blank'/> SHARING THE REAL TRUTH: 11/16/12

Friday, November 16, 2012

Purgatory Pay Now or Pay Later (Homily)

Dedication of Rosary Path and Stations of the Cross

The dedication of the new Rosary Path and outdoor Stations of the Cross at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN. This is the culmination of much hard work and sacrifice on the part of many devoted souls. Glory be to God.


November 13 - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini --- Santa Francesca Saveria Cabrini - 13 ta' Novembru

2024 --- Cabrini | The First 19 Minutes | Angel Studios

Why Cabrini Is A Must See | The Lila Rose Podcast E98

St. Frances Cabrini

75th Anniversary of Mother Cabrini's Canonization - English

Santa Francesca Saveria Cabrini - 13 ta' Novembru

Homily: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
 'When you're corrected, do not justify yourself, remain silent and practise virtue whether you are right or wrong, otherwise you may dream of perfection but never attain it..........'


41 photos of St Therese of Lisieaux - the Little Flower -- Santa Tereza tal-Bambin Ġesu' - 'The Little Flower'

LINDA SCHUBERT - METHODS OF PRAYERS..... Siegħa mal-Mulej - Mod ta' Talb li Jbiddillek Ħajtek

...and in Maltese


Litany of Linda Schubert from Miracle Hour

MIRACLE HOUR by Linda Schubert


Linda Schubert is praying for you  




Linda Schubert - True Confessions -
