it would be how Jesus is present in each tabernacle in every Catholic Church. We can go visit Jesus whenever we want. Jesus loves to be with you. I pray that you will grow in your love for Him and long to spend time in adoration.


Fr. Jonathan Meyer's Guide to the 14 Stations of the Eucharist - -

