blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: February 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

OCTOBER 15 - ST. TERESA OF AVILA ---- IN THE HANDS OF GOD - Tieghek Jien. Ghalik Jien Twelidt - Santa Tereza ta' Avila - Nada Te Turbe...ST TERESA CALENDAR

๐‘บ๐’•. ๐‘ป๐’†๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’‚'๐’” 7 ๐‘บ๐’•๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’†๐’” ๐’๐’‡ ๐‘บ๐’‘๐’Š๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’–๐’‚๐’ ๐‘ฎ๐’“๐’๐’˜๐’•๐’‰

9 Sept 2024 --- A brief summary of ๐’๐ญ. ๐“๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐š ๐—ผ๐Ÿ ๐€๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐š'๐ฌ ๐ˆ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐—ผ๐ซ ๐‚๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž & 4 Waters of prayer in connection with the Three Ages of the Spiritual Life, namely, the Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive.

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L-ORDNI TEREลปJAN ---  Intervista ma' Patri Juan De Bono ocd - 30 Jan 2021

Santa Teresa de Avila en levitaciรณn - Ntra. Sra. del Carmen Centro Mexico City

THE THIRD SPIRITUAL ALPHABET by Francisco de Osuna (c. 1492-c. 1540) Spanish Franciscan and mystic, wrote a series of maxims as a practical guide for recollection. These were arranged into a series of Spiritual Alphabets, this being the third.
 In the year 1527, a Spanish monk named Francisco de Osuna published a spiritual treasure called The Third Spiritual Alphabet.  -- THIS BOOK, which is little known today, was partially responsible for the Golden Age of Spanish mysticism, which produced such saints as Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. The book teaches a method of prayer called recogidos, which encourages the practice of recollection as a means of union with God. St. Teresa of Avila speaks of this book in her autobiography. She said it was given to her by her uncle when she was in her early 20’s, during a time when she was struggling with the spiritual life, and unsure if she should remain in the convent. She describes herself during this period of life as thinking “more about pleasures of sense and vanity than of my soul's profit.” It was the Third Spiritual Alphabet that changed her life. So impressed was she by the method of prayer, and the practical advice given in the book, that she “took it as her master”. She wrote “I was delighted with the book and determined to follow that way of prayer with all my might”. Within the space of only nine months, she began to experience passive and contemplative prayer, which detached her from creatures and filled her with a greater love of God. St. Teresa’s copy of The Third Spiritual Alphabet is preserved to this day in the Carmel of St. Joseph, in Avila ....... 

Francisco de Osuna (CWS)

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St. Teresa of Avila Prayer Material





Teresa wrote some beautiful poetry. Here is one that provides much fruit for contemplation ... 
I am Yours and born for You,
What do You want of me?

Majestic Sovereign, Unending wisdom,
Kindness pleasing to my soul;
God sublime, one Being Good,
Behold this one so vile.
Singing of her love to You:
What do You want of me?

Yours, You made me,
Yours, You saved me,
Yours, You endured me,
Yours, You called me,
Yours, You awaited me,
Yours, I did not stray.
What do You want of me?

Good Lord, what do You want of me?
What is this wretch to do?
What work is this,
This sinful slave to do?
Look at me, Sweet Love,
Sweet Love, look at me,
What do You want of me?

In Your hand I place my heart,
Body, life and soul,
Deep feelings and affections mine,
Spouse – Redeemer sweet,
Myself offered now to You,
What do You want of me?

Give me death, give me life,
Health or sickness,

Honour or shame,
War or swelling peace,
Weakness or full strength,
Yes, to these I say,
What do You want of me?

Give me wealth or want,
Delight or distress,
Happiness or gloominess,
Heaven or hell,
Sweet life, sun unveiled,
To You I give all.
What do You want of me?

Give me, if You will, prayer;
Or let me know dryness,
An abundance of devotion,
Or if not, then barrenness.
In You alone, Sovereign Majesty,
I find my peace,
What do You want of me?

Give me then wisdom.
Or for love, ignorance,
Years of abundance,
Or hunger and famine.
Darkness or sunlight,
Move me here or there:
What do You want of me?

If You want me to rest,
I desire it for love;
If to labour, I will die working:
Sweet Love say
Where, how and when.
What do You want of me?

Calvary or Tabor give me,
Desert or fruitful land;
As Job in suffering
Or John at Your breast;
Barren or fruited vine,
Whatever be Your will:
What do You want of me?

Be I Joseph chained
Or as Egypt’s governor,
David pained or exalted high,
Jonas drowned, or Jonas freed:
What do You want of me?

Silent or speaking,
Fruit bearing or barren,
My wounds shown by the Law,
Rejoicing in the tender Gospel;
Sorrowing or exulting.
You alone live in me:
What do You want of me?

Yours I am, for You I was born:
What do You want of me?

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St Teresa Calendar

27 April 1567: Superior General authorises Teresa to found other convents of the Reform
24 April 1614: Teresa is beatified by Paul V
19 April 1582: Foundation of Burgos
11 April 1568: Foundation of Malagon
7 April 1574: Teresa's Book of her Life is denounced to the Inquisition of Seville
6 April 1574: Foundation of Pastrana is abandoned.  Nuns move to Seville.
4 April 1515: Teresa is baptized
3 April 1582: First friars leave from Lisbon for missions in the Congo
28 March 1515: Teresa de Cepeda de Ahumada is born in Avila
26 March 1580: Teresa arrives in Toledo seriously ill
19 March 1574: Foundation of Segovia
16 March 1576: Inquisitors from Seville send their report on Teresa to the tribunal at Madrid
15 March 1563: Teresa moves to St Joseph's, Avila
12 March 1622: Teresa is canonized by Gregory XV
5 March 1581: Constitutions (Alcala) of the nuns are approved
4 March 1581: Padre Gracian is elected Provincial.
3 March 1581: Provincial Chapter at Alcala opens
24 Feb 1575: Foundation of Beas de Segura
21 Feb 1580: Foundation of Villanueva de la jara
18 Feb 1567: Teresa meets Superior General Juan Bautista Rubeo
16 Feb 1566; Early in this year, Fray Alonso Maldonado visits St Joseph's, Avila
12 Feb 1575: Teresa's Book of Her Life is confiscated by the Inquisition.
8 Feb 1583: The Way of Perfection is published in Lisbon
7 Feb 1562: Foundation of St Joseph's, Avila is approved by Rome.
3 Feb 1569: Valladolid nuns move to a new house.
26 Jan 1582: Teresa arrives in Burgos
25 Jan 1571: Foundation of Alba de Tormes
20 Jan 1546: Teresa's brother, Antonio dies in America
20 Jan 1582: Foundation of Granada
16 Jan 1556: Philip II becomes King of Spain
7 Jan 1566: PiusV is elected Pope
2 Jan 1581: Teresa leaves Avila for Burgos
1 Jan1576: Foundation of Caravaca by Ana de San Alberto
29 Dec 1580: Foundation of Palencia
28 Dec 1528: Teresa's mother, Donna Beatriz Y Ahumada, dies at the end of this year
26 Dec 1581: Teresa's father, Don Alonso de Sanchez de Cepeda, dies
25 Dec 1561: Terea goes to stay with Donna Luisa de la Cerda in Toledo
24 Dec 1577: Teresa breaks her arm in a fall
22 Dec 1565: Towards end of this year, Teresa finishes the second version of The Book of Her Life
14 Dec 1591: John of the Cross dies at Ubeda
13 Dec 1545: Opening of the Council of Trent
8 Dec 1579: The Malagon community move into a new house.
6 Dec 1562: Superior General Nicolas Audet, dies
4 Dec 1563: Closing of the Council of Trent
4 Dec 1577: Teresa pleads with Philip II to intervene for the release of John of the Cross.
3 Dec 1577: John of the Cross is abducted
29 Nov 1577: Teresa finishes The Interior Castle
28 Nov 1568: Foundation of the friars at Duruelo
28 Nov 1581: Last meeting of Teresa and John of the Cross
18 Nov 1572: Teresa receives the grace of spiritual marriage.
14 Nov 1576: Teresa completes first 27 chapters of The Foundations.
12 Nov 1567: During this year, Teresa completes the second (Valladolid) version of the Way of Perfection.
5 Nov 1540: Teresa's brothers, Lorenzo, Jeronimo and Pedro leave for America
3 Nov 1536: Teresa makes her profession in the convent of the Incarnation, Avila
2 Nov 1536: Teresa receives the Carmelite habit in the convent of the Incarnation
2 Nov 1535: Teresa enters the convent of the Incarnation, Avila
1 Nov 1570: Foundation of Salamanca
21 Oct 1564: First profession of four novices at St Joseph's, Avila
18 Oct 1562: St Peter of Alcantara dies
15 Oct - Start of the Centenary Year
14 Oct 1571: Teresa is appointed Prioress of the Convent of the Incarnation, Avila
9 Oct 1578: Second Chapter at Almodovar opens
6 Oct 1574: Teresa finishes her term as Prioress of the Incarnation, Avila
4 Oct 1582: Teresa dies at Alba de Tormes
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The Proper Gospel on the Feast:

Jn 15:1-8 -- "I am the vine, you are the branches - Jiena d-dielja, intom il-friegฤงi."

ฤ w 15, 1-8

Qari mill-Evanฤกelju skont San ฤ wann

F’dak iลผ-ลผmien, ฤ esรน qal lid-dixxipli tiegฤงu: [ฤ w:15:1] "Jiena d-dielja vera u Missieri l-bidwi. [ฤ w:15:2] Kull fergฤงa fija li ma tagฤงmilx frott hu jneฤงฤงiha; u kull waฤงda li tagฤงmel il-frott jiลผborha u jnaddafha, biex tagฤงmel frott aktar. [ฤ w:15:3] Intom ฤกa ndaf minฤงabba  l-kelma li gฤงedtilkom. [ฤ w:15:4] Ibqgฤงu fija, u jiena nibqa' fikom. Kif il-fergฤงa ma tistax tagฤงmel frott minnha nfisha jekk ma tibqax fid-dielja, hekk anqas intom jekk ma tibqgฤงux fija.

[ฤ w:15:5] Jiena d-dielja, intom il-friegฤงi. Min jibqa' fija u jiena fih, dan jagฤงmel ฤงafna frott; gฤงax mingฤงajri ma tistgฤงu tagฤงmlu xejn. [ฤ w:15:6] Jekk wieฤงed ma jibqax fija, jintrema barra bฤงal fergฤงa, u jinxef; mbagฤงad,  jiฤกbruhom u jixฤงtuhom fin-nar u jinฤงarqu. [ฤ w:15:7] Jekk tibqgฤงu fija u kliemi jibqa' fikom, itolbu kull ma tridu, u dan ikun mogฤงti lilkom.. [ฤ w:15:8] B’dan jissebbaฤง Missieri, billi tagฤงmlu ฤงafna frott, u hekk tkunu dixxipli tiegฤงi”.

Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
R/. Tifฤงir lilek Kristu


 St Teresa of Avila - St Teresa de Jesus --- Some Astonishing Moments



 Verฤกni u duttur tal-Knisja: 1515 – 1582

 Santa Teresa twieldet f’Avila, Spanja, fit-28 ta’ Marzu, 1515, gฤงand familja sinjura. Telgฤงet ta’ natural ฤงelu u vivaฤ‹i.
 Meta kellha seba’ snin, hi u ฤงuha iลผgฤงar minnha, wara li qraw xi ฤงajjiet ta’ qaddisin martri, ฤกiethom f’moฤงฤงhom li jmorru gฤงall-Missjoni biex imutu martri, iลผda ma laฤงqux tbiegฤงdu wisq mid-dar meta ltaqgฤงu ma’ zijuhom u ฤงadhom lura gฤงand ommhom.
 Meta kellha 12-il sena, ommha mietet. Tliet snin wara, oฤงta l-kbira li kienet tieฤงu ฤงsieb id-dar iลผลผewฤกet, u l-missier daฤงฤงal lil Tereลผa mas-sorijiet Agostinjani. Wara sena u nofs, mardet, u kellha tmur lura lejn id-dar. F’dawn is-snin kienet bierda ฤงafna fir-reliฤกjon. Imbagฤงad f’daqqa waฤงdafl-1535 iddeฤ‹idiet li tidฤงol Soru mal-Karmelitani li kienu f’Avila. Missierha gฤงall-ewwel ma ridhiex, iลผda mbagฤงad ฤ‹eda.
 Sena wara li daฤงlet Soru, ipprofessat. Imbagฤงad ฤกie fuqha ลผmien twil ta’ mard, u ta’ nixfa fil-ฤงajja spiritwali.
 Meta missierha kien marid, hi marret iddur bih. Il-mewt tiegฤงu ฤกabet bidla ฤกo fiha gฤงax marret tqerr gฤงand il-konfessur tiegฤงu u dan ordnalha terฤกa tibda titlob. Issa kienet qrib l-erbgฤงin.
 Imbagฤงad beda jkollha esperjenzi spiritwali li nafu bihom gฤงax hi niลผลผlithom b’mod ฤ‹ar u b’sena l-iktar kbira f’kotba li llum huma meqjusa bฤงala klassiฤ‹i spiritwali: l-”Awtobiografija”, ”Mixja tal-Perfezzjoni”, u ”Il-Kastell ฤ ewwieni”.
Fl-1560 ฤกieha l-ฤงsieb li tirriforma l-Ordni tagฤงha, u ฤกฤกedded l-awsterita’ u d-dixxiplina ta’ qabel, u fl-1562, bil-gฤงajnuna ta’ San Pietru ta’ Alkantara, minkejja bosta taฤงbit u tfixkil, rat l-ewwel erba’ Sorijiet Karmelitani Skalzi jilbsu l-libsa l-ฤกdida fil-Monasteru l-ฤกdid ta’ San Jose’, f’Avila. Sitt xhur wara, meta ฤกieha l-permess, marret tgฤงix magฤงhom. Xahar wara, ฤกiet magฤงลผula biex tkun is-Superjura.
 Wara xi snin ta’ ฤงajja kwieta, bdiet tiftaฤง kunventi oฤงra mxerrdin ma’ Spanja. Fl-1568 bil-gฤงajnuna ta’ San ฤ wann tas-Salib waqqfet l-ewwel monasteru tal-Patrijiet. B’kollox hi fetฤงet 17-il kunvent tas-Sorijiet u 15 tal-Patrijiet.
 Fl-aฤงฤงar vjaฤกฤก tagฤงha fl-1582, wara li fetฤงet monasteru f’Burgos, telqet lejn Alba de Tormes. Meta waslet fl-20 ta’ Settembru, kienet gฤงajjiena ฤงafna u marida, inxteฤงtet fis-sodda, u mietet ftit ฤกranet wara, fl-4 ta’ Ottubru.
 Fl-1622, il-Papa Girgor XV ikkanonizzaha, u fl-1970, il-Papa Pawlu VI ipproklamaha Duttur tal-Knisja flimkien ma’ S. Katerina ta’ Siena.

”Meta titqarben agฤงlaq l-gฤงajnejn tal-ฤกisem tiegฤงek u iftaฤง l-gฤงajnejn ta’ ruฤงek. Imbagฤงad ara u edha b’ฤ esรน fiฤ‹-ฤ‹entru ta’ qalbek.” (Santa Tereลผa ta’ Avila)


St. Teresa of Avila



The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel



Thursday, February 19, 2015

Exodus 20:1-17 --- The Ten Commandments A Closer Look - Fr. Tito --- & --- IL-KMANDAMENTI T'ALLA

Exodus 20:1-17

 1. Jiena Alla Sidek: Ma jkollokx Alla ieฤงor gฤงajri.
 2. La ssemmix l-isem t’Alla fil-batal.
 3. ฤฆares il-ฤฆdud u l- btajjel kollha.
 4. Weฤกฤกaฤง lil missierek u ‘l ommok.
 5. La toqtolx.
 6. La tiลผnix.
 7. La tisraqx. 
 8. La tixhidx fil-falz.
 9. La tixtieqx nisa ta’ l-oฤงrajn.
10. La  tixtieqx ฤงwejjeฤก ta’ l-oฤงrajn.
Il-Kompendju tal-Knisja Kattolika. (bil-Malti) - Laikos
It-Tieni Sezzjoni - L-GฤฆAXAR KMANDAMENTI - paฤกna 132-162

Mill-Kmandamenti gฤงall-Imฤงabba ta' ฤ esu' Parti1 (27/10/09) minn Fr.Hayden Williams OFM Cap

Mill-Kmandamenti gฤงall-Imฤงabba ta' ฤ esu' Parti2 (27/10/09) minn Fr.Hayden Williams OFM Cap

Mill-Kmandamenti gฤงall-Imฤงabba ta' ฤ esu' Parti3 (27/10/09) minn Fr.Hayden Williams OFM Cap


The Ten Commandments -

  1. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me.
  2. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.
  4. Honour your father and your mother.
  5. You shall not kill.
  6. You shall not commit adultery.
  7. You shall not steal.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
  9. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's goods.


Fr Elija (Elias) Vella OFM Conv., Exorcist --- Deliverance from the evil one --- & --- Insistent Prayer --- Why Suffering , Fr Robert Spitzer S.J., Ph.D.

CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE 2006 - Fr Elija (Elias) Vella OFM Conv., Exorcist ...

"Discouragement comes always from the evil one"


" Renounce to the evil one...Do it after Holy Communion, when you are full of JESUS

Deliverance from the evil one
The video below is without the interpreter's translation. THE ORIGINAL VIDEO IS --- Oslobodenie od Zlรฉho  -


CCR Melbourne - Fr Elias Vella - Insistent Prayer   

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PRAYERS by Fr Elija Vella OFM Conv.

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And also...from Fr Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.


Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering?

a) We’re not marionettes and

b) This earth – for our own greater good – is not a pleasure bubble floating in space.

Mk 4:35-41 -- Jesus Calms the Storm - ฤ esรน jsikket it-tempesta

ฤ esรน jsikket it-tempesta
(Mt 8, 18, 23-27 ; Lq 8, 22-25)

[Mk:4:35] Dakinhar, xฤงin sar filgฤงaxija qalilhom: "Ejjew naqsmu  gฤงax-xatt l-ieฤงor." [Mk:4:36] ฤฆallew in-nies, u ฤงaduh magฤงhom kif kien fid-dgฤงajsa; u marru miegฤงu dgฤงajjes oฤงra. [Mk:4:37] U qam riefnu kbir, u l-mewฤก beda tiela' gฤงal ฤกod-dgฤงajsa, hekk li kienet ฤกa bdiet timtela  bl-ilma. [Mk:4:38] Hu kien fil-poppa, rieqed fuq imฤงadda. Qajjmuh u qalulu: "Mgฤงallem, dan qisu m'hu xejn gฤงalik li aฤงna se nintilfu?" [Mk:4:39]  Mbagฤงad qam, ordna lir-riฤง u qal lill-baฤงar: "Iskot! Biลผลผejjed!" U r-riฤง waqaf u waqgฤงet kalma kbira.
[Mk:4:40]  U qalilhom: "Dal-biลผa' kollu gฤงaliex? Mela ma gฤงandkomx fidi?" [Mk:4:41]  U qabadhom biลผa' kbir, u bdew jgฤงidu lil xulxin: "Dan min hu, mela, biex saฤงansitra r-riฤง u l-baฤงar jisimgฤงu minnu?"

