Jn 15:9 11 -- Remain in my love - Ibqgħu fi mħabbti, biex il-ferħ tagħkom ikun sħiħ.
Jn 15:12-17 -- "New Commandment, love each other"- "Kmandament ġdid, ħobbu lil xulxin"
Jn 15:18-21 -- The World Hates the Disciples - Id-dinja tobgħodkom
Jn 16:5-11 -- The work of the Holy Spirit - Il-Ħidma ta' l-Ispirtu s-Santu
Jn 16:12-15 -- The work of the Holy Spirit - il-Ħidma ta' l-Ispirtu s-Santu
Jn 16:20-23a -- The Disciples' Grief Will Turn to Joy - In-niket tagħkom għad jitbiddel f'hena
Pope's Mass: The Joy of Hope
Jn 16:23b-28 -- "...ask my Father in my name..." - "...titolbu lil Missieri f'ismi jagħtihulkom..."
Mt 28:16-20 -- The Great Commission - Ġesù jagħti l-missjoni lill-appostli
Jesus, the risen Lord, still sent His disciples to preach the TRUTH, even though some of the chosen eleven - who experienced at first hand, His humility, His teachings, His miracles, His compassion, His forgiveness, His patience, His power, His perseverance, His love, His crucifixion, His death, His resurrection - still doubted !...BUT JESUS STILL SENT THEM...AND HE IS STILL SENDING US...to fill others with His Joy in the knowledge of THE TRUTH ! He is with us till the end of time !
Joy is in Our Hearts (Sara Groves)
full of fear and troubled thoughts
for good reason, we carried heavy hearts
it is good to come together
in our friendship to remember
all the reasons hope is in our hearts
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
now with patience in our suffering
perseverance in our prayers
with good reason this hope is in our hearts
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
oh we saw the face of Angels
many good things well secured
for good reason this joy is in our hearts
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
hallelujah hallelujah
Christ our joy and strength
for good reason joy is in our hearts
Hillsong - Hear our praises